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Too many visa waiver entries?

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I just called a UK Thai consulate and the limit is 3 visa exempts in a year, doesn't matter if consecutive or not.

I wouldn't rely on any information given by the Embassy/Consulate staff on immigration policy. The Embassy website is still referring to the 90 day in 180 day rule that was abolished in 2008.
Yeah websites are out of date but you can call or visit in person to find the up to date info. Edited by scubascuba3
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On an aside....fact is there are many places in Asia the likes of laos, Cambodia , Vietnam etc that we need a visa for. There are some countries that have bilateral arrangements with Thailand. My country, au, does not. Yet they give me 30 day stamp. Generous. I go every several weeks to Vietnam and spend all up about $45 USD per hit on visa.

Maybe we have had it too good in los. If the visa exempt stamp was ended tomorrow it would be difficult to complain about. Sitting in Osaka as I type this. Thai get 15 days here visa exempt. AU and europe (most of) and USA etc give Thai sweet fa. Think we are well done by.

Edited by jacksam
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I just called a UK Thai consulate and the limit is 3 visa exempts in a year, doesn't matter if consecutive or not.

I wouldn't rely on any information given by the Embassy/Consulate staff on immigration policy. The Embassy website is still referring to the 90 day in 180 day rule that was abolished in 2008.

I wouldn't rely on any Embassy/Consulate site either

However I would rely on Claudio at TVS, this is a guy who deals with Thai Immigration every day of the year

His website has been changed from 6 visa exempts to 3, he must have been told something

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This all looks to be heading down the exact route of US immigration. At one time you could do 6 months, leave the country and re-enter and start again. Not anymore. There is very little opportunity now for long term stay in the US.
It is now 6 months in a 12 month period but you try getting a Tourist Visa for 6 months. It is notoriously difficult and there are a lot of parameters that need to be abided by to get it. The norm now is 2 x 3 month entries in any 12 month period and that's more or less your lot for those wanting to stay for 6 months a year. Of course, if you don't exceed the 6 months in any 12 then it's still acceptable to get more entries but they do look and count the amount of time you have spent there.
On a side note, don't even think about over staying in the US or attempting to call the bluff of Immigration because all that is likely to achieve is a long term or even lifetime ban rather than an entry visa. I know of one case who is not only banned from ever entering the US but is banned from taking any flight that passes through US airspace in case of the need to land. He was a proper naughty boy though who was caught working without a work Visa on a 3 year over stay smile.png
Fortunately, here in LOS there are other options for long term and multiple entry stay rather than 30 dayTourist visas etc.

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There is no written limit on the number of visa exempt entities you can do over any period of time.

Immigration gets an alert at 6 entries. The officer then should review your history to see if you have been doing in/out visa runs to live here on exempt entries.

Not sure where the office officer came up with the 3 entry limit.

They cannot deny you entry for having to many entries. They can only do it under section 12 of the immigration act. The most common reason is lack of financial proof and/or suspicion of working here. Having the equivalent of 20k baht in cash would take care of the financial proof. Some proof of income from outside the country would help for the other.

Coming in and out the country like a jojo the tax department has a fair idea of working without paying tax. Tax Dept. base that on their years of experience with offshore oil workers working in the Gulf of Siam. There is no immigration rule about the number of times a person can enter and leave Thailand but from time to time the Tax Dept. sends a reminder to Immigration to question the frequent in and out "tourists".

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The application form in UK says only 3 visa exempts allowed, it doesn't state over what period but what ive been reading on here and another forum is people are regularly now getting warned they will not be allowed entrance without a visa.

Which application form?

I've lived in Thailand for 7+ years, had up to 7 visa exempts in a row and never been questioned about anything upon entering.

I'm under 50 and I don't work, but as I often travel between Bangkok and Macau I'm forced to enter on Visa exempts (there is no Thai consulate in Macau).

Perhaps I've just been luck so far.

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Jackthompson mentioned that the only consequences of being denied entry at land border is return to where you came from and try somewhere else.Wouldn't your passport be stamped with a 'denied entry' and this also entered into the computer system, so that trying at another border would be pointless?

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Immigration gets an alert at 6 entries.

