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New Topics Postings In Bear Pit Disabled


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Posting of New topics in the "Bear Pit" forum branch is temporary disabled due to administrative issues.


I hope that this doesn't mean that the Big Three are all sitting around trying to decide how many years to throw me off for.

I remember the time that I tried to log-in, only to be informed that I couldn't do so until 2007! :o

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Posting of New topics in the "Bear Pit" forum branch is temporary disabled due to administrative issues.


I hope that this doesn't mean that the Big Three are all sitting around trying to decide how many years to throw me off for.

I remember the time that I tried to log-in, only to be informed that I couldn't do so until 2007! :o

Behave yourself !

You're on parole. :D

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Hey! It's not my fault that the gentleman has been in the Rong Pai Ya Baan, Baa Baa Baa Bo in Phuket town, naked, wearing a Nazi helmet, with his head spinning around in circles, for the last two days! :o

When he signed off two days ago he seemed in really good spirits.

Mabe it's the lithium...? :D

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Maybe he is SAS, is so, I wouldn’t be sleeping lightly! :o

They are trained to find people/kill people and will wait a month in hole, if need be.

I met a few of them in Cambodia, when I worked for UNICAL, absolute nutters, but they do have a better grasp on world events, than we do, as really they are the fighting mans CIA. I would rather have him as friend than an enemy.

So although I am not applauding this mans postings, I think the other twin, should also be pulled into line, for being the antagonist for the majority of the “wars” started on this forum. I have been watching things here for a long time and although the Gent seems to be a little crazy in his ideals and seems to get some what frustrated most of the time, he also posts nice and informative pieces on the pit and other threads.

It is everyone’s right to have their own point of view, be it, looked on as stupid or stupendous, you should look at history to see, that what is stupid at the time, sometimes ends up being correct.

I keep my mind open, and then the shock isn’t as bad, when the real truth comes to light!





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It's the anti-American theme of the Gent's postings that gets up one's nose.

A mate of his let slip that when the Gent was in Africa working with some American soldiers there was some "problem" with one of the Yanks and he's not yet resolved it.

Oh well, we'll see what develops tomorrow. I'm sure we haven't seen the end of this Bear Pit saga... :o

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Maybe he is SAS, is so, I wouldn’t be sleeping lightly! :o

They are trained to find people/kill people and will wait a month in hole, if need be.

I met a few of them in Cambodia, when I worked for UNICAL, absolute nutters, but they do have a better grasp on world events, than we do, as really they are the fighting mans CIA. I would rather have him as friend than an enemy.

So although I am not applauding this mans postings, I think the other twin, should also be pulled into line, for being the antagonist for the majority of the “wars” started on this forum. I have been watching things here for a long time and although the Gent seems to be a little crazy in his ideals and seems to get some what frustrated most of the time, he also posts nice and informative pieces on the pit and other threads.

It is everyone’s right to have their own point of view, be it, looked on as stupid or stupendous, you should look at history to see, that what is stupid at the time, sometimes ends up being correct.

I keep my mind open, and then the shock isn’t as bad, when the real truth comes to light!






You obviously haven't been around very long. When I first joined the forum, I had never posted before, but I kept seeing a bunch of nutty, anti-American posts by the gentleman, and the infamous Bitterfly.

As far as I'm concerned, they are the original antagonists.

They were going on about how Americans are the stupidest people in the world, in broken English and with misspelled words, terrible grammar and no punctuation. That is what I am talking about when I call them stupid, not their views about America's involvement in Iraq.

I could not stand by and see such ignoramuses taking the piss out of my country, so I started posting, and that is how the whole thing began.

Of course, I concentrated on their own lack of education. You see, they had brought the subject up in the first place.

As far as the gentleman being SAS, he might very well have been, and I don't take anything away from them, but you see that I've known that all along; He kept bringing it up and threatening people on this forum.

I figure that this is a place to express one's opinions, I can say what I want. If certain people can't handle my opinions, than they can turn the computer off.

I don't need to threaten people. God blessed me with a working brain.

I don't want to get all macho, because I'm an old man now, but I was a Marine and did some training with Force Recon. The Navy Seals are full of guys from Recon and they are pretty much equivalent to each other. Anyway, the point is that I still don't like to take sh1t from big mouth bullies, and I don't.

I personally, don't want to destroy my life in Thailand, and I'm sure that the gentleman could beat me in a fist fight, simply because I'm old and not in great health, however, because a business rival has threatened me, I am always armed, and to put it simply, if any nuts from the Internet come looking for me, uninvited, I will pull the pull the trigger first, and hope that I made the right decision later.

It might be better for such nuts to stay home and go sailing, or go bother someone else.

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Yeah, I kind of have to agree with a lot of what G-P just said in the preceding post.

The reason the forum came about was because, once upon a time, there was a poster here named Butterfly, who ran around all the threads, posting very hateful anti-American sh!t. And this was before the Bear Pit. He and a few others, would post crazy conspiracy theories and other musings such as "do you think the United States is trying to crush Thailand's economy by creating SARS"---things like that. Obvious attempts to sway peoples opinions against the U.S., or at the very least they were trolling, looking to pick a fight with an American like me. Well, up to that point, I was a lurker here, only coming to ThaiVisa.com to find info on Thailand, how to get a Visa, that sort of thing. But when I found that virtually EVERY ASPECT about my country was being lied about, I became very involved in taking on Butterfly, fighting him in about every post he created--(and I kicked his butt too, I believe). Actually what happened is I sort of made it my personal mission to dog him as much as the admin's were allowing him to dog me and my country.

