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33-year-old Brit found dead in Phuket hotel bathtub


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hate to say it but could easily have been a drugged and robbed incident, no info on whether he was alone when going to his room, if the guy was on holiday and it was his last night I would very much doubt he was alone.

The sort of details that are conveniently left out of a news report like the involvement of a 3rd party

"hate to say it but could easily have been a drugged and robbed incident, "

Hate to say it?? There's a resident contingent on TV who live for just such another opportunity to create drama to brighten their days. And with the help of Google, many of them are pathologists, police and coroners able to deduce what happened from reading a rather simplistic news report.

Sorry for his death and equally sorry for the excitement it causes the flock of vultures .

"Hate to say it" but many deaths by misadventure and/or murder, in Thailand, are written off as "suicide" so lazy police can avoid paperwork, and Thailand's precious image to tourists is protected on the world stage.

This doesn't do much for a family back at home who may be relying on a life insurance payout, as this insurance, in general, does not cover suicide. Get the bigger picture????

I'm not saying this case is murder, or natural causes, but there have been numerous "suspicious" deaths of foreigners, called suicide by police, all over Thailand, which means the deceased's family may miss out on vital funds, due to the incompetence and/or laziness of Thai police.

Where does suicide come into this sad story? ... could easily be accidental death caused by too many pills mixed with alcohol .... or simply a heart attack in the bath .... 33 year olds have been known to have them ... but conspiracies are so much more fun for many TV members .... if its so bad here why not go home?

"Where does suicide come into this sad story?" - the article mentioned pills and alcohol.

"if its so bad here why not go home?" - where did I say "it's so bad here?"

So, he takes some pills, possibly drinks some alcohol, at the same time, has a heart attack, and then drowns.

I would like to know which one the Thai Police will "officially" record as the cause of death.

NO, I would actually like to know the REAL cause of death, as I am sure his friends and family would.

It's not too much to ask, is it? Thailand, and Phuket, being a "world class tourist destination" and all.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Yes sir...that is a strange case indeed.

If he did drink a whole lot of alcohol ( supposedly he did ) and then took several sleeping pills and more than recommended and then decided to have a nice hot bath before going to bed there is a good possibility that the combination of alcohol and pills quickly took effect before he finished his bath....while being so relaxed that he ended up falling asleep and totally knocked out by pills .....and then slipped under and drowned.

It would not be the first case ever.

The police said ( can you believe them??) there was no indication of robbery or missing personal items and no indication of a struggle having occurred.

But still, a companion or friend ( male or female ) could have pushed the mans head under water and held him down and how could anyone know while money was not the motive or you would think his personal effects and any money would be long gone.

Also, like someone else pointed out, there would have or should have been a hotel record or witnesses if someone had come with the man to his room or someone came to visit the man.....and or video surveillance showing someone enter the room with the man or come to visit the man later.

If that was the case...then that person or persons arriving with the man or coming to visit the man would be suspect of foul play.


Edited by gemguy
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Anthihistamine overdose very rarely kills, and certainly not the amount in 1 strip. In addition, if affected by such when taking a bath, it is very rare to find a corpse on its side if assumed to have drowned.

Another great mystery unfolding.

What are you going on about? Where does it mention Antihistamines?

Nytol is a pretty strong sleeping pill, it is dangerous when taken with alcohol and it sounds like he took a few of them.


Wake up!

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Anthihistamine overdose very rarely kills, and certainly not the amount in 1 strip. In addition, if affected by such when taking a bath, it is very rare to find a corpse on its side if assumed to have drowned.

Another great mystery unfolding.

I assume you're a pathologist by trade right ? I'm also fascinated by how many corpse positions you've experienced post drowning !

Stick to Cleudo chap !

Little do you know! Miss Scarlett.

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There is usually no signs of struggle when the murder weapon is a drug. These stories I tend to have my doubts about overdosing on 10 tabs (if he took them) of over-the-counter medications. Many times when I check in to an any star hotel there is always a security guard, bellhop, or receptionist ready to offer and arrange for me extra services. Since this is normally against company policy they will conceal their activities. That camera that could get them fired is conveniently turned off or avoided all together. There are always more guests in the hotel than shows on the registry. When you use in house services you are taking a risk. Many of a dead foreigners didn't get dead without help.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Another murder, and the police either moved the evidence (look how neatly the things are arranged on the bed) or staged the entire scene, or the perpetrator (not police) staged it. This is NOT a suicide or a heart attack. Welcome to the land of FAKE smiles. The only time the smile is genuine is when you open your wallet to hand over your money or credit card. This bears all the classic hallmarks of a ladyboy attack. Their weapon of choice is the combination of strong sleeping pills (benzos) and alcohol.

