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SETV Savannakhet - now asking for itinerary/bank statements

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Just to clarify the current situation in savannakhet. They are requiring all applicants for SETV for printouts of a bank statement and forward flight out of Thailand. I went yesterday and they turned away most people as most were unprepared. 


My status: I had an METV issued from my home country that had expired.  I had to go to an internet cafe and get a print of my bank statement to show proof of funds. I already had a printout of a forward flight.  I would urge all applicants to have these documents in hand even if it is only a first or second visa. They are tightening up now who knows why. Maybe they don't want to be flooded with shady people taking advantage of the freebie. It's the Thai version of "extreme vetting".

Edited by ultramarine
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4 hours ago, ultramarine said:

Just to clarify the current situation in savannakhet. They are requiring all applicants for SETV for printouts of a bank statement and forward flight out of Thailand. I went yesterday and they turned away most people as most were unprepared. 


My status: I had an METV issued from my home country that had expired.  I had to go to an internet cafe and get a print of my bank statement to show proof of funds. I already had a printout of a forward flight.  I would urge all applicants to have these documents in hand even if it is only a first or second visa. They are tightening up now who knows why. Maybe they don't want to be flooded with shady people taking advantage of the freebie. It's the Thai version of "extreme vetting".

While I do not argue with your advice to people that they be prepared, I still have found no one who can explain to me how "shady people" can in any way be identified by the presence or otherwise of a photocopy of a bank statement. I admit that it can be used to weed out those who are stony broke, but that is another matter.

I think the more likely reasons for the crackdown are either (i) they have been told they have been too lenient in the past, and told to tighten up; or (ii) a change of senior personnel, with the new boss believing stricter conditions should be applied.

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On 26.12.2016 at 1:59 PM, Get Real said:

Yes, but it would still be better to use all the rules that do exist, even if you not see them. That would stop all from getting tourist visa after tourist visa after tourist visa for the wrong purpose of long stay. I my opinion that a way of living that partly or very much create the hassle for everybody on the right type of visa for that purpose.

However you´re entitled to your opinion, but there will be nothing you can say to change mine.

Beeing a Tourist as long financially capable to spend money from abroad surely isnt a ``wrong purpose``.

Every stay is limited 60 days ,with  optional 30 days extension at local IMM.

After that you have to leave the country and TRAVEL , to get another Visa.

If this isnt a Tourist ....?   Then what ????


Whats a Tourist per Definition???

Stay in Holiday 2 or 3 weeks , spend all your money hardly earned and go back Home ???

Who is setting these limits????

Why abolish long stayers when they contribute so much to Thai economics??




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13 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

Beeing a Tourist as long financially capable to spend money from abroad surely isnt a ``wrong purpose``.

Every stay is limited 60 days ,with  optional 30 days extension at local IMM.

After that you have to leave the country and TRAVEL , to get another Visa.

If this isnt a Tourist ....?   Then what ????


Whats a Tourist per Definition???

Stay in Holiday 2 or 3 weeks , spend all your money hardly earned and go back Home ???

Who is setting these limits????

Why abolish long stayers when they contribute so much to Thai economics??




Please, come on... Why does this happen all the time?
According to Thailand and the rules here, it´s is wrong purpose. Just get used to it if you want to stay without problem. Final!


Anyway I will try, as best as I can, to help you find your answers:


Whats a Tourist per Definition???
To me, and almost surely to Thailand, a tourist per definition is a person that travels to Thailand approx. 1-3 times a year while on vacation from their regular work.


Stay in Holiday 2 or 3 weeks , spend all your money hardly earned and go back Home ???

Yes, that is what usually happens to people when they go on a vacation as a tourist. They are not going on vacation to work in a country without proper permits to make more during the visit.
Then it´s not tourism no more.


Who is setting these limits????

The Central Headquaters of Thailand Immigration Department and the government. Not at all you and your way at looking on rules and regulations.


Why abolish long stayers when they contribute so much to Thai economics??

Why do you suddenly call tourists for long stayers? Thailand does not abolish long stayers, as long as they are aware of which type of visa that is appropriate for their stay.


I sincerely hope that I managed to answer your, IMO, very easy questions. If there is something else you have thought about, feel free to send me a message or reply to this.

Edited by Get Real
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29 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Please, come on... Why does this happen all the time?
According to Thailand and the rules here, it´s is wrong purpose. Just get used to it if you want to stay without problem. Final!


Anyway I will try, as best as I can, to help you find your answers:


Whats a Tourist per Definition???
To me, and almost surely to Thailand, a tourist per definition is a person that travels to Thailand approx. 1-3 times a year while on vacation from their regular work.




