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Chiang Mai Immigration 20 September 2016

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I went to renew my retirement visa today. Arrived about 5am; number 6 in queue, later promoted to number 5 who wanted to change places. One officer doing retirement visas; very efficient; I was finished by 1015.

I went equipped with the new Foreign National Information Form (FNIF) duly completed, which I left at the retirement visa desk. I went on to do my 90 day report which was also due, and was surprised to learn that another FNIF was required - apparently every application needs one. The girl at the front desk helped me to fill it in, and at least I wasn't required to attach another photograph (though I had taken a spare just in case). The mosquitos were not so bad this time though I had remembered to take some lotion. Everything done by about 1130.

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Presumably you stuck a photo taken against a blue background to your retirement extension application TM7 form in accordance with their fussy requirements then? But were they equally happy with a photo taken against a blue background for your FNIF, bearing in mind that a general requirement specified on 1 of the several versions of this form I've seen on here is that photos for the FNIF must be taken against a white background?!!

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Just out of curiosity, you indicated you were finished by 10:15AM.  By finished do you mean that you got your passport back with the completed extension?  I ask as I understood that only the head dude could sign those and he didn't do that until either he came to Promenada around lunchtime or they hauled the passports to him at the old Immigration Office near the airport.

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I accompanied my wife to do her non-imm visa a few days ago (near the airport), and I confirm they wanted a FNIF form for both the visa and the re-entry. Different from your case however, they wanted a picture for each form. At least she didn't have to fill all the personal stuff in FNIF, just the basics.


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it's quirky. but 5 am is a fairly late queuing time to show up for the CM Promenada..... last year I did this about the same as you but was there about 3 am.  made it out quicker though.  with my passport.  it seems to be getting spotty.  sometimes you have to be very early....  sometimes not.  and it's not just a before and after holiday rush versus no rush thing.  just quirky. 

Edited by maewang99
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I was surpriced that after more than 10 years spouce 'visa' extensions we had to make a TM 30 with is now stapled in my pasport and had to pay a fine of 1.600 baht, never before it was told or mentioned we ( the farang) need to make a TM 30 and staple it in your pasport.........................

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I did my 90 day report on Tues 13th Sept. I've found (the last two times) that afternoon visits are quicker - but I could have been lucky. Took the missus  for a lunchtime meal at an empty Mixx at 12.30 Along the passage the Italian Ragu restaurant was choc a bloc with (presumably) Immigration customers. A rustic crowd. Mixx offers first-class cuisine at modest prices, so I was a bit surprised it didn't have any other customers. 


After lunch at  around 2.15 I went downstairs to Immigration, filled in the new form, including my CM address which was duplicated on the TM form, and sat waiting in a small queue of around 15-20 before me (can't remember the exact number). Two lady officers were processing - one entering computer details, the other doing the paperwork - and it took just over 40 minutes to get to my number.  The first officer took my new form, scribbled her signature on the top, and filed it in a work basket full of them behind her desk. Didn't even read it. 


(The busiest section seemed to be the tourist visa crowd of around 40 people waiting. No idea whether there was a retirement queue, sorry.) 


Done and dusted in less than five minutes. Piece of cake. Finished up shopping in Rimping and back home before the school traffic.

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9 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

where do you hangout? Your car motorcycle license plate number? Your email. Line Id. Facebook id .


Got it from ubonjoe. Thank you...  As I said to him, the chipping is next, but they can GPS us now. . Basically we are looked upon as third class cannot be citizens more or less cattle and sheep having wallets with no say. Don't go MOO and don't utter BA. Funny, but seems only the bad guys will skate by un-noticed while all the good guys n girls line up. .

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13 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


Doing an extension does not change the 90 day reporting date.

It always has for me. By renewing we 'report' to imm therefore should not need to do so for 3 months.



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1 hour ago, cardinalblue said:

The very nature of doing the extension meets the need of the 90 day report. The woman clerk put a new 90 day stamp on my document in the passport. Therefore, I didn't have to go through the 90 day line....


Maybe things have changed?


Only the first extension is counted as a 90 day report.

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10 minutes ago, evadgib said:

It always has for me, even if the IO forgot and left the old stub in my ppt. By renewing we 'report' to imm therefore should not need to do so until 90 days afterwards.



It does not work that way unless immigration does a new report receipt. If not your report date remains the same.

I applied for my extension last month and had to do my 90 day report 24 days later (mailed in report). Asked them if they would do it that early and they sad no.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Stubs are replaced as part of the renewal process.

Some offices do it that way but not all.

At one time the office here reset the report date to the date the extension ended when you did your report due prior to the extension date. Once had a report date 45 days from when the report was done.

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Has anyone tried to do anything about the silly o'clock queuing in CM? Having to arrive @5am for a Govt service @ 70+ strikes me as ridiculous & could be eliminated by timed appointments as per passport renewals in bkk.

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4 hours ago, CMBob said:

Just out of curiosity, you indicated you were finished by 10:15AM.  By finished do you mean that you got your passport back with the completed extension?  I ask as I understood that only the head dude could sign those and he didn't do that until either he came to Promenada around lunchtime or they hauled the passports to him at the old Immigration Office near the airport.

I was there last week they are finished on the spot. The "head dude" was not required. I ran into a slight problem though. I had a chair sitter that showed up at 3.30 a.m. he was number 3. My number came up at 9.30 a.m. Yes there is only one processing officer. I think at the airport we had 2 or 3. Downsizing in an upsizing market. I thought I had all the bases covered well not quite. He looks at my bank book and says "Hmm not updated no good" Stupid me let my guard down for a moment in the bank when the (they have new faces every time I go there) took the bank book and made a copy. Do you ever have one of those lapses when you let your guard down well I did. Well 3 hours later and 400 bahts lighter I arrived back just before 12 noon. The officer said I had until that time or I would need to start the whole process over again. 

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

Has anyone tried to do anything about the silly o'clock queuing in CM? Having to arrive @5am for a Govt service @ 70+ strikes me as ridiculous & could be eliminated by timed appointments as per passport renewals in bkk.

Chiang Mai is not the prestigious Bangkok home of the gods and immortal men. 

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Today I went to IM to process the 90 day and obtain a re-entry permit. 

I arrived at 10:20 with both forms completed. The uni girl outside would only give me a que number for one transaction at a time. I chose to do the 90 day as I assumed that que would be busier. She gave me the FNIF to complete and said only my passport info and address and my emergency contact name and address was required. No photo. I was given question #56 and #53 was being served. I got my 90 day receipt in 15 minutes.

Then I went back outside to the uni girl to get the re-entry que ##. Had to complete another FNIF again with the same minimal info, no photo. Was processed and out the door 25 minutes later. 

NOTE: I tried to do the 90 day report online having been successful before. This time after submitting the form online it would not process further and that popup instructing me to contact IM was generated. This was my first 90 day report sine returning to Thailand in June. I recall many others have this same problem with the "first" 90 day report after last arrival into the Kingdom. 

Edited by jeffandgop
Correct typo
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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Chiang Mai is not the prestigious Bangkok home of the gods and immortal men. 

Yet Samui (my location, considerably lower than CM re natl pecking order) seemingly is?


There are enough of you up there to have nipped this in the bud years ago via the appropriate channels.

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