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Tt&t Finally 'fesses Up

Maejo Man

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After two days of agonisingly slow internet speed I finally called TT&T in Bangkok to find out when the problem would be cleared.

Three friends called me today asking if I could help them with their internet speed, naturally I said there was nothing I could do.

I spoke to the manager there, and he informed me that they are currently expanding their infrastructure to cope with the increasing demand, and that things would not improve till next week! He also said, that as I was not happy, and not getting the speed that I was paying for, I could apply to the TT&T office in Chiangmai for a partial refund on my monthly rate!!

I would suggest that all you TT&T'ers out there get in for a rebate next week :o

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Meajo man

you are complaining about TT&T giving you a slow internet connection.

I have been waiting in the sticks for 3 YEARS for any sort of connection from TT&T.

I called their contact number last week and all they could offer was go back to the office in Khampaeng Phet and re-apply.

I use AIS and a GPRS connection and that is not as good as it could be either.

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Yeah, TT&T has been DREADFULLY slow this week (I'm on Maxnet4Life 512/256, which has been noticeably bad Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat). I certainly would be interested to hear any further information that you're able to get from them. I'll be paying a trip to their office on Monday to discuss.

Interestingly, TT&T do appear to making upgrades to their International bandwidth (rightly so, it's small compared to other ISPs!)

2006-07-01 upgrade:from 200Mbps to 245Mbps of TT&T to IIG

2006-04-01 upgrade:from 155Mbps to 200Mbps of TT&T to IIG

2006-01-01 upgrade:from 65Mbps to 155Mbps of TT&T to IIG

You can see for yourself @ http://iir.ngi.nectec.or.th/internet/map/firstpage.html

As for the connection(s) between Chiang Mai and Bangkok, anyone know?

billd766 - have you tried switching to DTAC for your GPRS connection? I found AIS to be pants, and my house isn't far from the centre of town!!



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I'm a new TOT ADSL cutomer with download speeds lately of never more than 8 kbps. I'm on a new connection supposedly, so I'm hoping to get some faster download speeds, when? As it is now, my previous dial-up with Loxley seems like it was great, but it was terrible, too. :o

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Build it and they will come...

I think that's from "A Field of Dreams".

Applies to freeways and the internet, imho.

From 2002 to 2006 Thailand has increased it's internet bandwidth in/out of the country 10 fold.(I think)..

The better and cheaper it gets, the more people want it.

I have ADSL from TT&T... sometimes great, sometimes sucks...

I've called many times to try and find out when things will get better and occassionally can get a techie that can say something like "CAT expanding bandwidth... better next month".

I came from the U.S. and had a small ISP who always provided more bandwidth than his customers needed... Capitalism at its best.

Here in Thailand we are at the mercy of a monopolistic(?) goverment owned system, which appears to be stuggling with bottlenecks in the system and my attempts to find out exactly where they are and when they will be improved has not been fruitful.

I think letting your provider know, in a polite way, that you are not happy with the service is all that can be done... I urge everyone to express their dissatisfaction often believing that the 'squeaky wheel gets the grease'...

And I know that this is Thailand and Thais are conditioned to endure rather than complain, but if 'they' don't know they're not providing 'good' service, there will be less motivation to improve.

Again, let me stress for the newbies, I think politely expressing your discontent is likely to get better results than yelling and screaming at someone who probably doesn't know the difference between a fiber optic cable and a coaxial cable.


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I went and have a (polite) word with TT&T today, I didn't understand everything that they told me as the lady was speaking Thai pretty fast, but from what I could make out, they are upgrading DSLAMs across Chiang Mai, some of which are due to be complete on the 3rd of August.

Sometimes I wish CAT and the ISPs would understand these two simple words: 'capacity planning'. I understand they're trying to get best bang for their baht, but at the expense of providing an unreliable service.

Could you imagine if the water flowed less freely because the water company hadn't planned its capacity?

Anyway, I know I'm barking up the wrong tree, I shall try and remain jai yen yen about the whole thing :-)



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Well, after 2 months of abysmal service, my TT&T Maxnet is flying tonight. I'm getting about 1/2 the speed I'm paying for, but it's about 10 times faster than it's been. I hope it continues.

My speed. TT&T Maxnet out here at San Kampaeng this morning, perhaps my neighbours are still asleep, or the people down the rd have moved there computer to the 2nd floor..... :o


which means you can download at 38.5 KB/sec. from our servers.

28.8 kbps dial-up

33.6 kbps dial-up

53.3 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

308 kbps YOU

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

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