Over what period of time? I am sure I have got that many since my first trip many years ago, but have never been asked a single question. Is there any 'out of county' time that resets the count? Perhaps a new passport gives a new life? Please clarify.

Only immigration know over how long time nor what will reset it. No info from them about it.

A new passport will not help since the old and new one will be linked in immigration's data base.

"Only immigration know over how long time nor what will reset it. No info from them about it."

Maybe that's a question that some members can ask immigration. I'm sure there must be some members who are friends with someone in immigration, who could get clarification on this. Or someone could ask next time they are entering and post back.

I would ask myself at the local immigration office but I don't speak Thai.

I suppose I could get my gf to call.

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Immigration gets an alert at 6 entries.

Over what period of time? I am sure I have got that many since my first trip many years ago, but have never been asked a single question. Is there any 'out of county' time that resets the count? Perhaps a new passport gives a new life? Please clarify.

Only immigration know over how long time nor what will reset it. No info from them about it.

A new passport will not help since the old and new one will be linked in immigration's data base.

"Only immigration know over how long time nor what will reset it. No info from them about it."

Maybe that's a question that some members can ask immigration. I'm sure there must be some members who are friends with someone in immigration, who could get clarification on this. Or someone could ask next time they are entering and post back.

I would ask myself at the local immigration office but I don't speak Thai.

I suppose I could get my gf to call.

Local Immigration offices will not know as they are not entry points into Thailand

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Jackthompson mentioned that the only consequences of being denied entry at land border is return to where you came from and try somewhere else.Wouldn't your passport be stamped with a 'denied entry' and this also entered into the computer system, so that trying at another border would be pointless?

At border crossings they often just say no and do not follow the required procedures to deny entry. That means no denial of entry stamp. Which leads to baseless denials of entry.

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Yes this is true. I have used visa on arrival to Phuket 3 times this year to play Golf etc no problem. 1 to 2 weeks each time. 4th time I arrived the immigration guy looked at his screen and walked me to a senior officer. He said next time get visa in home country before arriving. Or problem ! So will do that now. Do they still want genuine holidaymakers ?

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Yes this is true. I have used visa on arrival to Phuket 3 times this year to play Golf etc no problem. 1 to 2 weeks each time. 4th time I arrived the immigration guy looked at his screen and walked me to a senior officer. He said next time get visa in home country before arriving. Or problem ! So will do that now. Do they still want genuine holidaymakers ?

I think if you tried to apply for and paid 1000 baht for several 15 day visas on arrival you would probably have a problem.

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This all looks to be heading down the exact route of US immigration. At one time you could do 6 months, leave the country and re-enter and start again. Not anymore. There is very little opportunity now for long term stay in the US.

It is now 6 months in a 12 month period but you try getting a Tourist Visa for 6 months. It is notoriously difficult and there are a lot of parameters that need to be abided by to get it. The norm now is 2 x 3 month entries in any 12 month period and that's more or less your lot for those wanting to stay for 6 months a year. Of course, if you don't exceed the 6 months in any 12 then it's still acceptable to get more entries but they do look and count the amount of time you have spent there.

On a side note, don't even think about over staying in the US or attempting to call the bluff of Immigration because all that is likely to achieve is a long term or even lifetime ban rather than an entry visa. I know of one case who is not only banned from ever entering the US but is banned from taking any flight that passes through US airspace in case of the need to land. He was a proper naughty boy though who was caught working without a work Visa on a 3 year over stay smile.png

Fortunately, here in LOS there are other options for long term and multiple entry stay rather than 30 dayTourist visas etc.

That's only one side of the coin. The irony in all that, is that all those restrictions only apply to those trying to do the right thing and obey USA laws. If you do have a run-in with Immigration for violating your visa, you may get 'banned' - but that just means you cannot use "legal" means of entering the country, while the border is wide-open to anyone. In many areas - so-called "sancutaries" - it is 'illegal' for the police to even enquire as to someone's immigration-status. Violators can work, use fake documents with citizen's identities (a felony), receive tax-returns, obtain drivers licenses, etc, all while illegally in the country. If arrested for other violations of law, including violent crimes and other felonies, they are often released onto the streets, rather than handed over to Immigration for deportation.

