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"Goldilocks On Trial"


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I've just come back from taking the kids to see "Goldilocks On Trial" at Chiang Mai International school (CMIS). It's a wonderful show for the little ones as well as for the whole family. There is even a teacher who takes a turn as the Big Bad Wolf which is hilarious.

Today was a special matinee but there are three more performances between tomorrow and Saturday. The show is well done, very funny and runs 55 minutes.

I have not seen a play put on by the CMIS drama department where I was not impressed with the performances of the students. This one is no exception!



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Please correct me if I am wrong but didnt Goldilocks have a run in with 3 bears?

The big bad wolf was haranguing little red riding hood.

Need to get my facts straight.....for future pub quizzes of course.

You are correct. But in this fairy tail send up you never quite know what to expect. Even Cinderella becomes the subject of conversation at one point. All good fun!

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Cinderella becomes the subject of conversation at one point.

shes been working on loi kroh ?

just joshin .. dave2

The 400 baht displayed on the yellow sign. Is that the cost of a traffic or a bar fine?

The play may deviate from the original story of Goldilocks, but for young children I reckon they will love it.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The 400 baht displayed on the yellow sign. Is that the cost of a traffic or a bar fine?

traffic fine :( ... sob sob !

the cmis group put on the play finians rainbow im march 14 which was great

and well worth going to see :)






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