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Dutch man arrested for smoking marijuana


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I´ve been reading all the replys now. Everybody who talk shit about him is the people that never met him and everybody here that have met him have only positive things to say. I´ve met Vince many times, everytime I stay in Nong Khai we take a Beer or a Gintonic. Talk about everything, we have had many interesting conversations


After some time you don´t see the tats, you se him. Like somebody said before, he is well known in Nong Khai, as far as I know seems like everybody like him.

People are so used to his tatoos, nobody care about them. Selling weed, I don´t think so, never heard and never seen. He´s not spending much money, he´s living a quiet low profile life


Somebody had some problem with his name, like he was not dutch, Vince gave me an lesson of the Holland history, very intersting.

I myself don´t have a single tat, but for sure Vince is a man that make the world a little bit more colorful.

I remember first time I met Vince, I said to him, you look very interesting and I look like a nobody. He said that you can not judge people like that, maybe you are the one that is interesting and I am the boring one.

One thing I know is that he should never call somebody he don´t know, trash, tossy ore other invektiv. He´s a to good person for that.

My english is not so good, but I hope you guys understand what I mean.

I have met him and heard him talk, read my post if you want the details, best to send him off to a place like Somalia.
Obviously he has friends here. Have you got any?
Sure he has got "friends" who depend on the drugs he deals. Ever heard of the song "Freddie's dead", by Curtis Mayfield? others have "friends" on FB. I got real friends who are no parasites like this Nazi scum. If your parents would have suffered malnutrition and severe cold during WII, you would not be talking like this buddy, think about that.
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to post about my parents' experiences with Nazis in WWII, this is not the topic in question.

I'm talking about a guy who's obviously found his place of living with Thai people, and I don't think he makes a living out of selling dope to them.

He's got a right to live, and you're not his judge - regardless of what Nazis done to your family in WWII.

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You can do many things in Thailand, just DO NOT mess around with any kind of illegal substances as simple as that.

No, you're wrong. He should have started as an English teacher for an agency.

Those schools using agencies are barely to shock. I mean those who'd hundreds of "teachers" within one year.They're really used to ...aeehh a lot.

And the girls might start to like his teeth and have a lot of fun.

This guy wearing a red nose and clown shoes would make him to an outstanding teechaaa.

But honestly speaking, when you wanna sell some puff, you should look a little bit different. Maybe similar to his three brothers, I found on his facebook page.

P.S. The guy with his ear and nose rings ( stolen from my father in law's buffaloes) must be a real Puss magnet.....laugh.png

I honestly don't care how the guy looks like, it's his problem and not for me to judge him from his appearance, i judge people from their actions. However, your action by posting that comment says more about you than anyone in any of those photos.

Please read my posts and you might understand that it's not about the guy's "physical appearance".

1. He used an ED visa to stay here, but used the visa to sell some weed. ( No work permit)

2. The fact that he was on an educational visa and did some strange things, instead of studying Thai, or something else. Because of people like him, regulations and laws were constantly changed and honest people find it more and more difficult to receive visas, because of people like this guy.

3. Just another nail into the coffin for foreigners, who're already living here for many many moons.

4. If you've read what happens in Bangkok regarding cops, searching innocent people and make piss tests, this guy helps a lot that they can back up their bs.

5. I do not judge a book by its cover, as I've also got three Tattoos. But why would you do that to your teeth? To scare people, or was it just a decision, when he had been on too much LSD?

6. I grew up in the Flower Power Hippie Time and would not like to miss one day of it.

7. What you "read" through my post is pretty much similar to a bicycle with a flat tire, somewhere in China. I don't care what you think about me.

I've been here for 12 years and I did see amazing foreigners doing all to change Thai peoples' opinion regarding foreigners. And that's something I care about.

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You can do many things in Thailand, just DO NOT mess around with any kind of illegal substances as simple as that.

No, you're wrong. He should have started as an English teacher for an agency.

Those schools using agencies are barely to shock. I mean those who'd hundreds of "teachers" within one year.They're really used to ...aeehh a lot.

And the girls might start to like his teeth and have a lot of fun.

This guy wearing a red nose and clown shoes would make him to an outstanding teechaaa.

But honestly speaking, when you wanna sell some puff, you should look a little bit different. Maybe similar to his three brothers, I found on his facebook page.

P.S. The guy with his ear and nose rings ( stolen from my father in law's buffaloes) must be a real Puss magnet.....laugh.png

I honestly don't care how the guy looks like, it's his problem and not for me to judge him from his appearance, i judge people from their actions. However, your action by posting that comment says more about you than anyone in any of those photos.

Please read my posts and you might understand that it's not about the guy's "physical appearance".

1. He used an ED visa to stay here, but used the visa to sell some weed. ( No work permit)

2. The fact that he was on an educational visa and did some strange things, instead of studying Thai, or something else. Because of people like him, regulations and laws were constantly changed and honest people find it more and more difficult to receive visas, because of people like this guy.