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Yes this is true. I have used visa on arrival to Phuket 3 times this year to play Golf etc no problem. 1 to 2 weeks each time. 4th time I arrived the immigration guy looked at his screen and walked me to a senior officer. He said next time get visa in home country before arriving. Or problem ! So will do that now. Do they still want genuine holidaymakers ?

It does not seem to complex a task to design an algorithm which would alert on those using repeated VisaExempt entries AND spending enough time in-country to work, vs those who are out of the country too long to possibly be holding down a job. If the issue is visa-revenue, offer "3 free per 12 months," and require payment upon-entry for more; few frequent holidaymakers would complain about 1000 Baht for additional VE entries. There are many workable schemes which could be clear and understandable - but there seems to be a lack of will to commit to a consistent set of rules.

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This all looks to be heading down the exact route of US immigration. At one time you could do 6 months, leave the country and re-enter and start again. Not anymore. There is very little opportunity now for long term stay in the US.

It is now 6 months in a 12 month period but you try getting a Tourist Visa for 6 months. It is notoriously difficult and there are a lot of parameters that need to be abided by to get it. The norm now is 2 x 3 month entries in any 12 month period and that's more or less your lot for those wanting to stay for 6 months a year. Of course, if you don't exceed the 6 months in any 12 then it's still acceptable to get more entries but they do look and count the amount of time you have spent there.

On a side note, don't even think about over staying in the US or attempting to call the bluff of Immigration because all that is likely to achieve is a long term or even lifetime ban rather than an entry visa. I know of one case who is not only banned from ever entering the US but is banned from taking any flight that passes through US airspace in case of the need to land. He was a proper naughty boy though who was caught working without a work Visa on a 3 year over stay smile.png

Fortunately, here in LOS there are other options for long term and multiple entry stay rather than 30 dayTourist visas etc.

That's only one side of the coin. The irony in all that, is that all those restrictions only apply to those trying to do the right thing and obey USA laws. If you do have a run-in with Immigration for violating your visa, you may get 'banned' - but that just means you cannot use "legal" means of entering the country, while the border is wide-open to anyone. In many areas - so-called "sancutaries" - it is 'illegal' for the police to even enquire as to someone's immigration-status. Violators can work, use fake documents with citizen's identities (a felony), receive tax-returns, obtain drivers licenses, etc, all while illegally in the country. If arrested for other violations of law, including violent crimes and other felonies, they are often released onto the streets, rather than handed over to Immigration for deportation.

Exactly the same as most country's. At least LOS are trying to finally do something to stamp it out. Don't blame the system. Blame those that over the years have abused it by living here for years on Tourist visas and in thousands of cases, no visas at all.

Like most things in this world, it's the genuine ones that try to do it the right way that get the aggravation of doing exactly that.

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This all looks to be heading down the exact route of US immigration. ...

Fortunately, here in LOS there are other options for long term and multiple entry stay rather than 30 dayTourist visas etc.

That's only one side of the coin. The irony in all that, is that all those restrictions only apply to those trying to do the right thing and obey USA laws. ...

Exactly the same as most country's. At least LOS are trying to finally do something to stamp it out. Don't blame the system. Blame those that over the years have abused it by living here for years on Tourist visas and in thousands of cases, no visas at all.

Like most things in this world, it's the genuine ones that try to do it the right way that get the aggravation of doing exactly that.

Many "living here on tourist-visas" do so because the retirement-extention has an age-cutoff, and because Thai law has no provision stating a max-time a person can stay using tourist-visas. These law-abiding persons (including myself) should be clearly differentiated from those who overstay and/or commit other criminal offenses, including taking Thai-jobs without a work-permit.

If a max-time of, say, 9 mo/yr on Tourist-Visas were established, I would prefer this to the current uncertainty. Under-50s paying 10K Baht with proof of foreign-sourced income every 3 months at Immigration would make them a fortune (and filter out illegal workers) and be ideal, but I'm not holding my breath.

I applaud LOS deporting criminals, but their system to detect 'possibly working illegally' persons at borders needs some work.

