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A Night Out


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Firstly I have to apologise to mall_magician (think that’s your username) for missing out on the pub crawl the other month….. I was all up for it… but then it chucked it down – not sure if you got much of an attendance for it… which was a shame – because it was looking good for numbers up to then….

Anyways…. The reason I’m writing this post is to arrange a similar thing myself….

…… I’ve been in Chiang Mai around 4 months now – met some real nice people (and some dicks) – and just wouldn’t mind expanding my contacts book a bit further into Chiang Mai…

There must be a mob of mid 20 something’s sat twiddling their thumbs at home on those lonely weekend nights…….. well here is your chance to meet a few sounds young guys who like to do what all mid 20s guys do…. drink, leer at girls, play guitar, watch football (and try to play)… and just have a laugh. Who knows – maybe you’ll meet a lifelong friend (and maybe some tools also)….

So the date – this coming Friday (25th – payday!)…. The venue?…. We’ll leave that open to discussion….. just as long as it’s pretty central and there’s a relevant ‘crawl’ in reasonable proximity….

Please reply if you’re interested in this night of appallingness.... (yes – that’s a word)…. All ages welcome….. (you oldies need a break from the Thai GF/W every now and then surely!)…..

I look forward to meeting some people next Friday….. now, let’s discuss……… :o


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…….. well here is your chance to meet a few sounds young guys who like to do what all mid 20s guys do…. drink, leer at girls, play guitar, watch football (and try to play)… and just have a laugh. Who knows – maybe you’ll meet a lifelong friend (and maybe some tools also)….

Too many w**kers around (80-90% according to some surveys), chances are there will be a number amoungst your little drinking party. Don't drink any more. My wife would murder me for leering at girls. Can't play guitar (or anything else for that matter). Hate football. Still laugh occasionally when taking the piss out of a few TV contributors.

If you have plenty of money you'll attract a few lifelong friends in CNX at least until the money runs out.

Sounds like fun DB. Good luck.

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Hey Mall - welcome aboard! to be honest I was going to suggest UN, but was going to wait for a few more for suggestions... it's just a bonus being so central. We'll say UN Irish bar unless somebody else has a better idea....

Chanchao - of course your welcome! The more the merrier - I look forward to observing your leering skills!

Blinky_Bill - I was looking forward to the cynical 'baaa another wackjob young foreigner in my city... I've lived here 10 years now... and I'm dead inside' post... thanks for not disappointing! :o

Come along - you're more than welcome.... you never though... you may have some................... (wait for it).....fun. Hope to meet you. Plus I need to discuss where you got your w*nker survey reports from - that'd make interesting reading! :D

Anymore takers?

I'll leave this running until the end of the week, and I'll put a time on it nearer Friday - but the venue is more than looking like UN Irish Pub (but still open for discussion)

Night all. :D

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Blinky_Bill - I was looking forward to the cynical 'baaa another wackjob young foreigner in my city... I've lived here 10 years now... and I'm dead inside' post... thanks for not disappointing! :D

Come along - you're more than welcome.... you never though... you may have some................... (wait for it).....fun. Hope to meet you. Plus I need to discuss where you got your w*nker survey reports from - that'd make interesting reading! :D

Always happy to oblige young man. 23 years actually. Hope you can bring your guitar along so as you knock out a few good old songs. Do you know the words to Kumbayaa?

Unfortunately I won't be in town for your fun night out, I would love to come along but would prefer to be an anonymous barfly listening in to your conversations then somehow use them in some cynical way on the good old CNX TV. Perhaps next time....... :o

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Shame - you seem like a nice guy. 23 years aye?..... younger than me.. but just as sarcastic! Nice!

I sharn't be taking my guitar along (I believe that would put me in the 90% from your previous findings).... and as for Kumbiyar - I get enough of the religious element from school.... so how about suggesting something more upbeat... perhaps Marilyn Manson or Slipknot ... :D

It's a shame you're out of town - I hope to meet you in the near future... you come across as a likeable guy.... no really... :D

Now theres no need for a 'lets see how cynical and funny I can be in one post, I can make this guy sound like a looser' post again.... feel the love man - feel the love..

.... however, if you just can't resist - don't go getting all excited again and mess up your grammar... having to edit a post just takes the gloss off it I feel.... :o

P.S UN Irish Bar - Friday...... say 9:30 start (pm!).... hows that? All ages welcome for a gathering.