Then one of the admins (######) kicked us both of for a while for being "unruly" (and a few other choice names, but I don't really care about that now, as it's ancient history). At any rate, apparently that took the wind out of poor Butterfly's sails as he kind of stuck his tail between his legs and disappeared.

I had requested several times, that these political postings be either banned or they should be quarantined to one area. It's possible the admins were already thinking about that, but one way or another, that's how the Bear Pit came to be. G-P came on board and became active for the same reasons that I did--my fight with Butterfly and that we both hate to see a lot of distortions and lies and anti-American propaganda, especially in these days when there is a very real evil in this world, and that evil is called fundamentalist Islamic extremists, whose goal is to terrorize and ultimately destroy western civilization, to roll back the clock to the middle ages and convert every living human being to being a Muslim--or they die.

Personally, I think that criticism of American politics has no place on a website having to do with obtaining a Visa to Thailand. Sure, there's always two sides to everything, but as long as it's here, I'll be a part of it and represent the truth about my country.

So that's why I'm here... After Butterfly disappeared, along came the Gent. And now that he's gone, there will be someone else to take his place. Mark my words, the Bear Pit will be quiet for a while, then someone else will come along and take his place and the argument will continue.

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we both hate to see a lot of distortions and lies and anti-American propaganda, especially in these days when there is a very real evil in this world, and that evil is called fundamentalist Islamic extremists, whose goal is to terrorize and ultimately destroy western civilization, to roll back the clock to the middle ages and convert every living human being to being a Muslim--or they die.
Maybe this evil wouldn't be there if it wasn't for American middle eastern politics of the last 50 years?

Like the palestina-israel question, or the training by the US of Osama and even the supply of weapons to Iraq-Iran

Sure, there's always two sides to everything, but as long as it's here, I'll be a part of it and represent the truth about my country.

So maybe you should take of your star spangled sunglasses and look at the other side?

Mark my words, the Bear Pit will be quiet for a while, then someone else will come along and take his place and the argument will continue.

Of course , There are many more people who don't agree With Pro American Patriotic views,....and the flag....and the protector of everybody .....and the biggest the best the richest .....bla bla bla.

I wouldn't say that they need to piss everybody off with continous posting of rumors or gossip either. But constructive dialog only works if both party's are listening.

Unfortunatly i have still to meet the first American that can do that ?? :D

You just can't get around the patriotic crap :o

Maybe you can be the one? :D


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But constructive dialog only works if both party's are listening.

Unfortunatly i have still to meet the first American that can do that ?? 

You just can't get around the patriotic crap

Maybe you can be the one? 


We are loading up the trucks and heading up North.

The partying the last 2 nights has been stupendous. It's time for a rest.

First the Israelis got rid of that old Hamas criminal, and then admin saw fit to silence the gent for a good long while.

Justice does prevail.

Before, I take off, I wanted to give my opinion on the ultimate fate of the Bear-Pit. I think that it should be done away with.

This is supposed to be a web-site about Thailand, and I think that it should stay that way. There are plenty of interesting forums on here already. Why does thai.visa.com need a forum that generates nothing but anger, resentment and fights? As Membrane said, another Bitterfly/ gentleman clone will pop up soon enough.

By the way guys, don't bother with King's Castle I on Patpong for the next few days. To keep the celebration going, we bought out all of the stunners to bring to the resort. It's going to be a little dead for the next month or so. :o

Oh yeah, to Zen, Thaiquilla is American and totally agrees with you, which totally invalidates everything that you had to say. :D

Power to the people. :D

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One of the few time I've got to disagree with you Georgie - the Bear Pit is a safety valve and political discussion w/out it will bleed into the General catagory.

Keep the Bear Pit. As long as civilized discourse is conducted, i.e. no flame-baiting, the Pit is the only suitable venue to post one's political opinions.

Have fun on your vacation Georgie and don't catch any diseases! :o

Boon Mee

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I second that "safety valve" comment, Boon Mee. It's keeps the a$$holes with an axe to grind and an agenda to promote out of the rest of the discussions on Thailand and it's wonderful people, beaches, food, etc.

Let's keep those areas distinct and quarantined from the likes of Butterfly/gent.

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So maybe you should take of your star spangled sunglasses and look at the other side?

I wouldn't say that they need to piss everybody off with continous posting of rumors or gossip either. But constructive dialog only works if both party's are listening.

Unfortunatly i have still to meet the first American that can do that ?? :D

You just can't get around the patriotic crap :o

Maybe you can be the one? :D

Constructive posts? Sure, I can do that.

Listening to the other side? Yeah, I can do that too--and without wearing any "star spangled sunglasses "--as long as you can do the same--without wearing your "America is the Great Satan" sunglasses.

Are you "The One", Zen? Can you fill those shoes? Can you actually convince me that America is to blame for the evils of the world? Can you actually validate what you are claiming, with hard cold facts and verifiable resources, that America created this big mess in the world? --Or are you going to resort to name-calling or unfounded and ridiculous conspiracy theories like "Jews rule the world", just like just about every other American-hater has done before you?

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I am always armed, and to put it simply, if any nuts from the Internet come looking for me, uninvited, I will pull the pull the trigger first, and hope that I made the right decision later.

I wonder why the Gent called Dr Evil. :o

You look like a prankster to me. :D

Anyway For Songkran, don't mistake the real gun for the water gun. :D

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