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Huge Fines On Arrival

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As an ex Australian customes official your note your note regarding Austalian cutoms.

I ask this question - "What is it that people take so much offence when they are caught clearly breaking the laws of the country they are trying to visit???"

I have seen ot all - some examples

- Pommies whining and whinging when they are wearing filthy shoes and Oz customs officals take them away to be cleaned - all when the UK has a foot and mouth outbeak

- Germans with saudages hidden all over their bodies

- African with giant live frogs

.. and of course the inevitable tourists tring to smoggle in a few extra cartons of smokes eetc. etc.

I just don't understand the indignty of people when they are caught red handed breaking the law that's all - obviously the Thai examle is about corrupyion - the people caught were still pretty dumb though.


Are you sure you are an ex-Aussie customs official?

PREM-R What an interlectual post you must be related to John Howard he is a CH also. I say this because you post had no meaningful input to the OP's topic - it is actually inflamatory so be prepared to receive back what you dish out - no whining now :o

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Arrived BKK a few years back behind a Royal Jordanian flight. Got to immigration and all the middle eastern "gentlemen" had gone through leaving their guinness bottles to sort themselves out. By the time we got through the baggages had arrived and I followed one of the Jordanians through customs. Big strapping lad he was but he struggled with his sports hold all so, of course, got a tug. When the bag was opened, under some tee shirts, was his best mate Johnny, Johnny Black, loads of them. Silly bugger!

Anybody who travels should know the customs rules and the limits for the country they are travelling to, and if they don't they should find out before leaving their homeland. These days with the internet there is absolutely no excuse and if they don't have access to it ask the travel agent or airline. If people choose to break the rules they shouldn't complain when caught and the fine (3000 quid divided by 5 people x 10 sleeves x 10 packets) equals 6 quid a packet which is about the going rate in UK.

btw the Thais generally hold their customs officials in the lowest esteem possible. A while back I told one of my Thai colleagues the old joke "What is the difference between a dead rat and a dead lawyer lying on the road? There are skid marks in front of the rat". He laughed his head off and proceeded to tell all his mates substituting customs officer for lawyer.

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Six years traveling in and out of LOS I have never been searched. My record for carrying in bottles of wine and liquor is 12. All for personal consumtion but still well over the limit. I am traveling to BKK from Shanghai next week. This will be my frist trip to the new airport. Will not abuse the liquor or cigaretted policy with all these horror stories, but what about declaring laptop as another poster mentioned. Also I plan to bring back two sets of golf clubs, tiny set for a 3 year old and a junior set for a 12 year old. (knockoffs from Shanghai). Any advice to a long timer (retirement visa) but a first timer to Suvarabhumi?


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As an ex Australian customes official your note your note regarding Austalian cutoms.

I ask this question - "What is it that people take so much offence when they are caught clearly breaking the laws of the country they are trying to visit???"

I have seen ot all - some examples

- Pommies whining and whinging when they are wearing filthy shoes and Oz customs officals take them away to be cleaned - all when the UK has a foot and mouth outbeak

- Germans with saudages hidden all over their bodies

- African with giant live frogs

.. and of course the inevitable tourists tring to smoggle in a few extra cartons of smokes eetc. etc.

I just don't understand the indignty of people when they are caught red handed breaking the law that's all - obviously the Thai examle is about corrupyion - the people caught were still pretty dumb though.


Are you sure you are an ex-Aussie customs official?

PREM-R What an interlectual post you must be related to John Howard he is a CH also. I say this because you post had no meaningful input to the OP's topic - it is actually inflamatory so be prepared to receive back what you dish out - no whining now :o

No Whining Mate, just assumed that to become a customs official in Australia you would have to have had some education and/or be able to use the edit button on this forum. Then again I have read quite a few of the posts by Donz (another Aussie) and they are pretty similar in composition.