Edited by FalangBaa
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Yet again, sad news reported. Why is it that so many bad things seem to happen in the land of smiles and paradise? Do people really come to Thailand to commit suicide? Lovely looking women, foods not that bad too but what a mess this place really is in. Many more safer, cleaner, enjoyable, polite and just places for tourist to visit in Asia. Why go to Thailand with all its double standards, racism, BS , corruption, greed, filth, noise, insecure and unjust systems, visa horse apples,, Where do I stop! We all know the real truth about the place!

" WE ALL KNOW?" Please do not use plural and speak for your own. Stay at your Costa Brava, or Ibiza.

If, and I have to be very sincere, if you've got the feeling that this country isn't for you, nobody will kidnap you to live your life here.

Some of your reasons like "Double Standard" do exist in much more developed countries). It's just not that obvious for all involved.

Corruption exists in many European countries, in Germany, in Holland, of course in Greece and Spain, but also in the States and all other places, where some people might think that they're a sort of " more educated", but actually know nothing.

Greed. seems to exist all over the world. In all cultures and religious beliefs.

Noise: Pretty much weird to tell me such a story. WE live in town, but outside of town at the same time. There's absolutely no noise coming from anywhere. To make a long story very short.: We do not have any noise at home. The capital city of Thailand and some other tourist destinations are really noisy.

Now I a sort of feel really stupid that I wrote so much, because it's way off topic.But you're so wrong about some pretty much basic stuff. Whatever happened to the poor lad, must have been very serious.

Let's all hope that the truth will be found immediately. There's absolutely no need for lies on this planet. There're too many weird circumstances that's raising serious questions. If the guy went in peace without anybody else included, it would be good to know.

Life sometimes really seems to suck. Hope he'll rest in peace. He's gone. RIP>wai2.gif

Edited by LivinginKata
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If you take one pill a night, at some time the blister pack will be almost empty.

Doesn't mean you took them all at once.

That would be what the autopsy was for.

Still not in the position to make any assumptions. A lot of beer doesn't make them better. Trying to hold back and wait.

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and no sign of robbery so they new exactly what possessions he had and the amount of money he had in his room, what ever the outcome you are well away from it all now so R.I.P and sincere condolences to your family and friends.

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There is usually no signs of struggle when the murder weapon is a drug. These stories I tend to have my doubts about overdosing on 10 tabs (if he took them) of over-the-counter medications. Many times when I check in to an any star hotel there is always a security guard, bellhop, or receptionist ready to offer and arrange for me extra services. Since this is normally against company policy they will conceal their activities. That camera that could get them fired is conveniently turned off or avoided all together. There are always more guests in the hotel than shows on the registry. When you use in house services you are taking a risk. Many of a dead foreigners didn't get dead without help.

Yes...this is true while money and valuable are the motive for drugging a person to death....because dead people do not talk and can not bear witness...right?

Back in the day , around 1997 the police in Pattaya uncovered a gang of Thai people and some foreign nationals ( Pakistani and Indian nationals) and the ring leader being a Hong Kong Chinese man involved in a drugging and robbing their victims while the majority of them were found dead...as in dead ...tits up, with x's in their eyes.

The Pattaya police caught one of the girls involved and she ratted out on several other girls involved and they all confessed to being involved in a scam / theft affair that ended up with numerous dead foreign nationals ( mostly Germans more so than other various nationalities ) by way of drugging the victims with excessive doses of knock out drugs ( sorry can not remember the name of the drug(s) used )

The German magazine "Der Spiegel" had a full page written about how the Foreign Ministry in Germany was warning tour companies and German citizen to be aware of the dangers of traveling to Thailand and specifically Pattaya where over 100 German national had died under mysterious circumstance with most of them being found dead in their Pattaya hotel rooms......from heart attacks????

There were 157 foreign nationals over a period of 1993 to 1997 that were found dead and attributed to heart attacks or seizures or died in their sleep while the majority of them, 85 % were found dead in Pattaya.

The girls explained that there were approximately 15 or more girls involved, coming and going.

After doing the dirty deed they would leave town for 2 weeks to 1 month and then come back to carry on working with the gang.

They confessed that the girls involved made between 40 to 60,000 Baht a month and they shared the proceeds while the boss man was a Hong Kong Chinese national who fled back to Hong Kong and suspected of having Hong Kong mafia connections.

There is more to it....but I do not want to bore you with the details of how they actually operated.

Murder and Theft by way of the use of drugs is old news in Pattaya


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A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand. He takes a shower. Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand.

Yes they do get robbed by their one-day girlfriend or the like.

Happens too often.

Thus foul play is most likely.

Feel sorry for his family.

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A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand. He takes a shower. Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand.

Yes they do get robbed by their one-day girlfriend or the like.

Happens too often.

