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Phuket marine chief threatens jet-ski ban


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“We have already set zones for jet-skis at the beaches. There are 286 jet-skis in total operating on the island, most of which [about 90 per cent] belonging to local villagers, not big companies,” he added.

And I'm a secretive multi-billionaire. Life the beach vendors, if these were just villagers they would have been removed. Who does this guy think he is kidding.

Seriously you would think this guy runs a dairy farm with the amount of cow crap that he talks.

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Part of my job before I retired was policing jet skis in my local area and very similar to Patong. We created an area set aside strictly for jet skies that was large enough to cater for the demand. We had regular patrols of the area to enforce the guidelines and it worked well. Something like this could work here but at the very least, these machines with unlicensed riders must stay well away from other water users including swimmers. This segregation once established creates a safer environment for all. Riders can be doubled out to the area by staff from the beach and the staff either remain out on a monitoring pontoon or other JetSki and polices its hirers. Those using the machines recklessly, dangerously or irresponsibly has their hire terminated. My second suggestion involves banning there use on every second beach and or using alternative days of operating. I have more ideas but maybe later.

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The best he COULD do is to arrest the bad apples and throw them in jail for a month. After the first five or ten go to jail, the rest would clean up their act. However, since this is LOS, all BS talk and no action, the jet skis will still be on the beach next day, next week, next month.

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In addition to all the scams and safety issues there is also the NOISE.

Perhaps hard for some to believe but many people actually like to sit on a QUIET beach and hear the waves lapping the shore rather than constant roaring of engines.

Maui beaches banned them long ago for both safety and NOISE violations....as far as I can tell none of the Maui tourists seem to be complaining that it is too quiet without the jet skis.

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Talk about taking the pi$$?

If only one thing should have been banned then Jet Ski's was it, they serve no good purpose to anyone who has half a brain?, parasailing also, just a nuisance

but Bhat rules No1 as we all know so nothing gonna change in reality.... only the price that has to be paid to those who take the tea money

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Why would anyone want to go to Surin Beach anyway? Dirty armpit of a place riddled with overpriced food and scammers where innocent small vendors are threatened by local mafia thugs.

But if you are another naive tourist who thinks the Thais are all delightfully sincere and friendly then carry on risking your families' lives and opening your wallets to the local wasters by holidaying on Thai islands.

BTW, what's that African gentlemen doing driving the jet ski? Does he have a work permit?.

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