3. Just another nail into the coffin for foreigners, who're already living here for many many moons.

4. If you've read what happens in Bangkok regarding cops, searching innocent people and make piss tests, this guy helps a lot that they can back up their bs.

5. I do not judge a book by its cover, as I've also got three Tattoos. But why would you do that to your teeth? To scare people, or was it just a decision, when he had been on too much LSD?

6. I grew up in the Flower Power Hippie Time and would not like to miss one day of it.

7. What you "read" through my post is pretty much similar to a bicycle with a flat tire, somewhere in China. I don't care what you think about me.

I've been here for 12 years and I did see amazing foreigners doing all to change Thai peoples' opinion regarding foreigners. And that's something I care about.

Nothing in your comment are judgemental towards his look, right! Once again, you make a judgement based on what? Do you know for a fact that he was selling weed? Please get your act together and stop being less judgemental without knowing true facts.

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I´ve been reading all the replys now. Everybody who talk shit about him is the people that never met him and everybody here that have met him have only positive things to say. I´ve met Vince many times, everytime I stay in Nong Khai we take a Beer or a Gintonic. Talk about everything, we have had many interesting conversations


After some time you don´t see the tats, you se him. Like somebody said before, he is well known in Nong Khai, as far as I know seems like everybody like him.

People are so used to his tatoos, nobody care about them. Selling weed, I don´t think so, never heard and never seen. He´s not spending much money, he´s living a quiet low profile life


Somebody had some problem with his name, like he was not dutch, Vince gave me an lesson of the Holland history, very intersting.

I myself don´t have a single tat, but for sure Vince is a man that make the world a little bit more colorful.

I remember first time I met Vince, I said to him, you look very interesting and I look like a nobody. He said that you can not judge people like that, maybe you are the one that is interesting and I am the boring one.

One thing I know is that he should never call somebody he don´t know, trash, tossy ore other invektiv. He´s a to good person for that.

My english is not so good, but I hope you guys understand what I mean.

I have met him and heard him talk, read my post if you want the details, best to send him off to a place like Somalia.
Obviously he has friends here. Have you got any?
Sure he has got "friends" who depend on the drugs he deals. Ever heard of the song "Freddie's dead", by Curtis Mayfield? others have "friends" on FB. I got real friends who are no parasites like this Nazi scum. If your parents would have suffered malnutrition and severe cold during WII, you would not be talking like this buddy, think about that.

'Nazi Scum'? 'Drug Dealer'? What are you talking about? World War Two was not really a picnic for anyone but it has nothing to do with police and military actions against individuals here in Thailand. This was a nonsense bust.

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Thailand how low can you go.

All you drug bashing posters will think good, get him out of here.

When they stoop so low to arrest someone for smoking marijuana, this country has serious problems.

Dude, it's not about a guy who likes to smoke joints. It's about a guy who did all to make other foreigners look stupid as well.

I know that you've been here for quite a long time, even remember your posts about the time when heroin was the most used drug.

I never wrote a drug user bashing post, it's about the way Thais see foreigners these days. And you might agree that it was completely different 15 years ago.

And yes, the country does have very serious problems No need for foreigners creating some more. Would you like to pay for several drug tests, before they issue a visa, or work permit?

How many people got recently checked by some obviously not honest cops in Bangkok and had to strip down and give a piss test and other bs?

I don't think that he got arrested just because he smoked some weed. It seems that they're checking if he sold weed.

He had enough money from the Dutch government to live a relatively good life. If it turns out that he sold weed to almost everybody, then it's not okay anymore.

Not wanting to make assumptions now, but who knows, maybe some Thais in this business saw him as a competitor and wanted him to leave? -Cheers-facepalm.gif

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You rich Farangs may have more money than this guy from Amsterdam.

Then you're pretend to be the big spenders, the ones that can afford higher prices, so prices go up. Effect: Thais also have to pay more for eggs etc.

Do you really expect anyone loves you for this effect caused by Farangs?

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More crackdown on foreigners, time to find some new country to live, Thailand don't want expats anymore.

I believe you have made similar comments in the past, are you still in Thailand ? Having trouble finding a better place to live ?

I certainly don't agree with your silly and negative opinion and people like me won't even realize people like you are gone, when you eventually do leave. biggrin.png

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Has smoking weed now become such a manhunt?

I know from early reports of travellers to Thailand, from century 16 to 19, that it was the general sedative for people, even part of Thai cuisine. Wheres alcohol was considered Satan, and I find rightly so ...

Then things changed, with industrialisation, when the big brewers and distillers did not want anything home made anymore, and criminalised it, also with the pressure of the US, that want a monopoly of the rich to sell destructive dugs as alcohol.

Now, history of Thailand got forgotten. A friend took a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok, was screened by police at Ekkamai station, was found with three joints, and the guys gave him to options: jail with deportation or getting them 100'000 THB for three joints He opted for the second thing, was accompanied by a police adjoint to the near bank, then to the nearby shit house of a petrol station where he counted the bills into the hand of the police, and after that was led back to Ekkamai station to be given back his passport, with the warning of the officer to shut up about it or bad things would happen to him.


