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Cooking Sauces - Ready Made In Packets, Jars, Or Cans


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I am opening a diner/restaurant and need ready made cooking sauces.

For example

Chicken and mushroom sauce

various curry sauces

pasta sauces

ready made white sauce for lasagne

Also I need ready made pizza bases, UHT double cream (heavy cream), kidney beans, baked beans,

Where can I buy cooking sauces in packets or jars in Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai?

Are the prices reasonable?

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Why don't you learn to make them yourself from basic ingredients? If you've got a restaurant you presumably would have big pots and other things you need to make big batches... then freeze in smaller portions until you need them. Sauces like that tend to freeze well, and you'll have a much tastier result.

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Why don't you learn to make them yourself from basic ingredients? If you've got a restaurant you presumably would have big pots and other things you need to make big batches... then freeze in smaller portions until you need them. Sauces like that tend to freeze well, and you'll have a much tastier result.

I think Pete has hit on something. I'm appalled by the prices they charge at Tesco and Rim Ping for Prego spaghetti sauce (Prego - n., Italy. Dog food.)

You could start making sauces in your home, without the expense of opening a restaurant, and see if there's a market for what you're creating. Then, other restaurants and supermarkets would be your clientele. If you're successful with your sauces, you could always open a restaurant with the profits, and if you're not successful - maybe that should tell you not to open a restaurant.


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My own experience is that if u do not produce your own sauces, curries, etc etc, then you will not succeed.

You have to have some dishes that restaurant goers will come to you for and not anywhere else, otherwise what is the point of eating out. If you are going to slap a tin of ready-made sauce on my meal, then you are not going to get repeat custom, and repeat custom is the only route to success when running a restaurant. Ask P1P.

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