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Digital nomad told he's not a criminal for blogging, released without charge


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It would certainly appear that skins didn't want to answer questions about his alleged adventures. Wonder why that is?

I write about all of my adventures at http://singlemansparadise.com/

I also reply to every comment. You are all welcome to stop by and say hello.

Also, I'd like to state that I don't know the OP and I never asked to have my link posted on Thai Visa... But I appreciate the spike in traffic.

Chok dee na krap wai.gif

Good luck to you too.....with your pikery....it would seems you need all the help you can get.

Can't promise I will visit your blog.......I have a weak stomach and the oral sex thing with the old boiler thing has really scarred me. ;)

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So what if Immigration clamps down on it? If you aren't doing it yourself, why worry? A lot of people seem to be getting their Y fronts in a twist about digital nomads. Why? Can someone explain it to me? There are plenty of other illegal activities to get upset about that are far, far worse. Whether the content of blogs or websites is good bad or indifferent is neither here nor there to me. If I don't like it I just choose not to read it again and so it has zero impact on my life. While taxation exists; anywhere in the world; people will try to avoid paying it.

It's just a discussion Champers, I don't really dislike skins, or his mates, don't know them. I might even frequent his blog, if I go there 5,000,000 times, it may even help the boy with the purchase if a local ice cream or something similar

I still see the pikeys several rungs higher than a lot of OTHER grubs that exist in Thailand (& the rest of the world).

Skins and his pikey mates have confirmed ideas and values I've held for many years and for that I thank them

All the best to the young lads.....I wonder how they will be travelling in 20-30 years time?


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Skin's blog is pure self deluded fantasist bilge in most parts.

An account of a man's whoring in the biggest red light areas of Asia....it gets funnier where he tries to make out he's not paying for it and has the hot HiSo women kicking his door down as they do with every unemployed tourist who has no visible source of income or zero status here, as they're such a catch...

As Pointed out in an earlier post the 'Why i don't date Bangkok Girls anymore" is so funny, were it better written, and if I didn't want to publicly support this crap, I'd actually recommend it.

The reason you don't 'date' Bangkok girls is because you have no verifiable, regular source of income and probably live in some dump, so most - not even the bar girls - wouldn't give you the time of day you deluded fool.

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Large numbers of pikeys claim to be independently wealthy so capitalising a Thb 2.0 million Ltd company should be no problem you don't even need 2.0 mill cash to do it

If you intend starting a legal company here the visa is easy to get

Fact is plenty of people start companies here just to own houses so the process isn't that hard is it ?

Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

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Some little Digital Pikey, sat in a 4k room in On Nut or a Grindhouse in Bang Na is hardly likely to be seen as a good catch.

Especially one that boasts about getting a $10 blow job on a beach from some old boiler.

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Its not hard in Thailand at all, how many other countries in the world let you turn up as a tourist, stay long term and undertake digital pikery when your not a citizen or PR of the country ? One suspects if Thailand tightened up its visa regulations a lot of the pikeys who are complaining about it bring too hard wouldn't be in country long term in the first place and would have to live their "nomadic"existence somewhere else

I have no problem with the concept of digital pikery but they should be made to register a legal entity in Thailand and pay their income tax

It's not legal to do that. It's easy to work illegally everywhere. Turn up and start working.

Look at the legal way of being a 'digital pikey' as you put it.

- Enter Thailand on a 'non immigrant visa'

- Start a business with 2 million paid up capital

- Hire 4 odd employees and pay their social security



That's not easy...

Large numbers of pikeys claim to be independently wealthy so capitalising a Thb 2.0 million Ltd company should be no problem you don't even need 2.0 mill cash to do it

If you intend starting a legal company here the visa is easy to get

Fact is plenty of people start companies here just to own houses so the process isn't that hard is it ?

Fact is without the 4 employees loads of digital people would do it. The two million is not the problem as you said does not have to be deposited.

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Large numbers of pikeys claim to be independently wealthy so capitalising a Thb 2.0 million Ltd company should be no problem you don't even need 2.0 mill cash to do it

If you intend starting a legal company here the visa is easy to get

Fact is plenty of people start companies here just to own houses so the process isn't that hard is it ?

Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

You are talking about something you never did.. i have started up a company here and i tell you its hard. (even harder to close it). It is doable.. but the 4 Thai employees are stupid.. digital people working for clients in their home country can't use Thais.

Then you got loads of problems with the accountant (i am an accountant so i know them). next time try something before you comment.

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Skin's blog is pure self deluded fantasist bilge in most parts.

An account of a man's whoring in the biggest red light areas of Asia....it gets funnier where he tries to make out he's not paying for it and has the hot HiSo women kicking his door down as they do with every unemployed tourist who has no visible source of income or zero status here, as they're such a catch...

As Pointed out in an earlier post the 'Why i don't date Bangkok Girls anymore" is so funny, were it better written, and if I didn't want to publicly support this crap, I'd actually recommend it.

The reason you don't 'date' Bangkok girls is because you have no verifiable, regular source of income and probably live in some dump, so most - not even the bar girls - wouldn't give you the time of day you deluded fool.

I guess someone could use a hug....

Edited by mjnaus
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Skin's blog is pure self deluded fantasist bilge in most parts.

the hot HiSo women kicking his door down as they do with every unemployed tourist who has no visible source of income or zero status here, as they're such a catch...

The reason you don't 'date' Bangkok girls is because you have no verifiable, regular source of income and probably live in some dump, so most - not even the bar girls - wouldn't give you the time of day you deluded fool.


Yeah is that because there's no precedent for good-looking women to spend time, effort and money

on guys that most people would think are total deadbeats?????

I've lost count of the number of borderline supermodels I've seen with tripped-out, flakey guys

back in the West. You don't think there are Thai girls who make equally poor

dating decisions? I guess they're all after a bald, white pensioner with a trick hip and


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Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

You are talking about something you never did.. i have started up a company here and i tell you its hard. (even harder to close it). It is doable.. but the 4 Thai employees are stupid.. digital people working for clients in their home country can't use Thais.

Then you got loads of problems with the accountant (i am an accountant so i know them). next time try something before you comment.

I'm not sure about Rob, but I have setup a company in Thailand several years ago. And I can say for sure it's nothing like you're making it out to be. Either you have been taken for a ride by others involved with your company or you never actually set one up.

For starters, the capitalisation of 2 million... non issue, as this is just a number one some paper (plus you pay a fee of 5000b per 1 million). This number does not have to be matched by anything, be it cash or land or anything else. All it actually costed us to setup the limited company, was around 25.000b (I could be slightly off as it's been a couple of years, but it's nowhere near the fortune some are making it out to be). We also did not need a lawyer or accountant to set it up for us, we did it all ourselves with the help of the local office. The whole process was completed within a couple of days.

As far as the yearly upkeep of our company goes, we pay our accountant about 30.000b per year, this includes all the book keeping, books and CTA sig at the end of the year.

The four employees requirement is not enforced where we are (I'm married to a Thai, so for me it'd be only two Thai employees), making live even easier. I understand this might change at any point in the future, and we've discussed this with our account and done the math. If this requirement does start being enforced, we'd face additional monthly fees of around 3.000b per month, big whoop!!

All in all, not nearly the big headache you're making it out the be smile.png

It was a big headache.. accountant took us for a ride. But that is not really the problem, problem is 4 employees that you have to pay that you can't use.

That is simply not an option for most digital nomads because they work with people from their home country. Thais can't speak languages well enough. Now 4 people that you dont need at around minimum wage is 40k a month (not cheap if you dont use them). Yes we had an accountant say just pay tax and keep them on paper (fake) but then again your not legal. Being totally legal is a problem. Also if your not an american you can never own 100% of your own company

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Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

You are talking about something you never did.. i have started up a company here and i tell you its hard. (even harder to close it). It is doable.. but the 4 Thai employees are stupid.. digital people working for clients in their home country can't use Thais.

Then you got loads of problems with the accountant (i am an accountant so i know them). next time try something before you comment.

I'm not sure about Rob, but I have setup a company in Thailand several years ago. And I can say for sure it's nothing like you're making it out to be. Either you have been taken for a ride by others involved with your company or you never actually set one up.