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Has smoking weed now become such a manhunt?

I know from early reports of travellers to Thailand, from century 16 to 19, that it was the general sedative for people, even part of Thai cuisine. Wheres alcohol was considered Satan, and I find rightly so ...

Then things changed, with industrialisation, when the big brewers and distillers did not want anything home made anymore, and criminalised it, also with the pressure of the US, that want a monopoly of the rich to sell destructive dugs as alcohol.

Now, history of Thailand got forgotten. A friend took a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok, was screened by police at Ekkamai station, was found with three joints, and the guys gave him to options: jail with deportation or getting them 100'000 THB for three joints He opted for the second thing, was accompanied by a police adjoint to the near bank, then to the nearby shit house of a petrol station where he counted the bills into the hand of the police, and after that was led back to Ekkamai station to be given back his passport, with the warning of the officer to shut up about it or bad things would happen to him.


Thailand Is Torture. TIT
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I've been here for 12 years and I did see amazing foreigners doing all to change Thai peoples' opinion regarding foreigners. And that's something I care about.

I have been here thirty years and I did see amazing Thais doing all to change foreigners' opinion regarding Thai people ... And that's something that saddens me.

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Anyone stupid eno,ugh to posses and smoke pot in Thailand

needs to be locked up

for their own protection!

Of all the places in the world to pull this crap?

​Stupid, stupid, stupid....

P.S. I smoked for 40+ years in my past life....but never stupid enough to do it in Thailand!

I would love a good joint, but it is just not worth it here!

Christ man! You're clucking! Chill out. Loads of people smoke draw here. At least you are not in denial about what you want.

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He gets 700 euro from the Government because of what? I'm not aware on any such benefit in the Netherlands, only thing I can think of is to just keep him out of the country lol. Then, Vincenzo Antonio is no dutch name, I bet it's made up name, that's two italian first names and sounds really strange, believe me, as if your full name was Paul Mark or David John or James Billy ;)

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How do you get 700 euros a month from a government?

I know a young German ( in his 30 s ) ,from what was the DDR ,here in Chiang Mai and getting enough to live on quite well ( dont know how much exactly ) , from the German state .I asked him why ?and he said that he was on a disability benefit because of a problem with his eyes .(which was not apparent to me ) .

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How do you get 700 euros a month from a government?

I met a Belgian guy (38 years old) who gets a 850 euros/month government pension for chronic alcoholism.

Nowadays he is overstaying in Thailand because -dixit- visaruns are out of his budget.

No kidding...

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First, a little about me...

I'm an ultra right-wing conservative, white and rapidly aging. Generally speaking, I am upset by all other nationalities, cultures and any point of view differing from my own, and I spend the majority of my time angry at other people. My philosophy is that I should - for no reason at all - go around the world imposing my views onto others, and getting incredibly upset if any level of infraction, no matter how draconian or nonsensical.

So, after weighing al my options...I've decided to relocate half-way around the world to SE Asia, because no person there will be doing anything which upsets me at all.

In the very unlikely event that I may, one day, encounter a person who is different from myself, my plan is shout 'rules are rules', judge them as horribly as possible, and then delight in the idea that they are punished in inhumane ways for me to laugh at. As my father used to say when he'd beat us, 'You deserve it!'


Ah, you found the Sarcasm Font - good job!

(Well, I hope so anyway)

Yes definitely raising sarcasm to an art form there - unfortunately it will probably go over the heads of the section of TV members he has so aptly pilloried....

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I know of Vincent having spoken with on a few occasions. Seems nice enough most of the time. Have seen him running down Meechai in the early morning hours screaming his head off and waving his arms in the air. Can say for the most part he is harmless though. My concern is when he is buying and selling within my neighborhood. I do not do drugs but have no issue with people who do. But I do not wish them brought into my community.

Do wish him well and a speedy release in hopes he learns a lesson from this and sticks to just using not selling.

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Has smoking weed now become such a manhunt?

I know from early reports of travellers to Thailand, from century 16 to 19, that it was the general sedative for people, even part of Thai cuisine. Wheres alcohol was considered Satan, and I find rightly so ...

Then things changed, with industrialisation, when the big brewers and distillers did not want anything home made anymore, and criminalised it, also with the pressure of the US, that want a monopoly of the rich to sell destructive dugs as alcohol.

Now, history of Thailand got forgotten. A friend took a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok, was screened by police at Ekkamai station, was found with three joints, and the guys gave him to options: jail with deportation or getting them 100'000 THB for three joints He opted for the second thing, was accompanied by a police adjoint to the near bank, then to the nearby shit house of a petrol station where he counted the bills into the hand of the police, and after that was led back to Ekkamai station to be given back his passport, with the warning of the officer to shut up about it or bad things would happen to him.


While I emphatically disapprove of police turning drug enforcement into an extortion scheme, as far as your "friend" is concerned, 'entirely a self-inflicted wound. Heaps of criticism for the police, but no sympathy for this guy.

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