Edited by PREM-R
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(Reminder to anyone coming into Singapore = == = you are allowed to being in 0 zero nil cigarettes)

Sling, I knew that arriving passengers couldn't buy Smokes duty free at SIN to take in, but are you suggesting that Smokes bought elsewhere are not allowed through customs either?

Sorry for the late reply, jingjoe . . . actually had work to do.

It's correct, you may not import cigarettes . . . any amount, and if you do an declare it you have to pay a certain amount but if you don't declre your cigs you will be fined and the cigarettes confiscated and destroyed.

I go to Thailand about every ten days to two week . . . never been stopped, never had excess duty free if any at all.

Don't break the law, don't put yourself in the position of being able to be hassled.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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A group of five friends arrived at the new airport two days ago for their well earned one month holiday in Pattaya. Four of them being smokers, and not liking the brands avialable in Thailand decided to bring a reasonable supply of their own cigs from the duty free in England. O.K. 10 sleeves each might be excessive but they were purely for their own use, plus maybe a few packets for me , hopefully.

After being searched the five lads were dutifully wisked away to some police station approx half an hour away where they had all the cigs taken off them and a fine of 3,000 (Three thousand pounds) deducted from their wallets.

Given the choice of pay or go directly to jail (Whether Bluffing or not ) the lads coughed up and after five hours were let go to continue on their journey to Patters.

Another family of four (Man ,wife and two young kids ) were fined 1,000 pounds and not having enough money to continue their holiday got the next flight home.

Could this be another money making scam from the customs. Surley the duty on fifty sleeves of cigs can't be that high. Don't get me wrong, they new they had exeeded the limit but three grand is not a nice way to start your hols.

TIT the land of smiles

Just be carefull lads

Let us hope that is a temporary abberation.Surely things cannot go back as how they might have been 30 years ago.I cannot accept that they decided now to start checking/cheating tourists on arrival.I think that this is a result of the newly assumed power by the military and that the law enforcing agencies like Immigration and Customs take advantage.(Army and Police big brother little brother)

I visited Thailand more than 15 times over a span of 20 years.I was never checked by Customs and I cannot recall any one being checked by customs.I can only assume that this new audacity and nerve must arise from a sense that now they can get away with it. I think,and hope, that this is temporary.

One question though,have the victims got a receit after payment of the fine?

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A group of five friends arrived at the new airport two days ago for their well earned one month holiday in Pattaya. Four of them being smokers, and not liking the brands avialable in Thailand decided to bring a reasonable supply of their own cigs from the duty free in England. O.K. 10 sleeves each might be excessive but they were purely for their own use, plus maybe a few packets for me , hopefully.

After being searched the five lads were dutifully wisked away to some police station approx half an hour away where they had all the cigs taken off them and a fine of 3,000 (Three thousand pounds) deducted from their wallets.

Given the choice of pay or go directly to jail (Whether Bluffing or not ) the lads coughed up and after five hours were let go to continue on their journey to Patters.

Another family of four (Man ,wife and two young kids ) were fined 1,000 pounds and not having enough money to continue their holiday got the next flight home.

Could this be another money making scam from the customs. Surley the duty on fifty sleeves of cigs can't be that high. Don't get me wrong, they new they had exeeded the limit but three grand is not a nice way to start your hols.

TIT the land of smiles

Just be carefull lads

Just do not bring more than one pack of cigs to Singapore. If you do and do not declare it, it will be $1,000 fine. It happened to my wife and we really do not like to come to Singapore any more.

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Six years traveling in and out of LOS I have never been searched. My record for carrying in bottles of wine and liquor is 12. All for personal consumtion but still well over the limit. I am traveling to BKK from Shanghai next week. This will be my frist trip to the new airport. Will not abuse the liquor or cigaretted policy with all these horror stories, but what about declaring laptop as another poster mentioned. Also I plan to bring back two sets of golf clubs, tiny set for a 3 year old and a junior set for a 12 year old. (knockoffs from Shanghai). Any advice to a long timer (retirement visa) but a first timer to Suvarabhumi?


