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Koh Tao beach murders: Fund for Hannah Witheridge raises £3,000 so family can attend trial


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Hannah Witheridge, 23, was murdered on the island of Koh Tao last September along with fellow backpacker David Miller, 24

A fund has been set up so the family of a British student murdered on a Thai beach can attend the trial of her alleged killers.

Hannah Witheridge, 23, horrifically lost her life on the island of Koh Tao last September along with fellow backpacker David Miller, 24.

They had met as they travelled around South East Asia on a holiday of a lifetime and were targeted during a walk on the beach.

Burmese migrants Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, were arrested two weeks after the semi-naked bodies of the pair were found.

They initially confessed to the crime but later changed their minds and accused Thai police of torturing them.

A murder trial is due to take place on the island in July but Hannah's distraught family from Hembsy, Norfolk face a bill of up to £12,000 to attend.

Wellwishers have now started a Go Fund Me page and raised thousands so five members of her family can make the traumatic trip.

Writing on the page, Hannah's sister Laura, 26, said: "We are very fortunate that a charity have offered to provide us with some financial support.

"However, even with their contribution, we estimate that the costs will likely amount to between £10,000 and £12,000.

"The word has spread that we are desperately trying to raise funds in order to get out to Thailand for the trial and we have been overwhelmed by the incredible response from people wanting to help.

"Many have privately messaged me about hosting bake offs, quiz nights, table top sales and even triathlons.

"We are incredibly grateful for the amazing, selfless, kind offers from those around us- including strangers in some instances.

"As always, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who is able to support us during this impossible time.

"It is the selflessness and kindness of everyone around us that is going some way to restoring our faith in the human race."

More than £3,000 has already been donated to the fund and local businesses have organised a string of fundraising events to help the cause.

-- mirror.co.uk 2015-02-17

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Murder trials in Thailand where the defendants plead not guilty can easily last a year or two, because they are usually held only one day a month. However, in this case I believe the court has said it would speed up the process which usually means holding hearings on consecutive days, or at least several days a month. The Katherine Horton murder and rape trial was accelerated and took two weeks. However, the two defendants plead guilty in that case.

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It's terrible her family must travel to hopefully close this part of the story. To those who contribute to the fund, that's a great gesture of sympathy. The national government, the provincial government and local Koh Tao Council should step up to the plate and offer the family accommodations during the trial. It would send a powerful message to other travelers to Thailand, that the authorities do care about security.

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Have to understand that not every family' has a stuffed wallet.

Nice to see when people try to help and this proves the human is human, more than environment.

Don't blame the family but donate to them 10 Pounds.

I did.

This family got a big lost and don't grudge the small good feeling which they may get when they see the care about their sad case.

Edited by Loles
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It's terrible her family must travel to hopefully close this part of the story. To those who contribute to the fund, that's a great gesture of sympathy. The national government, the provincial government and local Koh Tao Council should step up to the plate and offer the family accommodations during the trial. It would send a powerful message to other travelers to Thailand, that the authorities do care about security.

You are suggesting multi millionaires show some generosity and solidarity with the family? Problem is, their families created these problems to begin with, and continue to dominate crime and murder on Dark Tao.

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I can only little imagine how it is to loose my child in such a terrible way. But her parents should also prepared that they will come here and will probably not find what they are looking for if they will attend the trial. This is not British justice system. These two boys will come in chains, already experienced hell on earth, tortured to confess. They will tell their stories how they used to survive without visas, corruption and slave labor on this dream island for western tourists. There are already so many contradictions in this case and in western justice these two boys would have a chance of fair trial. Probably they will get sentenced to death with many many open questions.....

Edited by SoFarAndNear
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12K seems a bit steep.

How long are they staying?

A year?

Why don't the Thai government pay for the accommodation?

What a good idea. Maybe the Thai government can supply them a translator too.

They would sure as hell be in no doubt the accused were guilty by the end of the case.

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Noy sure what kind of justice they are expecting to find. Unless it's a miscarriage of it then they might be in luck.

Have no sympathy for this family left, their comments to the british FCO about the UK cops' non investigation (jolly) in Thailand has probably sealed the fate of 2 likely innocent men.

They should save the money themselves imho. Sure many will disagree but only seems fair as their attendance is their decision.

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