For starters, the capitalisation of 2 million... non issue, as this is just a number one some paper (plus you pay a fee of 5000b per 1 million). This number does not have to be matched by anything, be it cash or land or anything else. All it actually costed us to setup the limited company, was around 25.000b (I could be slightly off as it's been a couple of years, but it's nowhere near the fortune some are making it out to be). We also did not need a lawyer or accountant to set it up for us, we did it all ourselves with the help of the local office. The whole process was completed within a couple of days.

As far as the yearly upkeep of our company goes, we pay our accountant about 30.000b per year, this includes all the book keeping, books and CTA sig at the end of the year.

The four employees requirement is not enforced where we are (I'm married to a Thai, so for me it'd be only two Thai employees), making live even easier. I understand this might change at any point in the future, and we've discussed this with our account and done the math. If this requirement does start being enforced, we'd face additional monthly fees of around 3.000b per month, big whoop!!

All in all, not nearly the big headache you're making it out the be smile.png

It was a big headache.. accountant took us for a ride. But that is not really the problem, problem is 4 employees that you have to pay that you can't use.

That is simply not an option for most digital nomads because they work with people from their home country. Thais can't speak languages well enough. Now 4 people that you dont need at around minimum wage is 40k a month (not cheap if you dont use them). Yes we had an accountant say just pay tax and keep them on paper (fake) but then again your not legal. Being totally legal is a problem. Also if your not an american you can never own 100% of your own company

The fact is even if they got rid of the employee requirement and got rid of the 4 employee rules and made some one just register a Thb 2.0 mil Ltd company the pikeys would still be whinging,

further you have two fully legal options right now which don't involve employing people one is a representative office, no employee 's required and the other was an option another TV member referred to in that you pay over a percentage of your turn over every month and you work under an umbrella company something involving the BOI

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Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

You are talking about something you never did.. i have started up a company here and i tell you its hard. (even harder to close it). It is doable.. but the 4 Thai employees are stupid.. digital people working for clients in their home country can't use Thais.

Then you got loads of problems with the accountant (i am an accountant so i know them). next time try something before you comment.

I'm not sure about Rob, but I have setup a company in Thailand several years ago. And I can say for sure it's nothing like you're making it out to be. Either you have been taken for a ride by others involved with your company or you never actually set one up.

For starters, the capitalisation of 2 million... non issue, as this is just a number one some paper (plus you pay a fee of 5000b per 1 million). This number does not have to be matched by anything, be it cash or land or anything else. All it actually costed us to setup the limited company, was around 25.000b (I could be slightly off as it's been a couple of years, but it's nowhere near the fortune some are making it out to be). We also did not need a lawyer or accountant to set it up for us, we did it all ourselves with the help of the local office. The whole process was completed within a couple of days.

As far as the yearly upkeep of our company goes, we pay our accountant about 30.000b per year, this includes all the book keeping, books and CTA sig at the end of the year.

The four employees requirement is not enforced where we are (I'm married to a Thai, so for me it'd be only two Thai employees), making live even easier. I understand this might change at any point in the future, and we've discussed this with our account and done the math. If this requirement does start being enforced, we'd face additional monthly fees of around 3.000b per month, big whoop!!

All in all, not nearly the big headache you're making it out the be smile.png

It was a big headache.. accountant took us for a ride. But that is not really the problem, problem is 4 employees that you have to pay that you can't use.

That is simply not an option for most digital nomads because they work with people from their home country. Thais can't speak languages well enough. Now 4 people that you dont need at around minimum wage is 40k a month (not cheap if you dont use them). Yes we had an accountant say just pay tax and keep them on paper (fake) but then again your not legal. Being totally legal is a problem. Also if your not an american you can never own 100% of your own company

The fact is even if they got rid of the employee requirement and got rid of the 4 employee rules and made some one just register a Thb 2.0 mil Ltd company the pikeys would still be whinging,

further you have two fully legal options right now which don't involve employing people one is a representative office, no employee 's required and the other was an option another TV member referred to in that you pay over a percentage of your turn over every month and you work under an umbrella company something involving the BOI

Some might.. winge then. I know id jump at the opportunity because of the advantages. Anyway you can also just buy an elite visa. Besides they immigration is still not cracking down on digital nomads. If they don't shoot their mouth they can never be caught.