If you bringing in a laptop, make sure it's not boxed and bubble-wrapped, a friend of mine was pulled for having a laptop that looked 'too-new'; and had a lot of hassle at BKK customs, eventually proved it was older by showing family digital photos on the PC from Isaan.

Golf clubs: no problems.

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Sorry for the late reply, jingjoe . . . actually had work to do.

It's correct, you may not import cigarettes . . . any amount, and if you do an declare it you have to pay a certain amount but if you don't declre your cigs you will be fined and the cigarettes confiscated and destroyed.

Just do not bring more than one pack of cigs to Singapore. If you do and do not declare it, it will be $1,000 fine. It happened to my wife and we really do not like to come to Singapore any more.

I'm a bit shocked TBH, this is news to me... I've visited Singapore a few times now, and I've never been observant enough at the airport to learn this vital info for myself. I already knew they wouldn't sell me cigars on arrival, but didn't realise I was breaking the law by :o smuggling :D a dozen cigars bought "elsewhere" into Singapore-lah. :D

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they bring the cigs into thailand and when they leave put the cigs into their check-in bags then buy more at King POwer and fill their hand luggage. the profit they make selling a sleeve of 200 in the UK for £ 30-35 would pay for ther flight !!

P.S. i just got searched had 5 sleeves they let me keep one confiscated 4 and sent me on my way ! they even apologised for holding me up !!

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10 cartons a piece is ridiculous. If i were a customs agent I would consider this taking my pee.

Not that i condone the obvious corruption of said officials.

Re: ciggies into Singapore, I have met quite a few people who flew in attempting to bring ciggies who were caught and charged the tax.

On a bus into Singapore, some Korean boys were detained at immigration for half an hour, holding up the bus as they were attempting to "smuggle" a bottle of "undeclared" austral;ian wine purchased a month ago in oz. They didn't realise you must declare it.

You are allowed an opened and unopened pack of cigs for personal use only

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With Thailand effectively being a dictatorship again, and under martial law I think it would be only wise and prudent to do things EXACTLY by the book.

ALso it's disaappointing to see the nation's national airport collapsing back to dark days of corruption and shake-downs, similar to what you get (or used to get) in places like Cambodia and Indonesia.

So much for cleaning up corruption.

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"Duty Free Allowance

The duty free allowance will be applied to accompanied personal effects up to Bath 10,000 worth if i) the items are intended for your own personal or professional uses; ii) the quantity are reasonable; and iii) the items are not subject to prohibition or restriction.

Does anybody ever have any problems with anything other than cigarettes and booze?

Like Customs enforcing the 10,000 baht limit on personal effects?

Geez, my camera alone is worth about 15,000 baht. Sometimes I bring my notebook PC with me too, which is worth about 30,000 baht.

Yeah, I was wondering this too. I'm returning in December for a stint and I'm bringing my laptop as usual as well as the digital camera, iPod, etc. I usually have between 100-200k baht worth of electronics in my carry on when I fly in to BKK between all of this personal use stuff. I've never once had a problem with customs as I'm pretty clearly not smuggling, but I'd hate to think that I might get yanked because some guy didn't make his rent this month.

The only story I've heard though with respect to this mirrors the guy above. A friend brought in a brand new laptop (in the box) and either had it compounded or had to pay duty, I forget. I've never heard of anyone being fined for bringing in their non-new laptops and cameras and what not. Still, it seemed worth asking.

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"Duty Free Allowance

The duty free allowance will be applied to accompanied personal effects up to Bath 10,000 worth if i) the items are intended for your own personal or professional uses; ii) the quantity are reasonable; and iii) the items are not subject to prohibition or restriction.

Does anybody ever have any problems with anything other than cigarettes and booze?

Like Customs enforcing the 10,000 baht limit on personal effects?

Geez, my camera alone is worth about 15,000 baht. Sometimes I bring my notebook PC with me too, which is worth about 30,000 baht.

