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Science: Thailand ties India for 2nd-shortest 'manhood'


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Some time ago there was an article about Thai penis size and it stated that the younger generation are quite a bit better endowed that their fathers. Probably something to do with nutrition. But the study was of adults between 17 and 90, I believe. So the older folks in the study may have skewed the results somewhat.

I would assume that those talking about the size of Isaan boys are talking about the younger side of the study.

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Guess something can be done about this. Thai girls have good teeth biggrin.png

So why do they need those awful braces?

No.1 Braces are expensive so they are flashing wealth with their smile.

No. 2 Thais never question what doctors or dentists tell them to do. So getting yiu or your kids into braces is like a license to print money. Ask any Thai with braces when they will get them off and you will almost surely hear "I don't know.". That is infiomation the dentist would not volunteer and the Thai patient would never ask.

In America, kids get braces around age 14 and they usually have them off in 2 or 3 years. Here I see people who gave their braces 8-10 years. I also teach in an upper crust all-girl public high school (big envelope reqd.for admission) and almost half my students have braces, including many with perfectly straight and un-gapped teeth.

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What is this recently with small penis articles?

Leave me alone, I had enough, don't want to hear anymore about this.

I have my own problems........that's why I bought the Ferrari to compensate................

Vrooooooom.........I'm happy now.

Hope your family never runs out of batteries


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Since statistics are naturally skewed and deviated, a statistical average is not likely to affect ones sex life.

From your observations of Asian cultures, do men in relationships have and keep their 'balls' more or less than guys in the west?

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Most Ladies like average,not massive,Thai ladies are small so scared of say an African who are generally large,for an african lady,this is no problem as they are built for it,it is like a great dane trying to shag a chihuaha.

Ladies like average + a few extra cm but the majority isnt into footlongs.

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Were the penisis measured when flaccid or erect? I think this is an important detail.

It may not be Thai peope's fault if a report I once read is true. It claimed that in some Asian countries, estrogen was added to lipsticks to reduce the size of Thai boys' genitals. I also have concerns about street vendors here in Thailand filling plastic bags with hot soup as this may mobilise the BPA in the plastic. Not good!

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One of my books on my world travels was unkindly referred to as "the search for the biggest dick". Just because I commented on the dicks in different countries. One of the smallest I saw was in Nigeria and the biggest I ever saw belonged to a Cihinese policeman. My Thai bf is definitely bigger than many others I have seen. Yes he is Isaac.

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A good friend of mines relationship ended quite nasty and his EX posted on the internet of how small his dick was....obviously trying to embarrass him but she did not know this guy as well as she thought she has...

His reply to this posting was the following..... Did you really think that every time I screwed you I did so for your enjoyment...?? Not to mention your double garage between your legs... A astranoid would think its the big black hole to other galaxies should you open that pair of scruffy and unshaven legs of yours....

Oh man..... ??

The only concern should really be to get an errection.......<deleted> the size of you dick !!! If you can get it up and ready your sorted....LOL

Edited by CapeThai
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