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'British gang' in Udon Thani beats up Frenchmen


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If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

As if that makes it any more acceptable.

Yes; I'm afraid it does. At Agincourt the Brits outnumbered 6-1 .... so yes, fellow Brits helping an un-armed, helmet-less compatriot is something that should be applauded. "Brothers In Arms" spirit of our commonwealth nations .... Rolf Harriss' Two Little Boys springs to mind.


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A group of guys attacked someone. Why are their nationalities so important in this assault?

You know that many on this forum cannot resist a gratuitous bit of "Brit bashing"........

It's fair game, the Brits did bash the French first wink.png

I think they have been "bashing" each other for 100s of years! whistling.gif

Yep Ask Richard Sharp

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If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

As if that makes it any more acceptable.

He didn't say that it was acceptable, he was merely explaining what is probably the more likely explanation for the altercation. Or are you trolling?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

As if that makes it any more acceptable.

Yes; I'm afraid it does. At Agincourt the Brits outnumbered 6-1 .... so yes, fellow Brits helping an un-armed, helmet-less compatriot is something that should be applauded. "Brothers In Arms" spirit of our commonwealth nations .... Rolf Harriss' Two Little Boys springs to mind.


Rolf harris had two little boys?

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Sell the bar and the Harley and use the money to buy the victim a new pair of teeth. In a perfect world, the bar would go up in flames tonight with the 5 culprits (and the Harley old scrap metal piece of $# ite) locked in it :)

The French are taking up a collection to fix the loud mouths teeth. Care to donate?

Your front teeth will do...

Edited by clamman
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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

More like,they have never forgiven us for all the help we gave them in WW2

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

As if that makes it any more acceptable.

Yes; I'm afraid it does. At Agincourt the Brits outnumbered 6-1 .... so yes, fellow Brits helping an un-armed, helmet-less compatriot is something that should be applauded. "Brothers In Arms" spirit of our commonwealth nations .... Rolf Harriss' Two Little Boys springs to mind.


Hang on a bit Rolf is an Aussi kiddy fiddler!!!!:o

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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

Yes their wine and cheese is good,Also most french woman i know were as easy as the slope woman ,and do fantastic things

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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

Was Fifi a poodle?
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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

Was Fifi a poodle?

Not a poodle, but must admit now thinking back, she was a bit of a dog.

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Two bullets in the chest will settle any argument. coffee1.gif

a bit extreme, i would only feel the need to put a couple of bullets in someone´s chest if they had

1-- attacked my missus

2-- touched my kids

3...threatened any of my family

4.. a terrorist

5.. support glasgow rangers wink.png

6...broke into my apartment and stole from me

and 7... spiked or forced any drugs into someone i know

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Khaosod Thai said that the British guy who reversed his bike and knocked over the French guy's bike is a part owner of the Last Bar and called Thomas. He was the one who called over his mates that carried out the attack.


Picture of the injured parties with their wives at the police station.

Thank you for calling out this tiny punk half woman by name. We need more of that. Shame the bitch. He is afraid to fight on his own. What a coward. What a wimp. What a sad, sad sack of a man child. Boycott the bar forever. Pass the word. Do everything in your power to soil this punks reputation. What little of it that remains.

Welcome traveller of time and space. For your requisite pitchfork, please follow the signs for 'HomePro'. In your moneysack you should find a red token bearing a head, use this for barter with the shopkeeper.

A pitchfork might be kind of an extreme act. I was thinking a flogging in the public square, with his pants down to his ankles.

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maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

Queetz - Russians defeated French (under Marshal Ney)

Sacile - Austrians defeated French (under Eugene)

Aspern-Essling - Austrians defeated French

Kliastitzy - Russians defeated French (Oudinot)

Svolna - Russians defeated French (Oudinot)

Vinkovo - Russians defeated French (Murat)

2nd Polotzk - Russians defeated French (Oudinot, Victor)

Viasma - Russians defeated French

2nd Krasnoi - Russians defeated French (Roguet and NAPOLEON)

Plechenitzi - Russians defeated French (Oudinot)

Möckern - Russians and Prussians defeated the French (Eugène)

Luckau - Russians and Prussians defeated French (Oudinot)

Gross-Beeren - Russians and Prussians defeated French (Oudinot)

First Pirna - Russians defeated French (St. Cyr)

Second Katzbach - Prussians defeated French (Macdonald)

Second Pirna - Russians defeated French (Vandamme)

Kulm - Russians, Prussians, Austrians defeated French (Vandamme)

Dennewitz - Prussians defeated French and allies (Ney)

Wartenberg - Prussians defeated French and allies (Bertrand)

Möckern - Allies defeated French (Marmont)

Leipzig - Russians, Prussians, Austrians defeated French (NAPOLEON)

La Rothière - Russians, Austrians, Prussians, Bavarians defeated French (NAPOLEON)

Bar-sur-Aube - Austrians, Russians, Bavarians defeated French (Oudinot)

Lâon - Prussians, Russians defeated French (NAPOLEON)

Fismes - Prussians defeated French (Marmont)

Arcis-Sur-Aube - Allies defeated French (NAPOLEON)

La Fère Champenoise - Russians defeated French (Marmont and Mortier)

Paris - Allies defeated French ( Marmont and Mortier)

The failures and defeats were not something limited only to the Napoleonic wars. World War 2 was a humilation for the French army. Even though millions of French troops were manning the defensive Maginot Line in early 1940, Hitler's brilliant blitzkrieg strategy caught the Allies by surprise. The Germans skirted the Maginot Line and slashed into France through Luxembourg and the Ardennes Forest. The Blitzkrieg moved with lightning speed as Hitler's tanks turned and raced headlong to the sea. They reached the English Channel on May 21 cutting off the French and British armies in the North. The Germans turned again, fighting their way north to secure the coastal ports and annihilate the trapped armies. Germany occupied France within just 6 weeks.