Yeah, I was wondering this too. I'm returning in December for a stint and I'm bringing my laptop as usual as well as the digital camera, iPod, etc. I usually have between 100-200k baht worth of electronics in my carry on when I fly in to BKK between all of this personal use stuff. I've never once had a problem with customs as I'm pretty clearly not smuggling, but I'd hate to think that I might get yanked because some guy didn't make his rent this month.

The only story I've heard though with respect to this mirrors the guy above. A friend brought in a brand new laptop (in the box) and either had it compounded or had to pay duty, I forget. I've never heard of anyone being fined for bringing in their non-new laptops and cameras and what not. Still, it seemed worth asking.

As long as you bring your original invoices (for camera, laptop etc.) with you, there is no problem.

Thousands and thousands of people travel all over the world, including Thailand, with their camera's, laptops etc. on a daily basis.


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Yes , what about non-cig or alcohol items . Example, i have for my going to thailand 9 cellphones ( GSM) with me for repair . I guess it is impossible to say that they are mine and i'm bringin them inside the country so it could cause a problem or not ???? Also , how about taking sigaettes out Thailand ??? I think this is never a problem , it is only the going in which is , or am i wrong .

I doubt you would have a problem with bringing "broken" mobile phones into Thailand, although you may have to prove that they are indeed 'not working' which may result in you being delayed at the airport for some time.

Ok , thx for the reply . No worries then because obviously i can prove they do not work . Well , it is actually 10 mobiles now , 7 brokedown for repair , and 3 ( including mine ) working which i plan to sell and have 1 new model in place . I hink it shouldn't be a problem but you'll never know . I never been searched in Thailand costums before , not even looked at so i didn't worry at all but with reading this amount off fines ... wow that is a lot and it would ruin my holiday . i don't carry more then 1 pack of sig's withme , and that is 20 sigarettes , not the box with 200 . Nor do i carry any amount of alcohol .So the only problem can be the cellphones ., not really worried anymore but still ....

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As long as you bring your original invoices (for camera, laptop etc.) with you, there is no problem.

Thousands and thousands of people travel all over the world, including Thailand, with their camera's, laptops etc. on a daily basis.


Yeah, I'm one of them. I've flown in and out of DM about 10-15 times with all that stuff and never had a problem, though of course I don't carry receipts, heh. My concern wasn't with reasonable personal use goods - I'm fairly certain any honest official would be able to tell pretty quickly that it's my computer, my iPod, my camera, etc. What I was concerned about is if there's some kind of shakedown ring going at the new airport.
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Yes , what about non-cig or alcohol items . Example, i have for my going to thailand 9 cellphones ( GSM) with me for repair . I guess it is impossible to say that they are mine and i'm bringin them inside the country so it could cause a problem or not ???? Also , how about taking sigaettes out Thailand ??? I think this is never a problem , it is only the going in which is , or am i wrong .

I doubt you would have a problem with bringing "broken" mobile phones into Thailand, although you may have to prove that they are indeed 'not working' which may result in you being delayed at the airport for some time.

Ok , thx for the reply . No worries then because obviously i can prove they do not work . Well , it is actually 10 mobiles now , 7 brokedown for repair , and 3 ( including mine ) working which i plan to sell and have 1 new model in place . I hink it shouldn't be a problem but you'll never know . I never been searched in Thailand costums before , not even looked at so i didn't worry at all but with reading this amount off fines ... wow that is a lot and it would ruin my holiday . i don't carry more then 1 pack of sig's withme , and that is 20 sigarettes , not the box with 200 . Nor do i carry any amount of alcohol .So the only problem can be the cellphones ., not really worried anymore but still ....

Can you make the Custom's life easier, post your flight details on here for them!

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As an ex Australian customes official your note your note regarding Austalian cutoms.

I ask this question - "What is it that people take so much offence when they are caught clearly breaking the laws of the country they are trying to visit???"