I have had conversations with immigration about it they really don't care much about digital nomads they don't consider it working (adsense for sure not) But off course if they are forced into it then they will react.

So a good option for many is just shutting up and making money far less hassle. You can even do it on a retirement visa nobody will ever know.

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The problem being the Pikeys, want everything that suits their pikery.

Many are not tourists, as they live here. Many aren't students as a number have admitted to abusing ED visas (probably why those regs are being tightened up). If they stopped their whinging and entitlement, and just carried on with their pikery, no one would know or comment.

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Claim to be wealthy. Then why are they here? They're trying to get something started on a shoestring otherwise they'd stay in their home countries.

I can tell you've never started a business here. It is a pain in the arse. The monthly social security payments cost 6000+ baht/month. Min salary is 50/60,000. Tax needs to be paid on that 18,000 baht a year.

It's true paid up capital doesn't need to be cash. It can be land but it needs to be tangible. You can't 'blag' it. Plus there is all of the Thai nominee bullshit - not being able to own your company outright unless you are American. It is easier if you are an American. Cost 60,000 in fees to get all that sorted out.

It's expensive. It's time consuming. It's no wonder so many people say <deleted> it and don't bother.

Thailand ranks very low on the 'Ease of business' rankings as a result.

The 50/60k year is only for extension of stay, you can have a WP on less than that if your prepared to leave the country every 90 days, in theory under a company as a director you don't even have to pay yourself a high salary ergo taxation is next to nothing

Social security LOL the princely sum of THB 750/m per employee so don't know where you get Thb 6k/m from

Granted I work here for a company, but know plenty of people who have set their own businesses up

The reason people don't do it is because they can't be arsed, bit like getting a Thai DL or they are not as independently wealthy as they claim

I'm not sure about Rob, but I have setup a company in Thailand several years ago. And I can say for sure it's nothing like you're making it out to be. Either you have been taken for a ride by others involved with your company or you never actually set one up.

For starters, the capitalisation of 2 million... non issue, as this is just a number one some paper (plus you pay a fee of 5000b per 1 million). This number does not have to be matched by anything, be it cash or land or anything else. All it actually costed us to setup the limited company, was around 25.000b (I could be slightly off as it's been a couple of years, but it's nowhere near the fortune some are making it out to be). We also did not need a lawyer or accountant to set it up for us, we did it all ourselves with the help of the local office. The whole process was completed within a couple of days.

As far as the yearly upkeep of our company goes, we pay our accountant about 30.000b per year, this includes all the book keeping, books and CTA sig at the end of the year.

The four employees requirement is not enforced where we are (I'm married to a Thai, so for me it'd be only two Thai employees), making live even easier. I understand this might change at any point in the future, and we've discussed this with our account and done the math. If this requirement does start being enforced, we'd face additional monthly fees of around 3.000b per month, big whoop!!

All in all, not nearly the big headache you're making it out the be smile.png

It was a big headache.. accountant took us for a ride. But that is not really the problem, problem is 4 employees that you have to pay that you can't use.

That is simply not an option for most digital nomads because they work with people from their home country. Thais can't speak languages well enough. Now 4 people that you dont need at around minimum wage is 40k a month (not cheap if you dont use them). Yes we had an accountant say just pay tax and keep them on paper (fake) but then again your not legal. Being totally legal is a problem. Also if your not an american you can never own 100% of your own company

I've closed one company and currently operate another company with commercial activity.

Creating the second company was a bit of a PITA, because of the inspections (labor department and immigration).

My company is operating only online, but Thai administration is very conservative, they want to see an office and people sitting at desks.

That was the most annoying of all, I had to keep the office going for about 2 months.

Once the inspections are done, it is a bit easier - the best is to find a good lawyer who will take his token share in the business, also organize the accountant and the token employees for the social fund.

Once that is done, a Thai company will cost just below 10.000 baht a month, including personal income tax.

The remaining headache is the timing of work permit and visa extensions, each take a month to process, so the dates have to be planned as they can interfere with business trips.

Online business has a big advantage over other forms of businesses when it comes to asset protection. The company's assets are domains, code and websites as well as bank accounts, all of which can easily be kept out of reach of any lawyer / partner / shareholder or employee.

