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Anyone Else With Problems With Ttnt?


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I have an ADSL connection with montly subscription with TTNT. I pay 590 a month and get 256/128 kbps. My internet has been down for 4 days now. I have tried calling the service center and they have told me it will take 2 days for a technician to fix my problem. I have a friend who lives downtown who says that hers has been down for 2 weeks! Has anyone else had a problem with TTNT recently?

When I asked the service center if I will be able to get a refund for the days I wasnt able to get a connection, she replied 'please give us more time to fix the problem' I have tried going to TTNT at Big C (2nd floor) but they just told me to phone the service '1103' which brings me back to square 1!!!

I signed an annual contract with them in March to get the free router. If I cancel my contract I will have to pay a fine for breaking the contract.

Any suggestions?

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I have had my TT&T ADSL since December 2005. It has been up and down many times. Sometimes they have "fixed" the problem direct online at 1103, sometimes they have sent out technicians.

Last time, about a month ago, two guys spent a couple of hours here and after that it has been working fine.

One time they said it was problem with my router, I needed another model. I went to Big C and got a new one within minutes.

Just talk nice and sweet with the lady in 1103 and she will try hard to help you. Shouting doesn't help!

Good Luck!

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I got some problem too . using TT&T maxnet. it always connected but often the connection is droup is lag is freezing watever u call. make my online game experience badddddddddddd. My bro calls to the office manytime too but nothing seem to be better we only have to pray for it.""ohhh D..a....m..n be good be good.stay online..i promise i wont breath too hard to disturub ur frequncy...stay good my connection"

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I have had my TT&T ADSL since December 2005. It has been up and down many times. Sometimes they have "fixed" the problem direct online at 1103, sometimes they have sent out technicians.

Last time, about a month ago, two guys spent a couple of hours here and after that it has been working fine.

One time they said it was problem with my router, I needed another model. I went to Big C and got a new one within minutes.

Just talk nice and sweet with the lady in 1103 and she will try hard to help you. Shouting doesn't help!

Good Luck!

Thanks for the advice. Eventually the technician did come (better late than never!). He seemed to have forgotten to leave a memo to say what was wrong (my housekeeper had to pass on his comments to me verbally). This is where confusions started. So to make sure I had the right diagnosis I went to Big C and the polite TT&T man phoned the head office for me to find out the problem. He said that the techician did not leave any memo about my problem with them either. The man then apologised and told me to leave my mobile phone number and he would get back to me at a suitable time the next day. The next day he phoned as promised explaining the problem (he said my LAN card was broken) and he also gave me the technician's mobile number in case. So I phoned the technician who said the same thing that the TT&T guy told me. He said that the problem was with my LAN card (not my router which the houskeeper pointed to when telling me the problem). Anyway he recommended that I took my PC to a computer shop to install a new LAN card. Before I set out to get it done, I decided to try to connect to the net one more time. Funnily enough it worked!!!

So much for the broken LAN card!!!!

Could it be that the technician was just stalling time so that TT&T could sort out their network problems?

I have another friend who said that TT&T said that the poor connnection could be something to do with viruses on her pc and not their service

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This is odd, as I also had problem on Sunday ( i'm on Maxnet 256/128 ) whereby i couldn't connect.

The local computer shop owner popped around to help me, but established my Lan card was also defunct. btw it was a very old one from my old computer. So off i pop to the Overbrook computer shop to buy a replacement after being told 1) this old lan card shouldn't / couldn't have fitted into my new computer

2) He couldn't test the old one cos he didn't have a computer old enough to test it with

3) that he has had a lan card on his system for years that isn't broken and shouldn't break...

so i buy a new one fit it in, and Bob's your uncle.

Question : My mobo has an onboard lan that was supposedly knackered by lightning last month, so how do I prove that really is the case? That prognosis was provided by the TT&T guys on site, who also put in the old Lan card for me. Curiouser and curiouser !

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