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Koh Tao murders: Father swears his son is innocent


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Father swears his son is innocent

Eleven Media, Mizzima
The Nation

British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent meets yesterday with National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission member Supinya Klangnarong at NBTC headquarters.

BANGKOK: -- The father of a Myanmar national accused of killing two Britons on Koh Tao has insisted that this son, Win Zaw Htun, is innocent. "My son isn't an aggressive person and has good morals," he said.

He would never commit such a violent act. Plus, the British man [he allegedly killed] is bigger than my son," Tun Tun Htaik was quoted as saying by Myanmar's Eleven Media.

The families of the two Myanmar nationals accused of killing David Miller and Hannah Witheridge have arrived in Thailand with the help of the Myanmar government, Mizzima newspaper reported.

Ko Tun Tun Htike and his wife, parents of the second suspect Zaw Lin Oo, arrived in Thailand on Sunday, the paper reported. The Myanmar embassy in Thailand will look after the families, Htoo Chit, chairman of the Foundation for Education and Development, said.

Tun Tun Htike and May Thein, parents of 21-year-old Win Zaw, and Phyu Shwe Nu and Thein Shwe Aung, the mother and uncle of Zaw Lin, 21, would remain in Thailand for about a month.

Htoo Chit said NGOs wanted to help the men because they believed in their innocence.

"After visiting Thailand to look into the case, we can tell you clearly that the two young men are not the killers. We can say that they are not guilty as accused," Htoo Chit said.

Separately, British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent yesterday met with National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission member Supinya Klangnarong.

After the meeting, Kent said media freedom came with responsibilities, adding that it was important for the media to observe professional ethics. However, he said, he did not mean to tell the Thai media how to do their job. "Press freedom is necessary but it must respect a persons' rights," he said.

Cooperation is being sought with the NBTC for future coverage of the case that is balanced and free from the violation of personal rights and does not affect the feelings of the victim's relatives, he said. "I have come as a representative of British people to tell of an issue new [to the Thai media] regarding the violation of personal rights. I have met NBTC to seek cooperation. This should be the best [solution] and, hopefully, the Thai media would agree," he added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Father-swears-his-son-is-innocent-30245635.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-17

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One dirty, rich family protecting it's son's murderous acts & in effect teaching their son that murder is ok is destroying a perfectly good & morally intact family.

nothing for him to worry about as yesterdays statement say's ITS NOW BEEN FIXED.wai.gif

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Mark Kent ? who the <deleted> is he, oh the British Ambassador another soft <deleted> like D Cameron Mr yesterdays man both talk the talk but CANNOT walk the walk passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.giviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Well said! Typical pussy footing British Government!....Mustn't upset the foreignerrolleyes.gif

Cameron? What has done? More interested in taking care he's resident foreigners !

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We need a new British Ambassador . . . one with balls.

Oh, and a British Government with balls too.

So far, Mr Kent has been pathetic, and his public strong condemnation of the Thai Govt for deliberately misquoting him badly was heard loud and clear. Not.

Naturally if we have to be told anything it will be the usual diplomatic guff that it's all going on behind the scenes as if anyone would believe that.

If the Thais have been warned about making unauthorised comments it doesn't seen to have done any good and now they're at it in Milan.

Yes, walk softly but carry a big stick and in Kent's case time to start using it.

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Well if the dirty rich family's son is truly the murderous SOB in this case then, regardless of the outcome of the current criminal case, they can be the subject of a wrongful death civil suit under Thai Civil Code statutes.

No use filing a civil suit against someone who is not in a position to be 'bound to make compensation' for a wrongful act.

That is correct. The victims' family may sue for damages in the civil court, regardless of the outcome of this show trial. They can pursue their own investigation.

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?

Hasn't anyone seen a young, small framed Burmese after a session on 1-2-call (this concoction of Kratom Leaf, powder from flourescent tubes, sansom, M150). That packs a wild punch and gives them phenomenal strength and destroys their ability to think straight. I witnessed it several times in my restaurant, even the most gentile of my staff. Similar effects from the Ya Ba. I wouldn't hang my hat on the fact they were 'too small' to do it.

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