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I got flagged last week when I entered Chiangmai but it was visa exempt tourist stamp no 14 for this year

I have an overseas job, travel in / out . Got sent to the senior officer in the office and she asked me to apply for METV next time and I told her okay will do that but I have no job in Thailand and I showed her the money I had on me about 100k baht and told her I just enjoy being in Thailand when I am not working

She asked me have gf in Thailand ? I said yes ...strange question she asked me is it Chinese ...I said no she is from Chiangmai ...she laughed stamped me in and asked me to look for her next time I come back in if I have problems in the airport

I assume that means I am fine so far to continue ...I have a registered marriage in Thailand but have been lazy so far in getting the OA marriage visa as I travel so much for work it didn't deem worth the hassle

I have to be out again next week and back after one week lets see if they will deny me entry

Edited by LawrenceChee
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I got flagged last week when I entered Chiangmai but it was visa exempt tourist stamp no 14 for this year

I have an overseas job, travel in / out . Got sent to the senior officer in the office and she asked me to apply for METV next time and I told her okay will do that but I have no job in Thailand and I showed her the money I had on me about 100k baht and told her I just enjoy being in Thailand when I am not working

She asked me have gf in Thailand ? I said yes ...strange question she asked me is it Chinese ...I said no she is from Chiangmai ...she laughed stamped me in and asked me to look for her next time I come back in if I have problems in the airport

I assume that means I am fine so far to continue ...I have a registered marriage in Thailand but have been lazy so far in getting the OA marriage visa as I travel so much for work it didn't deem worth the hassle

I have to be out again next week and back after one week lets see if they will deny me entry

Umm maybe I missed something. Stamp #14 for the year. Your saying this was your first "questioning" with 14 on the score card.

Many have not been so lucky. What's your secret? Or did I miss something. I often do!

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I got flagged last week when I entered Chiangmai but it was visa exempt tourist stamp no 14 for this year

I have an overseas job, travel in / out . Got sent to the senior officer in the office and she asked me to apply for METV next time and I told her okay will do that but I have no job in Thailand and I showed her the money I had on me about 100k baht and told her I just enjoy being in Thailand when I am not working

She asked me have gf in Thailand ? I said yes ...strange question she asked me is it Chinese ...I said no she is from Chiangmai ...she laughed stamped me in and asked me to look for her next time I come back in if I have problems in the airport

I assume that means I am fine so far to continue ...I have a registered marriage in Thailand but have been lazy so far in getting the OA marriage visa as I travel so much for work it didn't deem worth the hassle

I have to be out again next week and back after one week lets see if they will deny me entry

Umm maybe I missed something. Stamp #14 for the year. Your saying this was your first "questioning" with 14 on the score card.

Many have not been so lucky. What's your secret? Or did I miss something. I often do!

Frankly none ...

I have just been going in /out of Chiangmai for 14 times this year since Jan ...most trips in Chiangmai last about 4-8 days and then I am out for a week to 10 days max and was only stopped late last month at stamp no 14.

I filled up a form stating my purpose of visit and was stamped in and only at stamp no 15 was I interviewed by this senor woman Officer and again stamped in on 27 May for 30 days

Most of my entry stamps are at Chiangmai international airport ( I believe I have 2 in Bangkok airport and 1 in Phuket airport) as my family lives in Chiangmai

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I got flagged last week when I entered Chiangmai but it was visa exempt tourist stamp no 14 for this year

I have an overseas job, travel in / out . Got sent to the senior officer in the office and she asked me to apply for METV next time and I told her okay will do that but I have no job in Thailand and I showed her the money I had on me about 100k baht and told her I just enjoy being in Thailand when I am not working

She asked me have gf in Thailand ? I said yes ...strange question she asked me is it Chinese ...I said no she is from Chiangmai ...she laughed stamped me in and asked me to look for her next time I come back in if I have problems in the airport

I assume that means I am fine so far to continue ...I have a registered marriage in Thailand but have been lazy so far in getting the OA marriage visa as I travel so much for work it didn't deem worth the hassle

I have to be out again next week and back after one week lets see if they will deny me entry

A friend of mine living in Singapore has been flying in and out to Bkk almost every weekend for the last 2 years now and was asked almost the same once ,when the IO heard about his GF he stamped him in.

