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What can you do with 2 Million Baht?

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Assuming the money is to be used as 'mad money', the first thing I would do is open a bank account and deposit 800,000 baht so I no longer needed to worry about seasoning my retirement money for immigration. I would also put into my will, that the account goes to my GF when I die.

As for the remaining 1.2M, I would buy things I need, such as nice furnishings for my condo (or a condo, if the OP doesn't already own one). With the remainder, I would travel and enjoy traveling around Thailand and SE Asia with my GF.

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easy, send my daughter an airline ticket for a thai holiday and show her a wow of a time then take my wife and her daughter back to Australia with her and spend more time together there, Can never have too much family time but would put some away for ron......

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Open four UOB three year fixed rate deposit accounts at 3.25%, then get back to living your life as you were before. If you really need some money over the next three years, cash in one of the deposits.

3.25% , what time frame do you have to fix the account for?



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Open four UOB three year fixed rate deposit accounts at 3.25%, then get back to living your life as you were before. If you really need some money over the next three years, cash in one of the deposits.

3.25% , what time frame do you have to fix the account for?



Er, um, 3 years!laugh.png

The rate is fixed for three years and the bank is obliged to hold that rate for three years, but you can withdraw at any time, with the loss of all interest, except the normal savings rate of interest, 0.75% or so. FWIW I have four such accounts as a safety, it's not difficult to calculate the loss of interest you might incur if rates go up. The longer you hold the account when rates are low, the more likely you are to win over the three year term, it's not a bad safety net.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Open four UOB three year fixed rate deposit accounts at 3.25%, then get back to living your life as you were before. If you really need some money over the next three years, cash in one of the deposits.

3.25% , what time frame do you have to fix the account for?



Er, um, 3 years!laugh.png alt=laugh.png>

The rate is fixed for three years and the bank is obliged to hold that rate for three years, but you can withdraw at any time, with the loss of all interest, except the normal savings rate of interest, 0.75% or so. FWIW I have four such accounts as a safety, it's not difficult to calculate the loss of interest you might incur if rates go up. The longer you hold the account when rates are low, the more likely you are to win over the three year term, it's not a bad safety net.

ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HC.png obs...a bit quick reading...anyway Thanks.

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The OP obviously doesn't know that US$60,000 is chicken feed to posters on here. Not even worth investing.

yes it is (to use USA term) chump change,why bother? Is probably only 1 years expenses for most of us..why blow it only to be a paupers hoes again?

Wakey wakey hands of snakey and come back and ask when you have 10x the amount

only they will probably still have a go at you then.haha

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