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615 Killed In Thai New Year Celebrations


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615 killed in Thai New Year celebrations

BANGKOK: At least 615 people were killed in road accidents during Thailand's New Year celebrations last week, an official statement said Sunday, substantially fewer fatalities than were reported last year.

Every year millions of Thais travel across the nation to visit family and friends during the annual holiday, known as Songkran, which features raucous public water fights.

But the festival has in recent years been marked by thousands of road accidents involving reckless and drunken drivers - particularly motorcycle riders without helmets.

Some 484 men and 131 women died in road accidents during the holiday week, while 35,390 people were injured.

Accidents stretch over 8 days

Most accident victims were between the ages of 15 and 19, and nearly 27,120 motorcycles were involved in the mishaps, the Road Safety Center said in a statement.

Statistics were tallied over an eight-day period.

Most of the accidents involved drivers who failed to wear a seatbelt or who drove drunk, the Center said.

Last year, more than 800 people died and about 37,000 were injured in road accidents over Songkran.

Before the holiday began, the government projected a Songkran death toll of 930 because of an increase in the number of vehicles on the road.

During Songkran, revelers typically douse friends, relatives and strangers with water and cover them in white powder. The roads are filled with pickup trucks carrying water gun-toting teenagers, and roadside ambushes are common.

Besides drunk driving and the failure to take safety precautions, many accidents are caused by people throwing water at passing motorcycles.

--AP 2004-04-18

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This is a great summary to a thread you posted about a month ago stating some stats on farangs on the road.

Thai's, mostly drunk non-helmeted ones, are the main cause and victims during this weeklong celebration and mayhem.

Thank Buddha it's over.

Anyone get wet?

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The Americans are lucky to be in Irak.

Mortuality rate is a lot lower on a "party"week there, wander what hapens if there become's a conflict with Thailand involved and they are not using water as a weapon.

Is this why Nam lasted so long an maybe South East Asians are thougher than they look? (or do they die faster than others :o )

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BAN...Holidays, motorcycles, drinking alcohol, and street vendors...

LAWS... All Bars must not open before 6:00 PM and must close at 11:00 pm, Ladies are prohibited from working in bars and massage parlors, and any Pharmacy is prohibited from selling over the counter the "V".

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On the more serious side one thing the Thai bikers are doing for the most part is turning their headlight on while riding and I think this helps prevent some accidents, Being a lifelong biker myself and BTW I do agree with the helmet law, the Thais in general will not spend the necessary Baht to buy a proper helmet. Maybe the government should require all bike dealers in Thailand to include in the selling price of the bike, and have in their stock a wide array of DOT approved helmets the new buyer can select from.

Please don't take issue with me on the Helmet law issue, I have had some experiences with this one, been riding Dirt and street for forty years and no that is not a boast.

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On the more serious side one thing the Thai bikers are doing for the most part is turning their headlight on while riding and I think this helps prevent some accidents, Being a lifelong biker myself and BTW I do agree with the helmet law, the Thais in general will not spend the necessary Baht to buy a proper helmet. Maybe the government should require all bike dealers in Thailand to include in the selling price of the bike, and have in their stock a wide array of DOT approved helmets the new buyer can select from.

Please don't take issue with me on the Helmet law issue, I have had some experiences with this one, been riding Dirt and street for forty years and no that is not a boast.

I'm quite amazed that people have taken to the "head lights in the day" advice, given the years of prompting and number of times that people get fined before they finallly click and buy a helmet. Here in Isaan, you can now see plenty of people with the lights on in the day, which is really weird, as it used to be a dead cert if I ever went out with my lights still on just 3 months ago, that half a dozen people would flash me, stop me and tell me about this huge national disaster. I could never work out whether it was concern for safety or that they were worried about my battery, but me explaining that it was considered a safe thing to do in alot of countries fell on deaf years. But, now all of a sudden it's considered THE thing to do, which is fine with me, as I always foregt to switch the lights off when I get back home in any case. Now I don't need to worry. :o

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PLACHON; They did the same to me and I told them the same as you,and asked why not run the light? They said that I was just wasting electricity,I told them not to worry as I made it myself.

Goat Roper, I am not to much for the required helmet either,and the ones they sell here really suck,break them with your hands or see riders with helmets on their heads that have been dropped and cracked.

I have rode a M/C for a little longer than you,I started on an indian scout in 48,and have never worn a helmet until just recently.I have a bad neck and can't stand the weight, and I wear a Thai helmet,a little better than the ones they wear as mine is fiberglass,leather covered, and not as heavy as the DOT helmets.sure wouldn't do me any good in a wreck but does keep the cops off my ass.

as to all the deaths of M/C riders being prevented by wearing helmets ,bullshit,###### few are from death due to skull fractures anyway,even with a good helmet there is still a lot of brain damage and brain stem damage which is worsened by the extra weight and placement of the helmet,all helmets stop right about where brain stem injury occurs.and the weight of a pickup either running over you or just slamming into you and throwing you across 5 lanes of traffic and 100 meters down the road will ###### sure kill you,but you might have a nice pretty unbroken head to cook at the WAT.

The helmet laws were promoted by the insurance company's with a lot of false propaganda as to their preventing death,so if you were killed in a cycle accident,they wouldn't have to pay unless you were wearing a helmet.

Some states do not require helmets and the death rate per miles ridden and deaths per accident is no greater than in states with the laws in effect.

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PLACHON; They did the same to me and I told them the same as you,and asked why not run the light? They said that I was just wasting electricity,I told them not to worry as I made it myself.

Goat Roper, I am not to much for the required helmet either,and the ones they sell here really suck,break them with your hands or see riders with helmets on their heads that have been dropped and cracked.