Also, should the company have a problem, such assets cannot be easily seized.

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The problem being the Pikeys, want everything that suits their pikery.

Many are not tourists, as they live here. Many aren't students as a number have admitted to abusing ED visas (probably why those regs are being tightened up). If they stopped their whinging and entitlement, and just carried on with their pikery, no one would know or comment.

You must hate your life trying to bring down free spirits. Its not the digital pikeys (you love that name you must get off on it) they are after (to bad for your dreams) They are after people who really work in Thailand.. teachers.. people owning businesses that do stuff their work permit does not allow ect. They could not care less for money being earned outside of Thailand.

But you are right there is no real visa for digital workers so they abuse other visa's just like everyone else has done. Not going after someone does not mean they will make it easy. Often regulations are trying to catch up on new situations.

The whole 4 employee thing if you read it in the spirit of the law is to protect Thais from loosing jobs to foreigners, digital nomads don't take work away from Thais unlike people like you working here. They bring their own work with them and attract money from outside. Not all of them are as successful but that is normal, not everyone can run a business. Not everyone has the skillset to operate their own business many people are better of working for a boss they lack initiative or like the safety of it (i done both so I can comment on it, there is not one better as the other it depends on preference)

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I've closed one company and currently operate another company with commercial activity.

Creating the second company was a bit of a PITA, because of the inspections (labor department and immigration).

My company is operating only online, but Thai administration is very conservative, they want to see an office and people sitting at desks.

That was the most annoying of all, I had to keep the office going for about 2 months.

Once the inspections are done, it is a bit easier - the best is to find a good lawyer who will take his token share in the business, also organize the accountant and the token employees for the social fund.

Once that is done, a Thai company will cost just below 10.000 baht a month, including personal income tax.

The remaining headache is the timing of work permit and visa extensions, each take a month to process, so the dates have to be planned as they can interfere with business trips.

Online business has a big advantage over other forms of businesses when it comes to asset protection. The company's assets are domains, code and websites as well as bank accounts, all of which can easily be kept out of reach of any lawyer / partner / shareholder or employee.

Also, should the company have a problem, such assets cannot be easily seized.

Yes that is an other problem they want an office and such, we had that problem too. Crazy just accepting that money is made is not enough for them.

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Yes Rob, that's spot on, I take jobs away from Thai's that's a new concept rolleyes.gif - a rather pathetic response. But I'll indulge you a little, because we employ a fairly large amount of Thai Staff, as well as Foreign staff. The Foreign staff are all legal; paying tax and social security, all of them spend their money back into the local economy, they are on decent wages. All the Thai staff are on decent money, and are well looked after.

Am I taking a job from a Thai - the answer is no.

Am I bitter? No, I've traveled the world with work over the years. Some could suggest that I am a free spirit to - more so than a lot of people from my local village.

Personally, regarding DP's I couldn't care less what they do, would it not just make sense for them to and carry on with it, as opposed to the usual moans of , "I can't get a visa", "It's too hard to set up a company", "It's not fair".

I'll ask you a question - in your own country can anyone just turn up and live without a visa for an indefinite period? Probably not.

In my country I would already been allowed to work legally as I am married. I would have had far more rights as here. I know I have had a Thai wife back in the Netherlands so I seen the other side of the coin.

No its not a pathetic response its spot on, a Thai could do what you do because its in Thailand. That is why these laws are there to protect Thais from people like you. You just see it differently but logically if you were not here a Thai could do your job. Not the same for digital nomads all the money comes from an other country. They don't push Thais from jobs as a Thai could not do it. These are two totally different kinds of work one could push Thais from jobs the other will not. Makes no sense to have the same rule apply to both while the spirit of the law is to protect Thai labor.

The moan about setting up a company is a valid one, personally its just the 4 employees not so much the other stuff. If they made it easier they would collect a lot more tax without loosing jobs for Thais. There are many digital nomads (lets give them some respect something you lack by constantly calling them pikeys) that do or want to do it legal its just hard to do so.

They can moan all about it they want, it wont change a thing. Until the powers want change nothing will happen. I doubt foreigners problems are any concern of the rulers. We are nothing to them so I don't expect change.