Stay in Holiday 2 or 3 weeks , spend all your money hardly earned and go back Home ???

Yes, that is what usually happens to people when they go on a vacation as a tourist. They are not going on vacation to work in a country without proper permits to make more during the visit.
Then it´s not tourism no more.


Who is setting these limits????

The Central Headquaters of Thailand Immigration Department and the government. Not at all you and your way at looking on rules and regulations.


Why abolish long stayers when they contribute so much to Thai economics??

Why do you suddenly call tourists for long stayers? Thailand does not abolish long stayers, as long as they are aware of which type of visa that is appropriate for their stay.


I sincerely hope that I managed to answer your, IMO, very easy questions. If there is something else you have thought about, feel free to send me a message or reply to this.

First, you cant apply on others what you think is a (short term) Tourist.


Second, There are people saving up money for longer trips and or have regular incomes from their home countries , so unlimited travelling is occuring based on this.


You are stating that HQ are setting these limits, which is nonsense because we all know its not regular practice NOR will be handled the way you describe in near future.


There are also people living as GLOBETROTTERS and stay at some places for indefinite time, travelling within this area, perhaps SEA , so thats a TOURIST isnt it...?


Maybe you cant imagine , there are others then what is your BASIC MODELL of Holiday Tourists, but never defined as such by Thai Authorities NOR Consulates or Embassy which issued TR Visa in a row for decades....



Wikipedia :

Tourism is travel for pleasure; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours.[1] Tourism may be international, or within the traveller's country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".[2]




Though we both agree that travelling to another country for work , isnt a Tourist.


But , it was long time tolerated from IMM that Digital Nomads are living long term on TR Visas , so far to what is practice.


In my situation per example, early retired, not 50 yet, not qualified for Retirement Visa, its the Best and cheapest Option to travel some where else once in a while, and come back even on Visa Exempt entry.

Then extend 30 days, travel again and so on.


I was 2 years on ED Visa ,my first two years here in LOS while i really went to school for Thai language , but they cracked down and complicated the situation, so of course people are looking for alternatives.





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they make it hard because is free , i was there 2 week ago i want setv  they want i show bank i no have with me , so i say i have child   they ask me for birth certificate and  house book of my child and 2000b and give me my non o visa without ask for proof or ticket  that s all != 

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3 hours ago, thetruth revealer said:

First, you cant apply on others what you think is a (short term) Tourist.


Second, There are people saving up money for longer trips and or have regular incomes from their home countries , so unlimited travelling is occuring based on this.


You are stating that HQ are setting these limits, which is nonsense because we all know its not regular practice NOR will be handled the way you describe in near future.


There are also people living as GLOBETROTTERS and stay at some places for indefinite time, travelling within this area, perhaps SEA , so thats a TOURIST isnt it...?


Maybe you cant imagine , there are others then what is your BASIC MODELL of Holiday Tourists, but never defined as such by Thai Authorities NOR Consulates or Embassy which issued TR Visa in a row for decades....



Wikipedia :

Tourism is travel for pleasure; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours.[1] Tourism may be international, or within the traveller's country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".[2]




Though we both agree that travelling to another country for work , isnt a Tourist.


But , it was long time tolerated from IMM that Digital Nomads are living long term on TR Visas , so far to what is practice.


In my situation per example, early retired, not 50 yet, not qualified for Retirement Visa, its the Best and cheapest Option to travel some where else once in a while, and come back even on Visa Exempt entry.

Then extend 30 days, travel again and so on.


I was 2 years on ED Visa ,my first two years here in LOS while i really went to school for Thai language , but they cracked down and complicated the situation, so of course people are looking for alternatives.





Does it really matter what I believe or what my thoughts are? I have to go with the rules and regulations in Thailand for stay here. They are same as I already explained.
There is actually also a term regarding length of stay that defines tourists from long stay, but I will let you find that yourself, as you are not seeing things clear and might want to change that to your advantage too. 

You know that Thailand already have applied the tourist visa 30 day only 2 times a year, and it´s going to get harder as long as people continue to use tourist visa for long stay. There are rules for a reason. Just don´t try to find ways of getting around them. If you not qualify for staying in Thailand within the rules and regulations that exists, just butt out.

Just waiting for the next time they crack down on you. They don´t do it for no reason you know. That´s very rare.

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On 12/21/2016 at 0:16 PM, Briggsy said:

Any more recent reports of SETV applications at Savannakhet? I am thinking of getting one there in January. I have no previous visas from Savannakhet. My last visa was an METV from Liverpool.

Unless you must go to Savannahket, I'd 'pivot' to Vientiane.

Just got my SETV - super-quiet, no supporting documentation requested.


