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Letter from two accused of Koh Tao murders to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar Democracy icon

Lite Beer

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I am not convinced that the boys are innocent or guilty but the more the prosecution makes it difficult to get a fair trial the more I lean to them being innocent.

The police and prosecution have no one to blame but themselves for the anger and mistrust revolving around this case. However, it could be people in higher positions calling the shots.

This entire situation is sad !

Thats right. If the case was so solid, why the need for dirty tactics. The prosecutors seem not interested in guilt or innocence , only in winning.

I found that in my case also,when i was falsely convicted.

"Falsely convicted".... Well at least I know why you lean the way you do.

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Rig the DNA - pay the money - threaten the witnesses, threaten taxi drivers - lie and get it wrong and STILL have a solid case only in This country

yet the UK police independent investigation that relayed information to the parents seem to think differently.

The UK police and the parents must be in on it too heay!

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This is an absolutely understandable cry for help back home from two young boys in a foreign country facing life imprisonment, or worse.

We cannot obviously be judge or jury.

We can only allow intuition and empathy to guide our feelings, and the way the case has already been handled, probably most of us on this forum, plus countless millions around the world, already feel that their guilt is in doubt.

If they are found not guilty, the credibility of the authorities, and the 'convincing evidence' will be in tatters. Worse, the murderer(s) will still be at large.

If they are found guilty, and if the evidence is not absolutely irrefutable, the world and the media will react accordingly. In this case, their letter sent to Aung San Suu Kyi will add considerable emotion to this.

In either scenario, Thailand's already battered image will be at stake.

Whatever, let us all hope that for the sake of the accused, and the bereaved families involved in this tragedy, that transparency, honesty, and absolute justice will prevail.

"This is an absolutely understandable cry for help back home from two young boys in a foreign country facing life imprisonment, or worse."

Absolutely correct apart from the fact that there are no young boys involved, only grown, adult men.

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You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

Yes...we all think the same.........

Speak for yourself.

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meanwhile another party at the AC Bar last night and another farang beaten up there by three Thais and hospitalised off the island this morning- a first hand eye witness account!!

Nice to see it's back to normal business for these fine citizens.

You are, of course, aware that you are responding to rumor mongering, right?

You are, of course, aware that you too are responding to rumour mongering, right?

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There is no doubt in my mind that these young lands are innocent. I have read every thing written in the last couple of months and in these posts. The way the RTP have recently responded and bringing the trial forward makes me more convinced. Holding back their evidence makes me think in would not " hold water " if it could be examined in detail by all of us. In my opinion the powers that be are running scared and make life impossible for the defence. SURELY THIS IS OBVIOUS TO ANYONE SEEKING THE TRUTH

"Holding back their evidence makes me think in would not " hold water " if it could be examined in detail by all of us."

Why do you think "all of us" should be allowed access to any evidence, are you involved in the defence?

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if those poor men are innocent then hope all will turn out ok if not then hope justice will be done for me they sure do look like they are 2 scared rabbit in the headlights lets hope they find justice and we know who the real killer is goes free may they rot

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The prosecution has made no disclosure of their witness statements while the defense has been asked to produce a full witness list, according to lead defense lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat. Reports suggest that the prosecution have only provided a six page document for the defense team to go on giving the defense team no time to prepare challenges to prosecution witnesses.

And Thailand slips a few more rungs down the corruption ladder.

No disclosure. This is a prime example of Thai railroading.

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The letter is sad. Emotional pleading based how worthy they are to their families - this is a classic South East Asian style plea. Their lawyer should have advised them properly on explaining to Aung San Suu Kyi how it is impossible for them to be criminally implicated instead of a vague reference to "another" who probably left Thailand already. Very sad that this letter represents the quality of advice that the legal counsel that these folks have.

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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

Sadly their lawyer is leading them down the wrong path in trying to try the case in the public. He should be focused on explaining how his clients semen got into the victim. If this has ever been addressed or denied I have not heard it. All I hear is them asking for help from people who cannot help them ... that is what their lawyer is for.

How strong is the trail of evidence that proves that their semen got into the victim? This is the key to the whole case.

remember the Jones murder case in Chiang Mai? the RTP tried to extract the semen from an innocent Karen tour guide, even trying to masturbate him themselves. they wanted to frame him and get his DNA into the victim. when that failed they beat him and dumped him on the side of the road.

The same thing could have occurred on this crimes scene we don't what happened there but we do know the crime scene was not securely blocked off .

If a similar thing happened like the jones case forcing an innocent person to extract semen how can anyone put trust in an investigation like this.