Thus foul play is most likely.

Feel sorry for his family.

speak for your self, i take a hot bath every chance i get. i enjoy reading in the bath and often fall asleep only to wake when i drop my book. to say westerner would not take a bath is ridiculous.

nobody here has the facts, but in my time in thailand i have known of many more overdoses than i have suicides, though in some cases it has been very difficult to separate the two due to the behavior of the victim. some folks, sadly just push the envelope

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According to all those "private investigators" at Thai Vias, not one single foreigner died here in LOS due to natural causes or by suicide... Get real - people die, most of the time without the "help" of others!

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A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand. He takes a shower. Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand.

Yes they do get robbed by their one-day girlfriend or the like.

Happens too often.

Thus foul play is most likely.

Feel sorry for his family.

"A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand..." cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifbiggrin.png Good one!!! Let's do a survey on how many 33 year olds took a bath when residing in the city of angels... I certainly did, several times back then, often accompanied by a beautiful female "assistant" wink.png and none of them drowned or robbed me. Quite the opposite: They enriched my life. thumbsup.gif

"Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand..." clap2.gifcheesy.gifcrazy.gifintheclub.gif Even better! Let's do a survey on heart attacks of 33 year olds in LOS. Certainly you will be surprised by the numbers. Amazing that one person is able to type such a huge pile of BS in such a short post. There are even superfit professional sportsmen aged around 20 who get a heart attacks. Nowadays even toddlers can get strokes, etc... Are you living in Banana Space???

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I had first had experience of a death in a hotel a few weeks ago and I will leave out some details as it may well be ongoing, as to say a Western guy died in his hotel room about 44 years old.!! odd thing, had been to this hotel before and everyone( Thais's) could not understand ! why his Girlfriend (maybe) left it till the morning to call the hotel when he died the night before !!!!! in his room, when asked she said " her was sick for some time and didn't want to get help" it was a stomach bug !!

I went back to this hotel on My run home after my holiday to the south and then We found out that He died of a heart attack !! FROM DRUGS!! so she waited till she was no longer high to call the Hotel and relevant people RIP poor man who knows You may have survived ! had you have got early help, then again You may not but the selfish cover her Girl clearly was not tested and walks free..

It all boils down though to death By misadventure...

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Many on here say Amazing Thailand. I say Amazing TV Detectives. In my 30 years of being in law enforcement I have never read so much drivel from those who purport to know all and use every means at their disposal to read something into nothing and then go on and voice, in all their wisdom, how they were able to deduce that the incident was suspicious or otherwise. I'm amazed how none of you have solved the case as yet. Slipping are we?

Conclusions have been reached or suspicions aroused by posters reading a poorly written media report; viewing a single photograph that tells you squat; then adding their two bob's worth of what they think has occurred. They are able to conclude that the death is suspicious, despite having never visited the scene; having no background knowledge of the deceased; not knowing his medical condition; having no knowledge of his movements at least 48 hours prior to death, or any other mitigating circumstance. Very astute, I think not. But then conspiracy theorists never are.

I think many of you are forgetting that to determine foul play you need clear facts; strong supporting evidence, and to know all the mitigating circumstances surrounding the incident. You can assume, listen to rumours, apply hearsay and even make things up to highlight your so called expertise but none of this will allow any of you to reach some of the conclusions that I see proffered on here.

For anyone to conclude that the incident is suspicious from what has been reported, then they are drawing a very long bow and really have no idea of how an investigation is conducted. Given what police had to say, it appears there was no evidence found at the scene to support foul play, so it would be reasonable for one to accept those findings. However, for some, this is not good enough, so they criticise police, call them lazy, all because their findings do not suit the scenario that they are trying to create.

Some also criticize the doctor. Now, I have no idea what inquiries police conducted, nor what examination was carried out by the doctor and neither does anyone on here, so why all the BS and sensationalism. When one does not know the full extent of the medical examination and are given a reason for death, then why the no-acceptance of those findings? I suppose for some it makes them feel like an expert and they are hoping their musings may be taken into consideration by the RTP. Don't think so, just read some of the conclusions and look at how they have been determined and you will see how foolish they look.

Well spoken, Si Thea01, well spoken! Think this rounds it all out just perfectly! thumbsup.gif

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He had a heart attack and drowned ? Hmmmmmm

and your problem with that is ?

The problem with that is how do they know he had a heart attack? They haven't carried out the post mortem yet!

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hate to say it but could easily have been a drugged and robbed incident, no info on whether he was alone when going to his room, if the guy was on holiday and it was his last night I would very much doubt he was alone.

The sort of details that are conveniently left out of a news report like the involvement of a 3rd party

Phuket soon to be known as Khaket,

Could be as you say a date rape drug robbery, any money missing?

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