Personally I have no visa problems but can imagine lots of people who do. If I were not married I would certainly look at the 500.000 elite visa as 4 employees not working for 5 years is way over this amount (just economics)

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Yes Rob, that's spot on, I take jobs away from Thai's that's a new concept rolleyes.gif - a rather pathetic response. But I'll indulge you a little, because we employ a fairly large amount of Thai Staff, as well as Foreign staff. The Foreign staff are all legal; paying tax and social security, all of them spend their money back into the local economy, they are on decent wages. All the Thai staff are on decent money, and are well looked after.

Am I taking a job from a Thai - the answer is no.

Am I bitter? No, I've traveled the world with work over the years. Some could suggest that I am a free spirit to - more so than a lot of people from my local village.

Personally, regarding DP's I couldn't care less what they do, would it not just make sense for them to and carry on with it, as opposed to the usual moans of , "I can't get a visa", "It's too hard to set up a company", "It's not fair".

I'll ask you a question - in your own country can anyone just turn up and live without a visa for an indefinite period? Probably not.

In my country I would already been allowed to work legally as I am married. I would have had far more rights as here. I know I have had a Thai wife back in the Netherlands so I seen the other side of the coin.

No its not a pathetic response its spot on, a Thai could do what you do because its in Thailand. That is why these laws are there to protect Thais from people like you. You just see it differently but logically if you were not here a Thai could do your job. Not the same for digital nomads all the money comes from an other country. They don't push Thais from jobs as a Thai could not do it. These are two totally different kinds of work one could push Thais from jobs the other will not. Makes no sense to have the same rule apply to both while the spirit of the law is to protect Thai labor.

The moan about setting up a company is a valid one, personally its just the 4 employees not so much the other stuff. If they made it easier they would collect a lot more tax without loosing jobs for Thais. There are many digital nomads (lets give them some respect something you lack by constantly calling them pikeys) that do or want to do it legal its just hard to do so.

They can moan all about it they want, it wont change a thing. Until the powers want change nothing will happen. I doubt foreigners problems are any concern of the rulers. We are nothing to them so I don't expect change.

Personally I have no visa problems but can imagine lots of people who do. If I were not married I would certainly look at the 500.000 elite visa as 4 employees not working for 5 years is way over this amount (just economics)


How do you know that there is a Thai that has the skills and experience and all that goes with it to do MrToads job?

The answer is, you don't have a clue. ;)

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Yes Rob, that's spot on, I take jobs away from Thai's that's a new concept rolleyes.gif - a rather pathetic response. But I'll indulge you a little, because we employ a fairly large amount of Thai Staff, as well as Foreign staff. The Foreign staff are all legal; paying tax and social security, all of them spend their money back into the local economy, they are on decent wages. All the Thai staff are on decent money, and are well looked after.

Am I taking a job from a Thai - the answer is no.

Am I bitter? No, I've traveled the world with work over the years. Some could suggest that I am a free spirit to - more so than a lot of people from my local village.

Personally, regarding DP's I couldn't care less what they do, would it not just make sense for them to and carry on with it, as opposed to the usual moans of , "I can't get a visa", "It's too hard to set up a company", "It's not fair".

I'll ask you a question - in your own country can anyone just turn up and live without a visa for an indefinite period? Probably not.

In my country I would already been allowed to work legally as I am married. I would have had far more rights as here. I know I have had a Thai wife back in the Netherlands so I seen the other side of the coin.

No its not a pathetic response its spot on, a Thai could do what you do because its in Thailand. That is why these laws are there to protect Thais from people like you. You just see it differently but logically if you were not here a Thai could do your job. Not the same for digital nomads all the money comes from an other country. They don't push Thais from jobs as a Thai could not do it. These are two totally different kinds of work one could push Thais from jobs the other will not. Makes no sense to have the same rule apply to both while the spirit of the law is to protect Thai labor.

The moan about setting up a company is a valid one, personally its just the 4 employees not so much the other stuff. If they made it easier they would collect a lot more tax without loosing jobs for Thais. There are many digital nomads (lets give them some respect something you lack by constantly calling them pikeys) that do or want to do it legal its just hard to do so.

