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Thaivisa 2015/2558 Calendar Photo Contributions


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Being the author of this topic I thought I should contribute at least a token photo, modest as it is.

This is scanned from a slide. Patong Beach, Phuket 1989

It's you that's modest Tywais. That's a beautiful shot.

...and no, guys, I'm not crawling to the Mods (sookin' up a wee bittie, I'd grant you, but no not never crawling tongue.png )

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I do not have anything labeled "ATTACH" on this "Reply to this topic" form.

you need to click "full version" to add attachments.

And please do NOT FOGET to Say Thank You (or a like) to mdmayes post wai.gif like most that post on here.

Win coffee1.gif

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I've never done this before but want to give it a try. I tried method 2, which looked so simple, using a URL from my Flickr site, but I didn't see any image, then clicked on Preview Post and got a message: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." For what it's worth, the URL for that one photo is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rlzim/11885051065/in/set-72157638701035223/.

Any suggestions?



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I've never done this before but want to give it a try. I tried method 2, which looked so simple, using a URL from my Flickr site, but I didn't see any image, then clicked on Preview Post and got a message: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." For what it's worth, the URL for that one photo is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rlzim/11885051065/in/set-72157638701035223/.

Any suggestions?



In the bottom right of the image on Flickr you will see a down arrow. Click on it and select View All Sizes. At the top of the next page you will see a list of sizes. Choose either 800 or 1024 wide. Right click on the image and select Copy Image Location (If using Firefox) then use method two with that link. You will note in your above link the .jpg is missing. Note to self, update that pinned topic with Flickr specific instructions. smile.png

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