We do know that the local doctor and another local with influence were on the scene we do know that these young boys are getting a lot of support for 1 reason people don't trust the police and believe money may have changed hands to cover the truth up.

Thailand Governments have not done very very little for years to stop influential figures or mafia types from running there own illegal money making business just look at the recent events , it's all about greed and money these burmese boys need to be given a chance as many other innocent people have probably gone to jail due to a failure in the government and negligence to put a stop mafia influence.

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Pushing up the trial date is completely unconscionable.

The trial will take quite some time.

Yeah, it will and so what ! So why move it up ? Because it will take quite some time ? Sorry, I do not understand.

Starting the process shows that they are taking the case seriously.

The defendants have indeed been in jail for awhile,

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What happen to the scotland yard investigators that came over to ' only observe ' what had taken place and what evidence was gathered ??

If there are extensive inaccuracies within the investigation & incomplete superficial evidence against the accused why has the scotland yard team not protested on this ?

The Scotland Yard 'team' were likely no more than wallflowers at the party. Their invitation to observe seems like nothing other than a publicity stunt to lend endorsement to the RTP investigation.
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Pushing up the trial date is completely unconscionable.
The trial will take quite some time.

Yeah, it will and so what ! So why move it up ? Because it will take quite some time ? Sorry, I do not understand.

Starting the process shows that they are taking the case seriously.

The defendants have indeed been in jail for awhile,

Andy Hall, a British activist who works with Burmese migrants in Thailand and has been assisting the defence team, said the lack of access to the prosecution case made the task of compiling the defence “almost impossible”.

He said: “Our team are confused about what evidence the prosecution have. We don’t know anything but media speculation. We’ll only know at the time we submit our own evidence. It’s an impossible situation – how do you prepare when you don’t know the case against you? That’s a principle of criminal justice, that you need to know the case against you to defend yourself.”


Agreed that the system is challenging, but the prosecution also lacks knowledge of the defense.

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I have been following this with interest as many have, posted a few comments regarding the legal position myself and about the 'holes' in this case from day 1.

I have been impartial as to the Burmese lads guilt or innocence but the case is now in the gutter legally.

Jablis is exactly right when he quotes the legal procedures. The denial of basic judicial rights to the accused can indicate only one thing.....we have no interest in a fair trial

That the evidence is being withheld to prevent an effective defence. That can mean only one thing .......we are not going to allow the defence to win the case

If there is no independent verification of DNA that can only mean one thing......the DNA report is not accurate or carries no certainty.

I read about conspiracy theories here but conspiracy theories are just ideas without evidence.

If anyone needs any evidence about guilt or innocence then the withholding of information from defence council so as to prevent an effective defence in court is all you need to show that all is not right here.

And if all is not right then it appears the case has been setup.

This is in itself is illegal and demonstrates that guilt or innocence is not the agenda here.

And now I read about another assault at this god forsaken bar.

When is someone going to do something about this place and the people that own it, and the people protecting them?

Perhaps emails to our travel agent contacts in the UK and other places we know warning them about this place might be of some use. Something has to be done.

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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

As I don't blame you for making such a silly comment. you have to state your point every time. But when someone wants to state theirs, you ask them to stop. Prove to me that this is a hype and stop spreading rumors.

Not a hype when two lives are involved. This is about saving humanity.

I have not asked people to stop posting. 2 lives have been lost and it is likely the defendants are guilty.

...in a galaxy far, far away...

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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

Sadly their lawyer is leading them down the wrong path in trying to try the case in the public. He should be focused on explaining how his clients semen got into the victim. If this has ever been addressed or denied I have not heard it. All I hear is them asking for help from people who cannot help them ... that is what their lawyer is for.
JTJ your sticking your neck just a bit to much with your wild unfound accusations I really hope you meet your match as I have said before if you are involved in covering up for a person involved in a crime be ready for a visit from the authorities because we are all being watched and you and your mate stick out like sore toes, then you can tell them how you know so much and why you continuously insult the families of the victims and the defendants.

Probably the single most stupid post I have seen in seven years on TV. Everyone including JD, myself, you and others are entitled to our opinions, and that is all they are. But to make reference of visits from authorities.. what are you on!!!! And like JD, I think these two guys are up shit creek without a paddle because it would even be an amazing feat, even for the Thai police to find a way to get the boys semen into the victim!!! I am sure the Scotland Yard guys have followed this trail with exceptional attention to detail and lets see what they finally comment on this either during or after the trial. As for yours and others wish that they are innocent, well good luck, lets see what the trial brings!!!

Maybe if you do some research on the kirsty jones murder you will see how police have spoken about how wrong DNA can get on crime scenes.

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