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B1/b2 Tourist Visa To Usa Chronicle

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My partner and I have just begun the process to secure him a Tourist Visa for our trip to America on Christmas Day. We plan to visit with my family during the celebration of my parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary (!!!), tour NYC, and then stay at my timeshare for a week in Hawaii before returning to LOS. We'll be gone for 3 weeks. We have our air tickets already, and his name is on the timeshare reservation confirmation.

"Khun K" is 30, educated, had a brief career in the Royal Thai Navy, and works as a clerk in a prestigious government office. He owns land in Korat. We have been saving for a year to build a house/buy a vehicle, so he has a sizeable bank account (much more than I ever had prior to my retirement.) We have lived together since I moved here 18 months ago, renting a BKK townhouse in his name. He has serious family obligations.

We bought his PIN number online and scheduled his interview at the US Embassy in two weeks. He has a letter granting him leave and detailing his work history. Also, letters of invitation from my parents, and friends in Hawaii with whom we'll stay prior to checking into the timeshare. We'll fill out the online applications DS-156/157 and he'll have all his paperwork organized prior to the interview; pay the $100 fee at the post office; have documentation of our relationship; we're practicing interview questions/answers daily. His English is good, but he prefers to conduct the interview in Thai for confidence. All his particulars about ties to Thailand (and me) are true and documented.

I have read everything I could find regarding this topic in this forum. Suggestions for success are welcome. I'll continue to update the thread as the situation develops. This forum is a great source of information, and I hope our story might help others as you have helped us.

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I think your BF will not have any prob. with the visa

- don't forget the reciept from "pay the $100 fee at the post office"

- the letter from his office for garantee him .

- the salary statement from his company.

-He can proof that he will come back to TH after the US trip.

about the interview for the tourist/student who choose TH language..sometimes they are blamed by US clerk likes "How come you goto USA for travelling/studying but you dont speak Eng while interviewing?"

anyway the US clerks are Farang who can speaks Thai fluent.

These are the questions that your BF will be asked.

- How long have you work as a xxx ?

- What 's your Univ /School that you were graduated?

- How do you know your BF ,How long of the relationship?

-Where do you plan to go to US?

-How long do you plan to stay in US

- Could I see your book bank?

-Who do you go to USA with ?

-Who pay for the trip? /-Who is your sponsor ?

-How many budget do you have ? ( The number of $$ Bank statement should much more than the $$ of the whole trip)

-Have you ever been abroad before? where?


In case your BF has a perfect documents/profiles .. he will be asked just few questions


PS.. i used to know about THai Language forum about US visa if i remember the url i will tell you later

Edited by BambinA
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  • 2 weeks later...

Khun K has two letters from his employer. One detailing his work history and salary. The other, granting permission for the 3 week vacation and guaranteeing his position when he returns, however, is in Thai. Does anyone have an opinion on whether we should get it translated/certified?

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Khun K and I went to the American Embassy this morning for his 9:30 interview appointment, arriving one hour early. The staff out front checked his Appointment Confirmation, Documents, Fee Receipt and Passport. Then after passing through security and handing in our mobile phones, he waited for his number to be called while I went to the Consular Services window. I wanted to get a Certificate of Residency. He got called to Window 13 at 9:27 for fingerprinting. We waited. I collected my CR after payiing the Bt1200 fee. I handed him my Passport and CR to include with his documents. We waited. We waited some more. Finally at 11:57 he was called to Window 12. My heart raced, probably more than his. Since I was tired of sitting, I had stood and watched the windows. While I could hear little, it was obvious that the applicant just prior to Khun K was denied.

The farang consular official - who spoike very good Thai - just asked Kuhn K a very few questions. He spent probably 4 minutes at the window, showed some documents, turned, and joined me. We walked outside. He was like dazed, and I of course was on pins and needles.

"Did you get it?"

"He tell me Passport come two days."

"Ok, but what did he say? Yes or No?"

"I don't know, I ready to cry!"

Wait... ok... calm down. We talked for a few minutes, and I told him he had to go back in and find out yes or no. Back inside, another applicant was at Window 12, so we waited until she was finished.

Then I pushed him back up to the window. I told him to just say you didn't understand, and wanted to know if you got the visa, yes or no......

"Yes... enjoy your trip!"

So, I'm like jumping up and down inside but trying to control the outward expression of my joy. But, no, wait, let's talk about this a little while it's still fresh in his mind. The CO asked him:

Q: How long will you be in America? A: 3 weeks

Q: Who are you going with? A: (my name)

Q: Is he your boyfriend? A: Yes

Q: How long has he lived here? A: 18 months (he hands over my Certificate of Residency)

Q: How did you know him before? A: Just chat

Q: What kind of Visa does he have? (he hands over my Passport)

Q: Do you have your letter from work? (passes it to him)

Q: Who will pay for your trip? A: He and I will

OK, I will give you the Visa. Have a good time!

Khun K was so nervous, that he didn't even hear the part about being granted the Visa! He just walked away from the window to me not knowing what he had heard!

Needless to say I'm ecstatic that we'll be together for this trip, and he'll get to meet my family and friends, and vice versa. Let alone seeing NYC and Hawaii....

I talked to many people I met in my eight years making vacations to Thailand about how they should come to visit me while I lived in America. They all said "is impossible... Young Thai man never get Visa go USA." I always remained positive, however, especially when I met Khun K, that it could happen.

We did our homework, prepared, practiced. The information I gleaned from the pages of TV was invaluable. Thanks! See you in NY/NJ or Hawaii?

BTW the woman after him at Window 12 was denied too.

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Its one thing to read, study, document and get into the heads of embassy staff inorder to put your best foot forward when applying for a visa but nothing validates the process more than an acceptance. Congratulations. Your sucess vindicates my many posts on this subject and the methodology most likely to succeed. Some other posters have been right on as well.

I am gratified that the "gay issue", in and of itself, didn't block the process. If your b/f had been turned down, I would have layed it at the feet of the "gay issue" in a homophobic, but transitory, American political administration.

Hopefully this thread will be easily identified in the archives so all interested in geting their b/fs into the U.S. can have a documented success story to encourage them.

Your success certainly was due in large measure to the thoughness in which you prepared. I can't think of one compelling reason or documentation suggest in this fourm that you missed. Wow.

May I assume your Thai visa is a long stay?

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May I assume your Thai visa is a long stay?

Yes, I have a Non-O Retirement Visa.

I think the fact that I live here in Thailand with my bf was one of those "compelling reasons [for my bf] to return to Thailand" which was crucial to our case. That and his government job. By law, US visa applicants are guilty as "intending immigrants" until they can prove their innocence. We had a good case. Honestly, I never considered the "gay issue" to be a factor. Maybe I am naive. We just told our story, truthfully, and documented it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congratulations! This gives many of us hope. It is really sad that Thais and others are considered "guilty" of intended immigration when the border with Mexico is as porous as it is. Heaven forbid we offend the Mexican government by doing something about THAT problem.

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  • 2 years later...

Why so much joy for getting a visa? Don't understand. Thai people can go to many other countries without a visa. Why subject yourselves to the harresment of the American Embassy staff. Why do you have to study and prepare yourselves like taking an exam.

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Why so much joy for getting a visa? Don't understand. Thai people can go to many other countries without a visa. Why subject yourselves to the harresment of the American Embassy staff. Why do you have to study and prepare yourselves like taking an exam.

We were never subjected to "harresment" [sic] at the Embassy. As for joy and study/preparation... if you had a partner with whom you wanted to share such a big part of your life I think you'd understand.

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