Fast in and fast out next day...under 5 minutes in both instances.

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59 minutes ago, freedomnow said:

Unless you must go to Savannahket, I'd 'pivot' to Vientiane.

Just got my SETV - super-quiet, no supporting documentation requested.


Fast in and fast out next day...under 5 minutes in both instances.

Thanks. But been and done at Savannakhet already. As on the other Savannakhet thread, supporting documents were required.

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Does it really matter what I believe or what my thoughts are? I have to go with the rules and regulations in Thailand for stay here. They are same as I already explained.
There is actually also a term regarding length of stay that defines tourists from long stay, but I will let you find that yourself, as you are not seeing things clear and might want to change that to your advantage too. 

You know that Thailand already have applied the tourist visa 30 day only 2 times a year, and it´s going to get harder as long as people continue to use tourist visa for long stay. There are rules for a reason. Just don´t try to find ways of getting around them. If you not qualify for staying in Thailand within the rules and regulations that exists, just butt out.

Just waiting for the next time they crack down on you. They don´t do it for no reason you know. That´s very rare.

I dont have to  stay here permanently aniway. 

Why would i miss many other beautyful places around the world where i am more then welcome?


Try to see things a bit more relaxed , maybe .


Thailand didnt ``apply the tourist visa 30 day only 2 times a year``,but set a limit of Land  Border Visa exempt re- entries only twice per year.


Nonetheless you can fly in and out without clear restrictions.


You are mixing things up and get confused  from to much reading TV F , i guess.


As long Embassy and Consulates issues those TR Visa, people will use this opportunity.


And if it requires to get new Passports , people will also do that, because they are to dumb connect themself .

As well travelling to other destinations where not applied before, as suggested from Embassy staff frequently .

So , if you  can see clear , you may realize that the Authorities themself make the situation complicated, lack of transparency and unwilling or unaible to set straight rules and enforcement strictly. 





And BTW, here in Chiangmai, there is also a Volunteer Visa available for 21 months in a row .Why would they allow these Foundations operate if not wanting long stayers ? (What actually costs 30 k THB for this period of time.)




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7 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

if you are so obsessed about everybody I think you need to get a life

Not obsessed. Just making a clear point, that you appearently don´t understand. A tourist visa is for visit when free from work, maybe 1-3 times a year. Long stay is totally different, and I just love the rules the Thai immigration are putting in place right now. If you want to stay in Thailand, get a proper visa and apply with the rules. Quite easy, isn´t it?

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17 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

I dont have to  stay here permanently aniway. 

Why would i miss many other beautyful places around the world where i am more then welcome?


Try to see things a bit more relaxed , maybe .


Thailand didnt ``apply the tourist visa 30 day only 2 times a year``,but set a limit of Land  Border Visa exempt re- entries only twice per year.


Nonetheless you can fly in and out without clear restrictions.


You are mixing things up and get confused  from to much reading TV F , i guess.


As long Embassy and Consulates issues those TR Visa, people will use this opportunity.


And if it requires to get new Passports , people will also do that, because they are to dumb connect themself .

As well travelling to other destinations where not applied before, as suggested from Embassy staff frequently .

So , if you  can see clear , you may realize that the Authorities themself make the situation complicated, lack of transparency and unwilling or unaible to set straight rules and enforcement strictly. 





And BTW, here in Chiangmai, there is also a Volunteer Visa available for 21 months in a row .Why would they allow these Foundations operate if not wanting long stayers ? (What actually costs 30 k THB for this period of time.)




Have been relaxed for over 16 years with no problem. Just a last question. If you feel so much more welcome in other places and countries, why are you having so much problem with this. Just choose to stay there instead. Probably make your life much more easy. Just finished with you, because you just don´t want to get it.

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Just now, JackThompson said:

Clearly, that is not the case, or Bank-Books showing long-stay would be disqualifying (they aren't), Rental-Agreements for long-term stays in condos would be disqualifying (they aren't), and there is no change to the policy on total-time/yr on Tourist Visas. 


Clearly, immigration is not shy about applying new rules, but they don't have a problem with people staying long-term who can afford quarterly-travel for a new Tourist-Visa, and can qualify to receive them with Bank-Statements, Rental-Agreements, and Flights.  The change at Savanakhet is on the qualifications only, which are now similar to HCMC and other locations.


You are inventing a definition of what a "tourist visa is for" which is not based on the laws and regulations in place.  Those here long-stay on Tourist-Visas, who comply with the laws and rules, already have a "proper visa."

You just must be joking. So a tourist visa is a proper visa for long stay according to you?
Wow! You just eliminated the word and the meaning of being a tourist. Don´t make me laugh more. Just can´t take it.