They can moan all about it they want, it wont change a thing. Until the powers want change nothing will happen. I doubt foreigners problems are any concern of the rulers. We are nothing to them so I don't expect change.

Personally I have no visa problems but can imagine lots of people who do. If I were not married I would certainly look at the 500.000 elite visa as 4 employees not working for 5 years is way over this amount (just economics)


How do you know that there is a Thai that has the skills and experience and all that goes with it to do MrToads job?

The answer is, you don't have a clue. wink.png

Everyone can be replaced those working in Thailand easier so as those who work outside. But your right I don't know this 100% just like you guys don't know everything about digital nomads who you so lovingly call digital pikeys.

Doesn't seem to stop you guys from posting.

Though I do agree that digital nomads should just do what they want to do and hush about it. But on the same page everyone would like a bit more security at times and better visa options. Mind you its only gotten harder for most.

Even here its gotten harder had the immigration visiting today again for the second time checking our house and bedroom ect.

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These digital pikeys and their supporters are funny chaps.

Basic fact is, they can't get past step 1. They can't get a legit visa.

They moan, bitch and whinge.....but nobody in the department of cuddles kisses and visas gives a hoot.

Sad to be a digital pikey......funny to watch.

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Yes Rob, that's spot on, I take jobs away from Thai's that's a new concept rolleyes.gif - a rather pathetic response. But I'll indulge you a little, because we employ a fairly large amount of Thai Staff, as well as Foreign staff. The Foreign staff are all legal; paying tax and social security, all of them spend their money back into the local economy, they are on decent wages. All the Thai staff are on decent money, and are well looked after.

Am I taking a job from a Thai - the answer is no.

Am I bitter? No, I've traveled the world with work over the years. Some could suggest that I am a free spirit to - more so than a lot of people from my local village.

Personally, regarding DP's I couldn't care less what they do, would it not just make sense for them to and carry on with it, as opposed to the usual moans of , "I can't get a visa", "It's too hard to set up a company", "It's not fair".

I'll ask you a question - in your own country can anyone just turn up and live without a visa for an indefinite period? Probably not.

In my country I would already been allowed to work legally as I am married. I would have had far more rights as here. I know I have had a Thai wife back in the Netherlands so I seen the other side of the coin.

No its not a pathetic response its spot on, a Thai could do what you do because its in Thailand. That is why these laws are there to protect Thais from people like you. You just see it differently but logically if you were not here a Thai could do your job. Not the same for digital nomads all the money comes from an other country. They don't push Thais from jobs as a Thai could not do it. These are two totally different kinds of work one could push Thais from jobs the other will not. Makes no sense to have the same rule apply to both while the spirit of the law is to protect Thai labor.

The moan about setting up a company is a valid one, personally its just the 4 employees not so much the other stuff. If they made it easier they would collect a lot more tax without loosing jobs for Thais. There are many digital nomads (lets give them some respect something you lack by constantly calling them pikeys) that do or want to do it legal its just hard to do so.

They can moan all about it they want, it wont change a thing. Until the powers want change nothing will happen. I doubt foreigners problems are any concern of the rulers. We are nothing to them so I don't expect change.

Personally I have no visa problems but can imagine lots of people who do. If I were not married I would certainly look at the 500.000 elite visa as 4 employees not working for 5 years is way over this amount (just economics)


How do you know that there is a Thai that has the skills and experience and all that goes with it to do MrToads job?

The answer is, you don't have a clue. wink.png

Everyone can be replaced those working in Thailand easier so as those who work outside. But your right I don't know this 100% just like you guys don't know everything about digital nomads who you so lovingly call digital pikeys.

Doesn't seem to stop you guys from posting.

Though I do agree that digital nomads should just do what they want to do and hush about it. But on the same page everyone would like a bit more security at times and better visa options. Mind you its only gotten harder for most.

Even here its gotten harder had the immigration visiting today again for the second time checking our house and bedroom ect.

And Robo, my friend, you can thank the digital pikeys and everyone else doing the wrong thing for regular visits and constant examination of your situation.

The Authorities know people are flaunting the rules, it leaves a bad taste in their mouth.

Thank the wrong doers for the HEAT. ;)

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