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When someone asks a question how do i respond to them.  Currently i just do an add reply and put att in the topic tittle (as i have done here).

Sorry i realise this is a pleb question  :o



Also how does the bold work.  I have tried to type a word, highlight it and then click B but no go??

Hi, good afternoon,

Not everybody knows everything about computers, and there is no clear rule, how to set BOLD letters, depending on the software....

in this case, before you type something in bold, click on the B Icon above, and when you finish typing BOLD, then again you click on the B Icon.

To highlight and click on B is a MS-word option - cannot be used here with this board.




It works!

Yes, if you want to respond to somebody on this board, and if you do not mind, that everybody can read your reply, then you can do it in that way, or you can first go to that message, you want to reply, and click on QUOTE, so it will be very clear, to what message you reply.

If you want to send any private message to the poster, you can click on EMAIL, and the poster will get your message in his-her mailbox of this forum.

Please come back anytime with any question, you should receive a reply. Any forum is somehow different, due to the software and the way of its administration.


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Just a slight correction Yohan, if you want to send a message to someone in the forum then use the PM (Private Message, the PM button bottom of text box) option, a box will pop up alerting them to the fact they have a Private message.

The email option is actually sent to the email address they specify in their personal details

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.


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Thank you!

I am also not so familiar with this forum related software....

Just tried it out, and posted a reply.

I anyway expected an administrator to answer......

Same with the login-problem of many users.... still no reply by the IT administrator.


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To highlight and click on B is a MS-word option - cannot be used here with this board.

Can, I am doing it now :o

Same with underline and Italic

and can even make big size by highlighting and then changing the size in the code buttons pane up top. :D

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If you want to send any private message to the poster, you can click on EMAIL, and the poster will get your message in his-her mailbox of this forum.

Normally the best way to send a private message to another poster is to click on his/her name at the top left of the post. You will then be taken to a screen with minimal details about him/her but you have the option to PM or Email them. If you PM, the message will come from your ThaiVisa persona. an Email will come from your own email address and you will lose your anonymity.

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