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Just now, Get Real said:

You just must be joking. So a tourist visa is a proper visa for long stay according to you?
Wow! You just eliminated the word and the meaning of being a tourist. Don´t make me laugh more. Just can´t take it.

60-days plus 1 30-day extension at a time is fine.  The only restrictions roughly matching your definition of has been applied to visa-exempt entries.  Do you really think the authorities would not have put hard-limits on Tourist Visa use if they disagreed?  As I said before, they are clearly not shy about such things.  The only changes made have been to weed-out those who cannot show funds and the ability to travel.

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7 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

60-days plus 1 30-day extension at a time is fine.  The only restrictions roughly matching your definition of has been applied to visa-exempt entries.  Do you really think the authorities would not have put hard-limits on Tourist Visa use if they disagreed?  As I said before, they are clearly not shy about such things.  The only changes made have been to weed-out those who cannot show funds and the ability to travel.

So far, just wait and see.

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

Not obsessed. Just making a clear point, that you appearently don´t understand. A tourist visa is for visit when free from work, maybe 1-3 times a year. Long stay is totally different, and I just love the rules the Thai immigration are putting in place right now. If you want to stay in Thailand, get a proper visa and apply with the rules. Quite easy, isn´t it?

Apparently YOU dont understand that people can take a longer break as well, maybe GAP YEAR ?????

You are clearly obsessed , yes, and for the sake of ....???

As long people get PROPER TR Visa from the AUTHORITIES , surely they will continue and also get new Passports , why ?

Because it works . Isnt it ???






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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

Have been relaxed for over 16 years with no problem. Just a last question. If you feel so much more welcome in other places and countries, why are you having so much problem with this. Just choose to stay there instead. Probably make your life much more easy. Just finished with you, because you just don´t want to get it.

I choose wherever i wanna stay, whenever i like to.


And , i personally dont have any problems with that .

I have Dual citizenship and deal with these regulations , by switching Passports once in a while and everything is fine.

Even asked the IO recently if thats fine, answer was ``no problem you choose``.





TIT once again.

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3 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Clearly, that is not the case, or Bank-Books showing long-stay would be disqualifying (they aren't), Rental-Agreements for long-term stays in condos would be disqualifying (they aren't), and there is no change to the policy on total-time/yr on Tourist Visas. 


Clearly, immigration is not shy about applying new rules, but they don't have a problem with people staying long-term who can afford quarterly-travel for a new Tourist-Visa, and can qualify to receive them with Bank-Statements, Rental-Agreements, and Flights.  The change at Savanakhet is on the qualifications only, which are now similar to HCMC and other locations.


You are inventing a definition of what a "tourist visa is for" which is not based on the laws and regulations in place.  Those here long-stay on Tourist-Visas, who comply with the laws and rules, already have a "proper visa."

Maybe he wants to explain the authorities their work and tell them  they issue inproper TR Visa repeatedly since decades  ????





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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

You just must be joking. So a tourist visa is a proper visa for long stay according to you?
Wow! You just eliminated the word and the meaning of being a tourist. Don´t make me laugh more. Just can´t take it.

So if its not PROPER VISA, why on earth would the Consulates and Embassy  issue them again and again ??????????



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12 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

So if its not PROPER VISA, why on earth would the Consulates and Embassy  issue them again and again ??????????



I don't particularly care but Indeed I agree. Maybe someone needs to go right to the top of immigration in Bangkok keep pushing and ask the question of what is the point in any other visas or extensions when quite clearly they and there consulates and Embassy's are issuing tourist visa after tourist visa which enables to people to live here indefinitely? It would save us all time and money and negate the need for people to keep money in a bank account for long term extensions.

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1 hour ago, thetruth revealer said:

I choose wherever i wanna stay, whenever i like to.


And , i personally dont have any problems with that .

I have Dual citizenship and deal with these regulations , by switching Passports once in a while and everything is fine.

Even asked the IO recently if thats fine, answer was ``no problem you choose``.





TIT once again.

Funny guy. However, congratulations as long as it works.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello ubonjoe, today my application for a tourist visa got rejected in savanakhet, they asked me for a bank statement proof of funds at least 20k and a dated outgoing plane ticket. I am stuck in laos, my visa expires this sunday february 26th. I already spoke to my thai friend and she said i can apply for a thai bank account. Also buy a plane ticket outward. My question is, can i just go straight out of the bridge and get a 15 day visa? Im filipino. I asked the embassy for advice but they just ignored me and told me to provide them a bank account and ticket. Once i get back to thailand i can process all the paperwork easily. But being here in svanakhet is quite difficult. Need you expert advice about this ubonjoe. Thanks

Sent from my SM-P355 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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