And this was only in the modern era. Let us not forget earlier battles in Normandy. And the later battle of Agincourt, in the 14th century, where 6,000 British soldiers defeated nearly 30,000 French soldiers, in one of the decisive battles of the hundred year war. Their history is very colorful.

Amongst my friends, I am one of the few that is a French supporter. I love their wines (especially Red Burgundies, pinot noir does not get any better than that) their cheese is sublime, and they are pretty good at fashion. Citroens and Peugeots are decent cars. Not to sound too harsh, but what has France contributed on the world stage in the past half century? Their golden age seemed to end with the death of their post impressionist painters.

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<snipped various quotes from post #17>

To put it another way; the poor Frenchman were attacked by thugs and those thugs need to feel the full force of the law. The nationality of the thugs (or indeed the victims) is irrelevant.

Is that clearer?

Nationalities and/or ethnicities need to be known so that some people on these forums can know which way to point their hate/sympathy meters.


You may have hit something there Thakkar; else the Thais would likely end-up the brunt of most blame on this forum. However, the police may find it necessary in identifying the culprits; you wouldn't want them to misplace the blame on the wrong thugs, would you?.

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<snipped various quotes from post #17>

To put it another way; the poor Frenchman were attacked by thugs and those thugs need to feel the full force of the law. The nationality of the thugs (or indeed the victims) is irrelevant.

Is that clearer?

Nationalities and/or ethnicities need to be known so that some people on these forums can know which way to point their hate/sympathy meters.


You may have hit something there Thakkar; else the Thais would likely end-up the brunt of most blame on this forum. However, the police may find it necessary in identifying the culprits; you wouldn't want them to misplace the blame on the wrong thugs, would you?.

Indeed, the police, for the purposes of their jobs, need to know. We here at the forum aren't the police, even if we do have an enthusiastic TV-CSI division.


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So much hatred for the French in this thread ...

Shouldn't you hate us French speaking Walloons too ?

Indeed shortly after the end of WWII we asked de Gaule to annex us.

The French and de Gaule were all for it but de Gaule got cold feet because he feared that the Anglos would accuse him of land grab ...

Anyway, I'm envious of not yet having been included in this French bashing. As a might have been French Walloon I certainly deserve to be hated too. So, please, go for it !!

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So much hatred for the French in this thread ...

Shouldn't you hate us French speaking Walloons too ?

Indeed shortly after the end of WWII we asked de Gaule to annex us.

The French and de Gaule were all for it but de Gaule got cold feet because he feared that the Anglos would accuse him of land grab ...

Anyway, I'm envious of not yet having been included in this French bashing. As a might have been French Walloon I certainly deserve to be hated too. So, please, go for it !!

Quote from a british officer of the 60th rifles,in the wars of independence in america ( when the french treid to stick there nose in )

The French do not have the stomach for war,,,,They are too busy making love,with their faces

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<snipped various quotes from post #17>

To put it another way; the poor Frenchman were attacked by thugs and those thugs need to feel the full force of the law. The nationality of the thugs (or indeed the victims) is irrelevant.

Is that clearer?

Nationalities and/or ethnicities need to be known so that some people on these forums can know which way to point their hate/sympathy meters.


You may have hit something there Thakkar; else the Thais would likely end-up the brunt of most blame on this forum. However, the police may find it necessary in identifying the culprits; you wouldn't want them to misplace the blame on the wrong thugs, would you?.

Indeed, the police, for the purposes of their jobs, need to know. We here at the forum aren't the police, even if we do have an enthusiastic TV-CSI division.


Even we in the forum may need descriptive information on the thugs running about, don't you think?

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Howcome for two guys that have been beaten up there are no bruises etc. The guy supposedly had his front teeth knocked out yet no cut lip or bruising. Strange. No?

It forgot to mention they were falses lol... plus a good Brit bashing from what I have witnessed would be photos from hospital beds !

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Howcome for two guys that have been beaten up there are no bruises etc. The guy supposedly had his front teeth knocked out yet no cut lip or bruising. Strange. No?

It forgot to mention they were falses lol... plus a good Brit bashing from what I have witnessed would be photos from hospital beds !

If the boys had had them they would more than lightly bee in a coffin

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No different than Koh Samui with British want to be Gang, Mafia Thugstrer Drug dealers and not just a couple but Many many many...They have become as annoying as the Russians

This event has been blown out of all proportion , I was in soi sampam last night ,

not a biker so called biker mafia in sight .

It is only the retired biker gentry living in Udon , who have the financial resources to spend their money on big bikes ,PANG.

Old boys toys , same as mia noi .

The incident was closed / ended at source by the two guys involved apolgies , etc in this trivial incident .

It was the thai big thai mouth female , who had ulterior motives, to cause problems in the recently opened Brit bar ,

she fuelled the young and immature , frogs to react .

END OFF. wai2.gif

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10 pages so far and mostly comments and post likes about how much people hate other nationalities.

Bigoted small minded pettiness is the order of the day when even the mention of a nationality comes up on Thai Visa.

Its the opportunity for forgetting what the actual topic was and grabbing the chance for:

"Dont you just hate those..................................."

Fill in the blank and spit your venom towards your chosen target because of course everyone is the same from there.

Some very sad people on here.

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I'm surprised that the Anglos have so much hatred for France and the French.

This thread is an eye-opener.

This is the big problem on TV Most do not understand Brit humour, The french guys understand and always give back as good as they get.

Very many countrys,also in Europe have humour that is so backward it seems to us like a kindergarten This is only banter.

Nothing against the Frogs Except the Woman do not shower often,and most need a shave 555

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