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Hello. I am indonesian and currently has gf in bangkok. This year i went to bangkok on april 10th 2016 then back on may 5th 2016. Then went back again on may 10th and back on may 20th and then went back again may 30th and just got back june 10th yesterday. I am planning go there again on june 29th until july 7th 2016. Will be a problem for me at the immigration using visa exemption. Because last three times all did with visa exemption and officer not questioning at all just stamp let me in. Thank you

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Hello. I am indonesian and currently has gf in bangkok. This year i went to bangkok on april 10th 2016 then back on may 5th 2016. Then went back again on may 10th and back on may 20th and then went back again may 30th and just got back june 10th yesterday. I am planning go there again on june 29th until july 7th 2016. Will be a problem for me at the immigration using visa exemption. Because last three times all did with visa exemption and officer not questioning at all just stamp let me in. Thank you

It is hard to predict what a individual immigration officer will do. By the guidelines issued by immigration you should not have a problem.

To be sure don't have a problem to prepared to show a ticket out of the country and at least the equivalent of 10k baht to show if asked for it.

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Hello. I am indonesian and currently has gf in bangkok. This year i went to bangkok on april 10th 2016 then back on may 5th 2016. Then went back again on may 10th and back on may 20th and then went back again may 30th and just got back june 10th yesterday. I am planning go there again on june 29th until july 7th 2016. Will be a problem for me at the immigration using visa exemption. Because last three times all did with visa exemption and officer not questioning at all just stamp let me in. Thank you

It is hard to predict what a individual immigration officer will do. By the guidelines issued by immigration you should not have a problem.

To be sure don't have a problem to prepared to show a ticket out of the country and at least the equivalent of 10k baht to show if asked for it.

Agree with that .. !

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Hello. I am indonesian and currently has gf in bangkok. This year i went to bangkok on april 10th 2016 then back on may 5th 2016. Then went back again on may 10th and back on may 20th and then went back again may 30th and just got back june 10th yesterday. I am planning go there again on june 29th until july 7th 2016. Will be a problem for me at the immigration using visa exemption. Because last three times all did with visa exemption and officer not questioning at all just stamp let me in. Thank you

It is hard to predict what a individual immigration officer will do. By the guidelines issued by immigration you should not have a problem.

To be sure don't have a problem to prepared to show a ticket out of the country and at least the equivalent of 10k baht to show if asked for it.

Agree with that .. !

Thank you for the encourage. I hope there will be not a problem because i just stay 10 days max last two trip in bkk. Thank you guys

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Hello. I am indonesian and currently has gf in bangkok. This year i went to bangkok on april 10th 2016 then back on may 5th 2016. Then went back again on may 10th and back on may 20th and then went back again may 30th and just got back june 10th yesterday. I am planning go there again on june 29th until july 7th 2016. Will be a problem for me at the immigration using visa exemption. Because last three times all did with visa exemption and officer not questioning at all just stamp let me in. Thank you

Definitely follow Ubon Joe's advice with the 10K and return ticket to show. Also, as you are fortunate to have a home-country in the region, you could get the METV in Indonesia, if you think this will be a recurring pattern of travel. It's not cheap, but would make your entries worry-free.

Assuming you cannot get an METV before your next entry, just in case you are denied entry (not likely, but possible), bring a large bottle of water and some snacks to hold you off until your return flight (last report, the fellow wasn't permitted to get food or drink). The ability to change the return-date of your ticket, and flying in at a time where there would be minimum wait for the next flight back, might offer some peace of mind.

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Lot of reports everywhere within last 1 week suggesting its 3 waiver exempt entries within rolling 12 months and you're red flagged thereafter albeit that may or may not stop you there and then entering. Kindly note before steaming in I'm only reporting back what is being read elsewhere

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Lot of reports everywhere within last 1 week suggesting its 3 waiver exempt entries within rolling 12 months and you're red flagged

Sorry please can you clarify.....3 visa-exempt would be reset after 12 months if you never went over 3 ?

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Lot of reports everywhere within last 1 week suggesting its 3 waiver exempt entries within rolling 12 months and you're red flagged

Sorry please can you clarify.....3 visa-exempt would be reset after 12 months if you never went over 3 ?

3 waiver exempt entry in a rolling 12 months. Not sure I can explain it any easier

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