I have rode a M/C for a little longer than you,I started on an indian scout in 48,and have never worn a helmet until just recently.I have a bad neck and can't stand the weight, and I wear a Thai helmet,a little better than the ones they wear as mine is fiberglass,leather covered, and not as heavy as the DOT helmets.sure wouldn't do me any good in a wreck but does keep the cops off my ass.

as to all the deaths of M/C riders being prevented by wearing helmets ,bullshit,###### few are from death due to skull fractures anyway,even with a good helmet there is still a lot of brain damage and brain stem damage which is worsened by the extra weight and placement of the helmet,all helmets stop right about where brain stem injury occurs.and the weight of a pickup either running over you or just slamming into you and throwing you across 5 lanes of traffic and 100 meters down the road will ###### sure kill you,but you might have a nice pretty unbroken head to cook at the WAT.

The helmet laws were promoted by the insurance company's with a lot of false propaganda as to their preventing death,so if you were killed in a cycle accident,they wouldn't have to pay unless you were wearing a helmet.

Some states do not require helmets and the death rate per miles ridden and deaths per accident is no greater than in states with the laws in effect.


Kevin, I attached a link for you to look at but as for myself I do agree if you go down at 100 MPH your chances are not very good on dirt or street, helmet or not. My unexpected get offs with the exception of two occurred on dirt, it is my belief that had I not been wearing a helmet I would be even uglier than I already am or maybe not even be here today. I skidded about 100' on my right shoulder on asphalt and the right side of my helmet, scraped about five pounds of hide off my shoulder(through my tee shirt :o) and nearly scraped through my helmet. I have a couple biker friends that had rather pay a fine than wear a helmet and they have paid some so I guess your opinion is not too far fetched but for me, I wear a helmet. Do you ride big bikes?

Ride safe and easy.

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It's quite funny seeing all the lights on m/c's now but what a relief, as it also stops me getting bothered by well doer's telling me my light is on. I was even stopped last year by a boy in brown who wanted to take a couple of 100 bht off me for being a danger to drivers ???? seems it could blind them. After explaining I could easily explain to his boss at the station he grumbled and sent me on my way. I realy want to meet that guy again.

As for the helmet law hmm thats a good un I'm not as old as you guys but have been riding since the 70's lets just say if I wear a lid it's a good one but having hit the floor a few times and broken a few limbs my head has not been one yet. I dunno, the argument for is good but an open face is not much help in a real accident a piss pot is even worse. Trouble is a full face is awful hot to wear here and I feel like a dick wearing one on my chopper. Race bike no problem. I guess It's cause i grew up riding a bike with nothing but jeans doc martins and a leather jacket. All the rest of the stuff sure makes good sense but it dosn't feel good/safe wearing it here just bloody hot even a leather jacket isn't practical in the cities. At least in the UK it's cold and your happy to have the extra warmth.

Oh by the way the big bikes here are soooo expensive in comparison and as for a make like Triumph there is no one for service. :o

On the up side the bikers clubs here remind me of my youth and the chopper custom scene with little cash but lots of thought and hard work is something I had all but forgotten. Plus as a social group the bikers here are definately my best friends I have made.

Ride on Bro's

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Oh by the way the big bikes here are soooo expensive in comparison and as for a make like Triumph there is no one for service. :o

On the up side the bikers clubs here remind me of my youth and the chopper custom scene with little cash but lots of thought and hard work is something I had all but forgotten. Plus as a social group the bikers here are definately my best friends I have made.

Ride on Bro's

Yep big bikes are expensive here but repairs and service for the bike you mentioned is no problem in Bangkok, don't know about other cities in LOS.

BTW, big bike riders/owners here in the Kingdom, BMW, Harleys, etc. are not poor folks that are just scrimping by, most of them are flush.

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Goat ripper sorry to say your wrong about that. I live in Bangkok and I know the good dealers/shops here they all admit that they don't have much of an idea about Triumphs. Even TAZ ( english) admited their mechanic was not up to scratch on his big euro bikes. Japs ok but euro models no. Shame as I realy want to bring the new triumph rocket over, 2400cc monster and i'll sell it to a Thai after i'm finished no problem. But heck i'm not gonna spend a lot of money on that to let some moped mech loose on her.

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I've got an information from reliable sources that I can't reveal but it seems that there is once again a big government coverage about the accidents in Songkran.

The real number would be the double so around 1200 people killed.

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Goat ripper sorry to say your wrong about that. I live in Bangkok and I know the good dealers/shops here they all admit that they don't have much of an idea about Triumphs. Even TAZ ( english) admited their mechanic was not up to scratch on his big euro bikes. Japs ok but euro models no. Shame as I realy want to bring the new triumph rocket over, 2400cc monster and i'll sell it to a Thai after i'm finished no problem. But heck i'm not gonna spend a lot of money on that to let some moped mech loose on her.

I have seen a couple Triumps here but as you say there is probably not a mechanic that is factory qualified to work on the kind of bike you mention and I do hear you, I know as far as big bikes Harleys and BMW's there is not any problem but maybe as you say Triumps are a different matter here in LOS.

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I've got an information from reliable sources that I can't reveal but it seems that there is once again a big government coverage about the accidents in Songkran.

The real number would be the double so around 1200 people killed.

If you can't backup what you are saying with facts then your information is just garbage.

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I just can say that is someone working in the government. I have no interest spreading fake information but as I have no access to the database government....I can't prove anything. I just trust my source and I'm not willing to put h.. under cross fire.

Take it as you like.

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I just can say that is someone working in the government. I have no interest spreading fake information but as I have no access to the database government....I can't prove anything. I just trust my source and I'm not willing to put h.. under cross fire.

Take it as you like.

That's fair enough and I understand you want to protect your sources but at the same time how is anyone to believe what you are saying? Show us some leg here. :o:D

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