I have seen ot all - some examples

- Pommies whining and whinging when they are wearing filthy shoes and Oz customs officals take them away to be cleaned - all when the UK has a foot and mouth outbeak

- Germans with saudages hidden all over their bodies

- African with giant live frogs

.. and of course the inevitable tourists tring to smoggle in a few extra cartons of smokes eetc. etc.

I just don't understand the indignty of people when they are caught red handed breaking the law that's all - obviously the Thai examle is about corrupyion - the people caught were still pretty dumb though.


Are you sure you are an ex-Aussie customs official?

I think he's an English teacher in disguise!

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Interesting - a crackdown of ciggies, so it seems. :o

Nope sounds like corrupt rippoffs to force to buy in the Thai duty free. I never did it anyway as I feel cheated and I donot smoke... Besides I once was told years ago that most brands in Thai duty free are fake anyway. I wouldnt know....

Seems to me it should be communicated back to stimulate farangs to boycott those shops....

Booze you can buy anywhere...

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Nearly 100 replies and over 9000 viewers of this thread and not a single first hand story, they are all about it happend to someone else!!!

I went through the red zone in Graz (Austria) and declared 2 bottles of spirits over. The officer commended me on my choice of Cognac....and sent me on my way gratis.

Anybody else ever tried the red zone?


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Arrived BKK a few years back behind a Royal Jordanian flight. Got to immigration and all the middle eastern "gentlemen" had gone through leaving their guinness bottles to sort themselves out. By the time we got through the baggages had arrived and I followed one of the Jordanians through customs. Big strapping lad he was but he struggled with his sports hold all so, of course, got a tug. When the bag was opened, under some tee shirts, was his best mate Johnny, Johnny Black, loads of them. Silly bugger!

Anybody who travels should know the customs rules and the limits for the country they are travelling to, and if they don't they should find out before leaving their homeland. These days with the internet there is absolutely no excuse and if they don't have access to it ask the travel agent or airline. If people choose to break the rules they shouldn't complain when caught and the fine (3000 quid divided by 5 people x 10 sleeves x 10 packets) equals 6 quid a packet which is about the going rate in UK.

btw the Thais generally hold their customs officials in the lowest esteem possible. A while back I told one of my Thai colleagues the old joke "What is the difference between a dead rat and a dead lawyer lying on the road? There are skid marks in front of the rat". He laughed his head off and proceeded to tell all his mates substituting customs officer for lawyer.

I understand the cigarette smugglers got what they deserved and anyway, I donot smoke. However getting done because the smirnoff was 10 % more then normal, and get fined that amount is debatable. Whatever, Smirnoff isnt even a good vodka, smells to me like parfume...

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Years ago, I was strip searched (yes lads, strip searched) at Heathrow Airport for nothing more nefarious than wearing a real gold Rolex watch on my wrist.

I was marched into an airless room and kept there for what seemed like an eternity whilst the English Customs officer bulldozed me into a confession that I had not "paid tax" on the watch (the watch was a gift from an admirer) and I told him so.

He insisted that I owed Her Majesty's Government VAT for "importing the watch" into England with "a view to selling it for a profit". I had just come off a long haul flight and was tired and hungry. In the end, I agreed to sign a piece saying that I had not paid tax on the watch and was fined close to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (a fortune, 20 years ago). This is one of several nasty experiences I had of living and working in England which explains why I do not chose to live there anymore.

Yes, racism is alive and well in the England I lived in for well over a decade.

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Hi all,

I can confirm SG every pack you try to smuggle in without declare and they find out you have to pay 100 Sing per pack.

Also I know for sure that also at office of workpermit some of those officers will check if you smoe tax free ciggies and if you are they will go to your house and find the remaining and you have to pay a fine.

What I always did when coming back to Sing is that I go to immigration officer and tell them I have some ciggies with me (tax free). if it was not more then 5 they say OK no problem, thanks for be honest.

Just stick to the law and do not start complaining when you get nailed


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