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Shame - you seem like a nice guy. 23 years aye?..... younger than me.. but just as sarcastic! Nice!

I sharn't be taking my guitar along (I believe that would put me in the 90% from your previous findings).... and as for Kumbiyar - I get enough of the religious element from school.... so how about suggesting something more upbeat... perhaps Marilyn Manson or Slipknot ... :D

It's a shame you're out of town - I hope to meet you in the near future... you come across as a likeable guy.... no really... :D

Now theres no need for a 'lets see how cynical and funny I can be in one post, I can make this guy sound like a looser' post again.... feel the love man - feel the love..

.... however, if you just can't resist - don't go getting all excited again and mess up your grammar... having to edit a post just takes the gloss off it I feel.... :o

P.S UN Irish Bar - Friday...... say 9:30 start (pm!).... hows that? All ages welcome for a gathering.


Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Hmmmm, Marilyn Manson, I heard that he had his lower ribs removed so as he could satisfy himself. Good way to save money. I just checked my collection seems I only have one track, The Dope Show, different but I prefer Slim Whitman, Nino Rosso and the like.

Enjoy the evening next Friday and please give my regards to Sandy if he is there.

Re the edit on the previous post, that was just to remove an expletive or two.

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Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Sadness, bitterness and depression.

Life is what you make it. Try living.

Edited by Loaded
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Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Oh yes there were (we were just too drunk to notice), most of them are still here, tho' there does appear to be a regular turnover.

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Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Sadness, bitterness and depression.

Life is what you make it. Try living.

Bugger off..............I have children and grandchildren, ride fast motorbikes, travel the world with my work, skydiving instructor (in younger days) and SCUBA instructor. Why do you mention "sadness, bitterness and depression" when you don't know me? I don't need to try living, I am living!!

Thailand is full of very lonely single western men amoungst others. I am not one of them I can assure you.

Loaded, in case you hadn't noticed, most of my posts are tongue in cheek and basically taking the piss. I get a wonderful sense of achievment when someone like yourself takes the bait.

BB....... :o

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BB - apologies for the misunderstanding.... I see what I did now!... :D

I thought your words had an air of 'experience' about them.... surely not coming from a young scally like myself.....

.... I can get the tone of your posts though - don't worry about that...... as it seems we share the same sence of sarcasism... but perhaps yours is slightly dryer (maybe that's what 23 years in CNX does to you!!!!)....

...... shame you can't make the drink - perhaps another time....

....... there's no need for expletives.... this is just a respectable 24 year old English guy who going to be living here for a couple of years, looking for some like minded people to drink with for the duration.... there's no holes to pick - no hidden agenda...

so either reply with something positive to the thread - or kindly p*ss off.... :o:D

So it's still looking like the UN Irish Bar this Friday - I think we may have a grand total of 4.... YAY!


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Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Sadness, bitterness and depression.

Life is what you make it. Try living.

Bugger off..............I have children and grandchildren, ride fast motorbikes, travel the world with my work, skydiving instructor (in younger days) and SCUBA instructor. Why do you mention "sadness, bitterness and depression" when you don't know me? I don't need to try living, I am living!!

Thailand is full of very lonely single western men amoungst others. I am not one of them I can assure you.

Loaded, in case you hadn't noticed, most of my posts are tongue in cheek and basically taking the piss. I get a wonderful sense of achievment when someone like yourself takes the bait.

BB....... :o

OK mate calm down, you don't need to prove anything to me, I was just commenting on your unnecessary negative response to a positive suggestion.

And it's good that you feel a 'wonderful sense of achievement' and only took 100 words to express it.

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Seems that you misunderstood DB. I came to CNX at about your age but that was 23 years ago. There weren't too many w***ers around in those daze.

Sadness, bitterness and depression.

Life is what you make it. Try living.

Loaded, in case you hadn't noticed, most of my posts are tongue in cheek and basically taking the piss. I get a wonderful sense of achievment when someone like yourself takes the bait.

BB....... :D

:o He's not wrong, he has a wicked streak in him :D

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Hey there,

just a quickie - you mentioned in the OP about actually trying to get involved in playing footy as well as watching it.

The UN Irish is home to the (in)famous Faranguatans FC. Speak to Warren upstairs (tall guy, rapidly depleting blonde hair, Arsenal) about getting in on the action. They used to be in an over-35's league but now play the odd friendly in and around the region and are always interesting in recruiting flesh blood. :o

Hope that helps, have a good night,


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