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Tough new crackdown on alcohol promotions in Thailand


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Honestly... What the <deleted>! As a bar owner, if they actually enforce these laws, I will have to throw out all of my current stock. No warnings and ingredient labels on old stock, so they won't be allowed. Nevermind bar owners, think about warehouses also. Ridiculous!

After a <deleted> terrible current year for the tourism industry due to political problems, they are going to turn away many tourists for next year. Do you want to come to a Thailand where ALL drinking must stop at midnight? Not just sales, ALL drinking in bars. I'm fuming with this decision.

I am a huge supporter of the coup and all the good that it has done/is doing for Thailand. When they say they want to encourage tourism, and then they come up with stupid ass decisions to discourage tourism it makes me really angry. It's like they don't understand what brings people to Thailand.

It feels like the leadership of the country doesn't communicate with all of the other parts of the government. For instance, tour guides reported Russian tour agents to the government and this was dismissed because it was decided that these Russian tour guides provide a good service for tourists. The next day they are talking about inspecting all tour agencies to make sure they are in compliance with all laws. It just makes me shake my head. The same goes for immigration crackdowns and then loosening because it was a bad decision. Please can we just understand that this crackdown is a bad decision before they implement it? Please. Please Please.

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Increase the tax on alcohol instead of making life hard for responsible enjoyers of it. Just the rule about not being able to buy alcohol certain times of the day: Utter nonsense. And now I'm at it: What's up with the blurring of weapons, cigarettes and alcohol in movies? Don't they realise it EMPHASIZES these things?

Man, oh man. Backwards, conservative thinking.

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The next crackdown will be on moonshine, criminal pepole will make money and the goverment will loose.

So that's Alcohol, Drugs , Visa's , overstayers and street vendors so far. Whats next ? a crackdown on the Obese and hard of hearing ?

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While the government makes 70 billion baht income per year from alcohol tax, the cost to the government is upwards of 150 billion baht."

thats all i wanted to know....as usual the prohibition comes when the tax revenue is under the cost of the effect of the product sold ......exactly like for tobaco.

so now that we can not smoke and we can not drink anymore ,when is going to be prohibited all the garbages food sold all over thailand and the world to everybody mostly to the poor,,,,,because if alcool kill , mac donald and similar, palm oil , all cheap drinks made with sugar and aditives only .......etc etc ....are making the population so obese that allready the health department in thailand told many times the authority that all these consumers will have serious health problem terminating in an hospital one day or another.

my question and my critic is :

why instead all these prohibition today, the people in charge did not make strong warning trough education before?

why they didnt and obligate today the manufactures to give us natural, ecological and healthy things to eat ?

because here or overthere , it doesnt matter where they dont really care of the people....they only care of the money they can make.


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Even Adolf Hitler wouldn't have made such useless and hypocritical rules. Probably put together by adult milk drinkers with their wet diapers still on!! But then again, beer has become almost too expensive to buy now. Better off in Cambodia or Laos but then many of us have that other problem again.... wait I'm thinking.... oh yes, your visa, almost forget there are also new rules now!!!! Thailand, the land of change!!

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Same same different year. Have not seen this reported anywhere else. Thete will still be people serving beer. Bars in most places close at 12pm. These have been the laws as I see it for a long time. The logos wete vovered up before. The selling of alcohol between 2pm and 5 pm is banned. But we all know you can buy it. This is not a crackdown. Maybe just a little bit of do as you are told in Chiang Mai

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Maybe Chiang Mai is the test bed and after a few weeks or months they will switch back to normal business. If it goes well ... look out Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket and the rest of Thailand.

Alcohol drinking is out of control in this country and causes many problems. There however has to be a better way to control without damaging the tourist industry.

Gogo bars and other adult entertainment is not far behind I am afraid.

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I really don't think this will last or come intro much of an effect. I remember going to the airport after this last coup has implemented a curfew. I asked the taxi driver(who was not supposed it be working but was) if he knew of any bars open during curfew. We found one and drank and are and then went to a disco that was open too.

Let's just take this with a grain of salt...

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I'm going to hang fire before assuming that this is the end of the story. The reported policy would be in accord with moral sentiment in high places, but almost certainly not with the advice coming from government economists. However, there do seem to be changes afoot and my sense is that the interests of westerners are not high on current political agendas. Compulsory health insurance for foreigners is my guess for another future policy. I will miss 'sao BG' if the rumour is true. The thing to realise is that Thailand is quintessentially a country of network politics, factions, alliances and patronage. Even with the junta in charge there is more than one faction and more than one view on policy.

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