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Is the Chiang Rai forum dying?


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A good post Scea, practical and positive.

When I talk about forums, I am talking about this Chiang Rai forum. Perhaps the answer is to merge it with the Chiang Mai forum and give it a fresh start?

I might be wrong, but I recall being told that there is only one person who is not welcome at the other forum, and it isn't you. I suspect you would get a warm welcome over there. It does have zero tolerance for cleverly worded "wordsmith" type comments that are designed to cause offence but superficially comply to the rules.

It's a policy I would like to see here.

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I have begged, pleaded and cajoled in an effort to get people to raise their game and make a positive contribution to the forum but all I get back, from certain circles, is that I am a bad guy. I have always said there is room for everyone and simply ask that people lead by example. Post the kind of material you would like to read, it is that simple. This personal vendetta stuff is silly and paints everyone with an unflattering brush.

Every time I think things are running smoothly and I could take a backseat, spending more time on my other interests, someone comes along and stirs things up again. I think allowing bullies to succeed, sets a bad precedent so I will stick around until things improve. The “lets hate VF” campaign simply isn’t going to work.
I agree with Scea that this has gone on long enough.
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